Subject Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
I MY — My friend is from Minsk.
YOU YOUR — Your friend is from Kiev.
HE HIS — His friend is from Alma-Ata.
SHE HER — Her friend is from Murmansk.
IT ITS — Russia is famous for its ballet.
WE OUR — Our friends are from America.
YOU YOUR — Your friends are from England.
THEY THEIR — Their friends are from Holland.


NOTE:  Its and It’s

Its  Oxford is famous for its University.

It’s I like Oxford. It’s a nice city.

Exercise 13. Put in my or your.


  1. What’s ___ address?
  2. Hello. ___ name’s Bond. James Bond.
  3. “Is ___ phone number 351-4402?” — “Yes, that’s right.”
  4. “___ name’s Robert, isn’t?” — No, it’s Mike.”
  5. ___ house number is 25, not 15.

Exercise 14.  Put in her or his.

1. ___ name’s Brigitte.

  1. ___ name’s Lee. He is from China.
  2. Is Marcos ___ first name or ___ surname?
  3. Paul is a student. ___ friends are students too.
  4. Rosie is from Brighton. ___ phone number is 32-294.
  5. Mary is from England. ___ address is 35, Baker Street.


Exercise 15. Complete the paragraph with the Possessive Adjectives our or their and the Pronouns we or they.

I’m Pedro and this is my wife Daphnie. ___ (1) are Mexican. ___ (2) house is in Mexico City. ___ (3) two children are students. They are both university students. ___ (4) friends are Americans. ___ (5) names are Bob and Sandra and ___ (6) house is in Detroit. ___ (7) children are students too.

Exercise 16. Put in Possessive Adjectives.

1. I like football. It’s ___ favourite sport.

  1. “What’s ___ address?” — “My address is 20 North Street, Liverpool.”
  2. We live in Kiev. ___ flat is in the city centre.
  3. They’re at the party with ___ friends.
  4. Alice is from Italy. ___ home town is Milan.
  5. He’s in ___ office.
  6. Amsterdam is famous for ___ canals.

Telling time

analogue digital normal use timetables, TV, etc.
6:00 It's 6 o'clock  
6:05 It's 5 past 6. It's six oh five.
6:15 It's quarter past 6. It's six fifteen.
6:30 It's half past 6. It's six thirty.
6:35 It's 25 to 7. It's six thirty-five.
6:45 It's quarter to seven. It's six forty-five.
6:55 It's 5 to 7. It's six fifty-five.
7:00   It's 7o'clock.    

The clock


Exercise 17. What time is it?

Adverbs of frequency

Exercise 18. Rewrite each sentence with the adverb of frequency (in brackets) in its correct position.

Example:  I play tennis on Sundays. (often)

Answer: I often play tennis on Sundays.


  1. Peter doesn’t get up before seven. (usually)
  2. Peggy and Frank are late. (often)
  3. They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)
  4. My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)
  5. I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)
  6. Our friends must write tests. (often)
  7. Pete gets angry. (never)
  8. Tom is very friendly. (usually)
  9. Ramon and Frank are hungry. (often)
  10. Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)
  11. Christine smokes. (never)

To have got

HAVE GOT is used to talk about:

w possession

She’ got three cars. / Have you got a car? / We’ve got two children.

w illness

I’ve got a bad cold? Has he got a headache?

w descriptions

He’s got brown hair, blue eyes and a long nose.

Positive form

I You have got a large family. = I’ve/You’ve got a large family.
He She has got a well-paid job. = He’s/She’s got a well-paid job.
It has got a lovely garden. = It’s got a lovely garden.
We You They have got a lot of friends. = We’ve/You’ve/They’ve got a lot of friends.

Exercise 19. Write sentences with have got and has got. Use the short forms ‘ve got and ‘s got.

Example:  She ___ a beautiful bedroom. — She’s got a beautiful bedroom.

1. You ___ a very nice bike.

  1. He ___ very long hair.
  2. They ___ two houses.
  3. David ___ a very good job.
  4. We ___ a lot of problems.
  5. Sarah ___ a new car.
  6. Nelly ___ a bad memory for figures.

Negative form


I You have not got much money. = I’ve/You’ve got much money.
He She has not got any problems. = He’s/She’s got any problems.
It has not got a shopping centre. = It’s got a shopping centre.
We You They have not got many neighbours. = We’ve/You’ve/They’ve got many neighbours.

Exercise 20. Make the following sentences negative.

1. We’ve got some butter in the fridge.

  1. He’s got a brother.
  2. She’s got a lot of friends at school.
  3. I’ve got Jenny’s telephone number in my address book.
  4. They’ve got some fish for dinner.
  5. You’ve got a lot of homework to do tonight.
  6. This town has got a lot of pubs, cafés and restaurants.

