The article is headlined 'Biography John Constable(British, 1776-1837)
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The article deals with the problem of the Constable creative works.

The author points out that Constable worked hard to win general recognition as a famous painter. He cites Constable's words that 'there is no easy way of becoming a good painter'.

The author focuses his attention on that Constable's first works passed unnoticed. The author gives the readers some information on Constable's first sale of his pictures.

It is underlined that Constable's finances were in a bad way for a long time. Constable had to paint portrait commissions though he was a landscape-painter.

The author makes an emphasis that Constable was a success when he showed the first of his six-foot canvases of river subjects, 'The White Horse', at the Academy.

The author reveals that Constable like Turner studied natural phenomena.

In the end the article reports the way Constable was elected to full membership of the Royal Academy.




The article is headlined 'From the history of British painting'.

The article deals with the problem of the development of three art forms in 1750-1850.

It is underlined that portraiture was the heart in British painting in that period.

The great part of the article is devoted to the analysis of the tremendous contribution of Sir Joshua Reynolds to British painting.

The article contains a detailed information of Reynolds’s principles about painting The author reveals another trend in British art. He calls it the great school of landscape painting. Gainsborough, Constable, Blake and Turner were in the opposition to Reynolds' principles.

The author gives some information on their thoughts about painting.

The author proves that they were of the opinion that art had to be based on the observation of nature and feelings rather than reason.


The article is headlined 'Biography William Hogarth'.

The article deals with the problem of the Hogarth importance for development of British painting. The aim of the author is to prove that Hogarth was a great innovator in British art. He created an original genre of moral history known as Hogarthian.

The author singles out several key episodes in the Hogarth life that determined his career as a painter.

The author gives the readers some information on that Hogarth set up in business as an engraver at the start in his life.

The great emphasis is made on that Hogarth created 'pictorial dramas' and reached wider public through the means of engraving. The author points out that criminal reports in the newspapers made good subjects for 'modern history' series painting.

It's interesting to note that a reason of the Hogarth creative activity was his rivalry other painters who lived the same period.

The author focused his attention on relations between Hogarth and Reynolds. They didn't work in collaboration with each other. Hogarth is underlined to have challenged Reynolds.

In the end the author reports that Hogarth won recognition of Society. He was appointed Sergeant-Painter to the King. It was an honorary and privileged position.


The article is headlined ''Biography Thomas Gainsborough, (1727-1788).

The article deals with the problem of the Gainsborough creative works.

The aim of the article is to give the readers some information on the life and painting works of Gainsborough.

The author tries to follow the key milestones of the painter's lifetime. The peak of his career is when Gainsborough became a favorite painter of the Royal Family.

The author singles out two main trends in the works of Gainsborough: portrait and landscape painting. It' s interesting to note that Gainsborough sometimes said that portraiture was his profession and landscape painting was his pleasure.

The author gives a brief analysis of diverse sources influenced on Gainsborough's style. He reveals the impact of French engraving, Dutch landscape painting , a van Dyck and Rybens painting. But it's obvious that Gainsborough was an independent and original genius.

In conclusion the author makes a comparison of Gainsborough and Reynolds as painters. They lived the same period and were the rivals. Though they are the great painters it's very difficult to find out something identical in their style of life , habits and passions. However, the author makes a special emphasis on that both of the painters had great mutual respect.

Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 300.