Exercise 5. Find the sentences in:
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

a) Present Simple Active.

b) Present Continuous Active.

Rewrite these sentences and write their tenses.

Exercise 6. Make and write the plan of the text, translate it into Russian

Exercise 7. Ask three questions to the text and translate them into Russian

Exercise 8. Do the test

1. This group ... to the theatre next month.

a) will go

b) go

c) goes

2. We … books from the library last week.

a) took

b) take

c) takes

3. My friend … the Medical University last year.

a) entered

b) enter

c) enters

4. This student … well at the last lesson.

a) answered

b) answer

c) answers

5. We haven’t had ... in summer.

a) fruit                          c) fruit’s

b) fruits                         d) fruits’

6. He is ... stupid than I thought.

a) less                                       c) a little

b) little                                           d) the least

7.  Look at the man standing over there. ... you ... him?

a) Do ... remember                     c) Are ... remembering

b) Did ... remember                    d) Were ... remembering

8. School is open....

a) five days a week.

b) six days a week.

c) four days a week.

9. In the Junior school children learn....

a) English, history, geography, nature study, music and others.

b) read, write and do simple arithmetic.

c) trade and commerce, agriculture, gardening, cooking.

10. There are different types of secondary schools in England, such as....

a) secondary Modern, Technical, Grammar and Comprehensive school.

b) Infant and Junior school.

c) grammar school, secondary modern school and technical school.

11. The leavers of this school receive....

a) the General Certificate of Education.

b) the Advanced Level Certificate.

c) the Diploma.

12. The pupils study there according to the general programme till the age of....

a) thirteen or fifteen.

b) eleven and sixteen or eighteen.

c) eleven and sixteen.

13. Yesterday we had ... fоr dinner.

a) fish                           c) fish’s 

b) fishes                       d) fishs

14. She is ... than I am.  

a) very pretty                                  c) much pretty

b) more pretty                                d) much prettier

15. I heard the news last night, but I ... it today.

a) heard                                      c) have heard

b) didn’t hear                             d) haven’t heard



Контрольная работа №1

Вариант 5


Exercise 1. Rewrite and translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to ending –s. Define what part of speech it is:

а ) Verb in Present Simple (3 pronoun, singular);

b) Noun plural form;

c) Noun in Possessive Case

1. The term engineering is difficult to translate into Russian because it has a lot of meanings.

2. Engineers in this field design, test, build, and operate machinery of all types.

3. Electronic engineering deals with the research, design, and application of circuits and devices used in the transmission and processing of information.

4. Major developments in this field are the replacement of analogue systems with digital systems and copper cables with fibre optics.

5. Digital systems lower electrical noise.

6. It involves the knowledge of aerodynamics, structural design, propulsion engines, navigation, communication and other related areas.

7. Russia’s system of engineering education is well developed.

8. One never knows the result of experiment.

9. Stephenson’s early locomotives were used to carry loads in coal mines.

10. The former is based on atomic physics, the latter – on the achievements of modern science and engineering.


Exercise 2. Rewrite and translate the sentences into Russian, define the tense.
1) Application software is merely a general-purpose instrument.

2) Civil engineering started developing with the rise of ancient Rome.

3) The post-war era has given the biggest boost to concrete.

4) What new branches of engineering did appear in the middle of the 20th century?

5) When he was working an idea came to him as to how to make his work better.

6) At present there are hundreds of subdivisions of engineering.
7) Hydraulic engineering includes the construction of dams and power plants.

8) Nuclear engineers developed methods to shield people from the harmful radiation produced by nuclear reactors
9) Civil engineering deals with the design of large buildings, roads, bridges, dams, canals and other constructions.

10) Space engineering includes the study and development of rocket engines, artificial satellites, and spacecraft for the exploration of outer spase.

Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 313.