General questions


Have I you


a pen? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. Has he she a car? Yes, he/she has. / No, he/she hasn’t. Has it a garage? Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t. Have we you they any brothers? Yes, we/you/they have. / No, we/you/they haven’t.

Exercise 21. Write general questions. Give short answers.

Example:  You/a camera? — Have you got a camera? — Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.


1. Your father /a car?

2. Carol/many friends?

3. Your parents/a country cottage?

4. You/much money?

5. She/any news from her relatives?

6. We/much time?

Alternative questions

Have you we they


a large


a small family? — I’/ We They’ve got a large family. Has he she a new an old camera? — He/She’s got a new one. Has It a lovely a terrible view? — It’s got a lovely view.

Exercise 22. Ask alternative questions with the following words. Give answers with one or ones where possible.

Example:  Bob/a new/an old car? — Has Bob got a new or an old car? — He’s got a new one.

Susan/long/short hair? — She’s got long hair.

1. They/a big/a small flat?

  1. Helen/a brother/a sister?
  2. His grandparents/a one-story/a two-storey country house?
  3. They/two/three children?

Special questions

What have you got in your bag? — Some things.
What kind of (things) have you got? — Only necessary ones.
Which (books) have you got at home? — Different ones.
Why has he got so many problems? — He’s a careless person.
How many (friends) have you got? — A lot.
How much (time) have we got? — Not much.
Who has got a pet? — I have.

Exercise 23. Write questions. Use have got in the correct form.

Example: — Tim is a very good photographer. — What kind of camera has he got?

1. — I’m rich. — How much money ___?

  1. — Jane and Tom live in a very nice house. — How many rooms ___?
  2. — My case is heavy. — What ___ in it?
  3. — Frank’s new car is very good. — What kind of car ___?
  4. — My sister has got a family of her own. — How many children ___?
  5. — Max’s got some books by Sidney Sheldon. — Which books ___?
  6. — Rita’s got some problems with maths. — Why ___ problems?


Exercise 24. Put in the correct form of have got.

  1. They are fond of animals. They ___ three dogs, two cats and a budgie.
  2. ___ you ___ today’s newspaper?
  3. It’s a nice town. It ___ a very nice shopping centre.
  4. How many sisters ___ you ___?
  5. Where’s my newspaper? — I don’t know. I ___ it.
  6. Jack ___ any money. He’s very poor.

Exercise 25. Ask questions about the information in italics.

Example:  Yes, I’ve got a big flat. Have you got a big flat?

1. He’s got a lot of friends.

  1. My parents have got some pets in their flat.
  2. No, I haven’t got many relatives.
  3. Yes, we’ve got some plans for our summer holiday.
  4. They’ve got different furniture in their living room.
  5. Olga has got her English classes on Monday.

Tag questions

I have got a lot of friends, haven’t I? — Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
He She It has got a large family, some rare books, a powerful engine, hasn’t he? she? it? — Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t. — Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t. — Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t.
We You They have got a good computer, haven’t we? you? they? — Yes, we have. / No, we haven’t. — Yes, you have./No, you haven’t. — Yes, they have./No, they haven’t.
I haven’t got any problems, have I? — No, I haven’t. / Yes, I have.
He She It hasn’t got a laser printer, a video camera, a safety belt, has he? she? it? — No, he hasn’t. / Yes, he has. — No, she hasn’t. / Yes, she has. — No, it hasn’t. / Yes, it has.
We You They haven’t got children, have we? you? they? — No, we haven’t. / Yes, we have. — No, you haven’t./Yes, you have. — No, they haven’t./Yes, they have.

There is/are

Positive sentence

There is a pen and two books

on his desk.

There are two books and a pen

Exercise 26. Complete the sentences with the right form of the word to be.


Example:  There is a book and two pens on the table. There are two pens and a book on the table.


  1. There ___ four people in my family.
  2. There ___ a good clothes shop not far from here.
  3. There ___ two men at the door.
  4. There ___ a lot of people at the concert today.
  5. There ___ a policewoman over there.
  6. There ___ a dog and a cat in the garden.
  7. There ___ no money in my bank account.
  8. There ___ no news from my friends.

Negative sentence


is not (isn’t) an armchair

in his living-room.

are not (aren’t) any


(are) (no)

Exercise 27. Rewrite the following sentences with no.

1. There aren’t any pictures on the walls.

  1. I’m afraid there isn’t any coffee left.
  2. There isn’t any news from her.
  3. There aren’t any chairs in the kitchen.
  4. There aren’t any shops in this part of the town.

General questions

Short answers


a library


Yes, there is (one). / No, there isn’t.
Are any shops Yes, there are (some). / No, there aren’t (any).

Exercise 28. Make these sentences into general questions.

