How to Introduce Yourself to a Roomful of People
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

At times, a self-introduction may be one-sided – such as when a roomful of people are asked to introduce themselves. In this case, you may be asked to provide specific information, but at other times you may be free to respond in any manner you choose. The first case is easy – just remember to include a greeting, your name, and all the requested information (regardless of the responses of previous participants).

Focus On Three Things Only

When the introduction details are your choice, be conversational and brief, focusing on only three things. The idea is to build rapport. By choosing just three things, your introduction will be more memorable. For example, for a very short introduction I might say something like,

“Hi, everyone. I’m Lisa, Lisa Marshall. I’m a professional speaker and author who enjoys dancing and photography.”

For a longer answer I might say something like…

“Hi, everyone. I’m Lisa, Lisa B. Marshall. I’m a professional speaker and author. I specialize in communication skills and I’m excited because my new audiobook on interviewing skills will be released shortly. I enjoy dancing, although I’m not that good at it. I really love Latin music and salsa dancing is my favorite. I also enjoy photography. In fact, I am thinking of buying myself a digital SLR for my upcoming birthday.”

 Lisa B. Marshall


5. Read the text and do the tasks below.

Hello. My name is Paul Simon. I am British. I am from Bristol, which is situated on the river Avon, in the South–West of England. I’m a language student at Christ Church College in Oxford. Christ Church College is quite famous and I’m proud to be a student of it. I’m twenty. I’m not married yet, I’m single. My new friends are from various countries – Spain, Italy, France, Ger­many, Holland and Japan, too. We are very friendly but it isn’t quite easy to understand each other. You see, our accents are so different! Sabine is French. Her home town is Bordeaux. She is in her late teens. Sabine is very smart and her English is rather good. She is keen on clas­sical music and art. Mr Lewis, our language teacher is from Manchester. He is intelligent, experienced and always ready to help. My favourite subjects are Litera­ture and History. I’m also interested in Natural Sciences and I’m good at sports. My hobbies are table tennis and computer games.

Am I happy here? Yes, sure. The only trouble is my parents are far away and I feel a bit lonely sometimes.

6. Are the following sentences true or false? If false, say why.

  1. Paul is British.
  2. He is a History student.
  3. His friends are from Britain and Holland.
  4. Mr Lewis is a language student.
  5. He is not very clever.
  6. Sabine is from France.
  7. It’s not easy to understand Sabine because of her French accent.
  8. Paul is keen on music and tennis.
  9. His hobbies are computer games and art.
  10. Paul is proud to be a student at Christ Church College.


7. Here are the answers to some questions about the text. Ask the questions.

1 ____________________? — Paul.
2 ____________________? — Simon.
3 ____________________? — From Bristol.
4 ____________________? — In Oxford.
5 ____________________? — 20.
6 ____________________? — He’s single.
7 ____________________? — From various countries.
8 ____________________? — She isn’t German. She is French.
9 ____________________? — She’s in her late teens.
10 ____________________? — Classical music.
11 ____________________? — A language teacher.
12 ____________________? — Clever and experienced.



Vocabulary Practice

8. Express the following in one word.


introduce,  greeting, polite,  clever, skill, experienced 


1 having or showing good manners, consideration for others, and correct social behaviour   

2   to tell someone’s name to a person or group of people, so that they meet formally

3 a form of words or an action used on meeting someone

4 knowing a lot about life, people, etc.

5 good at learning and understanding things quickly

6 ability to do something well

9. Match the words of similar meaning.

1 clever                                                                   a   different
2 keen                            b answer          
3 various                               c smart
4 memorable                     d act or behave towards
5  treat            e very interested in                                          
6 response f   well-known
7 famous g unforgettable

10. Match the words to their opposites.

1   early                                                                a   to respond
2 easy                         b single           
3 polite                              c  late
4 different                      d   to forget
5 married                  e (the) same                                     
6 experienced f rude/impolite 
7 to remember g difficult
8 to request h inexperienced

11. Choose the corresponding English word.

1 опытный a)   experience b)  experienced              c)   inexperienced
2   умный a) intelligible            b)  intelligence  c)   intelligent
3 вежливость       a) politely b) polite       c)   politeness
4 род занятий           a) occupy b) occupation c)   occupancy
5 заявление a) application        b) apply  c)   applicant
5 полная комната a)  roomer  b)  roominess c)   roomful