Example: There is a good film on TV in the evening. — Is there a good film on TV in the evening?

There are some letters in the mail box. — Are there any letters in the mail box?

There are a lot of beautiful buildings there. — Are there many beautiful buildings there?

1. There is always a lot of traffic in the city in the rush hour.

  1. There are a lot of people without jobs in India.
  2. There’s a TV serial every day.
  3. There are some cars in the parking area.
  4. There’s a new restaurant down the street.

Exercise 29. Complete the sentences with there’s, there are, is there or are there.

Example: ___ a beach down here. — There’s a beach down here.

___ four girls and two boys in her family. — There are four girls and two boys in her family.

___ a telephone in the flat? — Is there a telephone in the flat?


  1. ___ a train to Manchester?
  2. ___ a new disco near the college.
  3. ___ a good restaurant in this street?
  4. ___ many people in the pool?
  5. ___ a big grey cloud over there.

Alternative questions

Is there a newspaper or a magazine on the table?   — A magazine.

Are there good films on TV tonight or tomorrow? — Tonight.

Exercise 30. Ask alternative questions with the following words. Give answers.

Example: A film / a concert / at the club tonight? — Is there a film or a concert at the club tonight? — There’s a concert at the club tonight.

1. Tea / coffee / in the pot?

  1. Any interesting sights / in the city centre / on the outskirts?
  2. Chairs / armchairs / in the sitting room?
  3. Photos / posters / on the walls in her room?
  4. A football match / a hockey match / on TV this weekend?
  5. Books / on the shelves / on the table?


Special questions

What is


in your bag? — Two books and a pencil. How many girls are in your group? — Only three. How much furniture is in your flat? — Not much. What kind of (books) are in the library? — On different subjects.


NOTE: You can’t ask Where is/are there...?

There’s always a lot of traffic in the centre.

Where is always much traffic? — In the centre.


Exercise 31. Complete the sentences.

Example:  How much money is there on you? — Only 10$.

How many people are there at your party? — Twelve.

What is there on the chair? — My clothes.

1. ___ ___ dollars ___ ___ in your wallet? — 25$.

  1. ___ ___ ___ on the floor? — My shoe.
  2. ___ ___ furniture ___ ___ in your flat? — Not much.
  3. ___ ___ ___ in your pencil case? — Some colour pencils and a pen.
  4. ___ ___ apple trees ___ ___ in your garden?
  5. ___ ___ money ___ ___ in his bank account? — Quite a lot, I think.

Exercise 32. Ask general questions and “How much / many ...” questions. Give short negative answers.

Example:  books on the shelf? — Are there any books on the shelf?

— How many books are there on the shelf? — There aren’t any.

1) letters for me?

2) money on you?

3) restaurants in the park?

4) clothes in the wardrobe?

5) people in the street?

6) butter in the fridge?

7) furniture in the room?

8) supermarkets on the outskirts?

Exercise 33. Ask questions about the information in italics.

Example:  There are some good hotels in London. — What kind of hotels are there in London?

There are two armchairs in the room. Where are the armchairs?


  1. Yes, there are some very cheap restaurants in Soho in London.
  2. There’s a telephone near here.
  3. There are a lot of beautiful parks in Moscow.
  4. There’s a bottle of sparkling water in the fridge.
  5. No, there aren’t many high buildings in my home town.
  6. There’s a man at the door.
  7. There are only four major TV channels in Britain.

Exercise 34. Put in there or it.

Remember:  There’s a train at 9.30. It’s a fast train. (It = the 9.30 train)

There’s a lot of sugar in this cake. It’s too sweet. (It = this cake)

1. — ___ (a) is a good programme on TV tonight. ___ (b) is about computers.

— I’m not interested in computers. Is ___ (c) a long programme?

— No, only half an hour. Why?

— Because ___ (b) is another programme I want to watch at 10.30.

2. — Excuse me, is ___ (a) a bank near here?

— Yes, ___ (b) is one on the corner of Broad Street.

— Is ___ (c) open at lunchtime?

— Yes, I think so.

3. — This is a new Chinese restaurant.

— Is ___ (a) expensive?

— I don’t think so. Look, ___ (b) is an empty table. Let’s go in.

Tag questions

There is a Book Fair in the Cultural Centre, isn’t there? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

There aren’t many problems with this new job, are there? No, there aren’t. / Yes, there are.

Exercise35. Give the correct tag to these sentences.

  1. There’s a restaurant in the park, ___?
  2. There isn’t much time left, ___?
  3. There aren’t enough serious programmes on television, ___?
  4. There are a lot of mistakes in his test, ___?
  5. There’s no milk in the fridge, ___?
  6. There isn’t any tea in the pot, ___?
  7. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet, ___?
  8. There aren’t many old buildings here, ___?

The Past Simple Tense

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