12. Fill in the correct word from the list below. Some words may be used more than once.

meet, introduce, polite, experienced, inexperienced, greeting
  1. “Good morning,” I said, but she didn’t return the ... .
  2. Let me ... Mr Henry Shaw, our Marketing Manager.
  3. Mum, Dad, I want you to ... my friend Sheila.
  4. It is not considered ... to ask a lady how old she is.
  5. I was young and relatively ... in dealing with members of the opposite sex.
  6. Paul liked to turn to more ... people for advice.
  7. She’s always extremely ... to me, but I never know what she is really thinking.
  8. ... managers often have problems with their staff.

Grammar Review

Days and Dates


What day is it today? — (It’s) Monday.
What date is it today? — (It’s) September 25th
When is your birthday? — (It’s) in March.

25/09 ... — the twenty-fifth of September or September the twenty-fifth

1919 — nineteen nineteen

1800 — eighteen hundred

1805 — eighteen-oh-five




Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday January February  March April May June  July August September   October    November December winter spring summer autumn

13. Dictate the ordinal numbers in any order to your partner. Check what they have written.

14. Practise saying these important dates in the Russian calendar.

a) 07/01 23/02   b) 08/03   c) 01/05   d) 12/06   e) 22/08 f) 04/10


Prepositions of Time

At in on no preposition 1. + time of the day at 2 o’clock at midnight at noon (= 12 o’clock in the daytime) at lunchtime 2. + weekends at the weekend at weekends 3. + public holiday at Christmas; at Easter 1. + a part of the day in the morning in the afternoon in the evening BUT: at night 2. + longer periods (months, seasons, years, etc.) in July; in (the) summer; in 1998; in the sixties; in the 20th century 1. + a day on Monday on Wednesday on Saturday on Christmas day 2. + a day + a part of the day on Monday morning on Saturday night on Wednesday evening 1. before next, last, this next week last night this year 2. before today, tomorrow, yesterday, tonight

15. Put in the correct preposition at / on / in or .


1. ___ 8 July 2. ___ Wednesday 3. ___ 4 pm 4. ___ spring 5. ___ the morning 6. ___ Friday evening 7. ___ Christmas 8. ___ night 9. ___ the weekend 10. ___ tomorrow evening

16. Complete the following sentences with the correct preposition of time.

  1. My birthday is ___ January. In fact it’s ___ January 15th.
  2. I work best ___ night.
  3. I start work every morning ___ 9.00 am.
  4. My English class is ___ Friday afternoon.
  5. My mother was born ___ the fifties.
  6. Usually I’ve got lots of presents ___ New Year’s Day.
  7. Our town is quiet ___ weekends.
  8. The football match is ___ Sunday.
  9. ___ autumn it’s always rainy.


17. Work with your partner. Take it in turns to ask and answer the questions.

  1. When is your birthday?
  2. Was your mother born in the fifties?
  3. What do you do on New Year’s Eve?
  4. Do you have a big family meal on New Year’s Eve?
  5. What time of day do you work best?
  6. What time do you start work?
  7. Do you ever have a nap in the afternoon?
  8. What time do you go to bed?


18. Complete the following tag questions.


You learn English, don’t you?

Your sister doesn’t go to university, does she?

You are 20 years old, aren’t you?

She isn’t a journalist, is she?

  1. You are a first year student, ...?
  2. You aren’t married, ...?
  3. You read a lot, ...?
  4. He is interested in music, ...?
  5. They do sports, ...?
  6. Your brother studies medicine, ...?
  7. She doesn’t speak French, ...?
  8. He is going to apply to university, ...?
  9. Your sister is a college graduate, ...?
  10. Her parents come from Scotland, ...?
  11. You are going to be an architect, ...?
  12. You look like your father, ...?


19. Work with a partner. Complete the tag questions; act out the following dialogue.

Applying for a job


Interviewer: Come in. Please, sit down. It’s Mr Robbins, ...?
Mr. Robbins: Yes, that’s right. Good afternoon.
Interviewer: Good afternoon. Well, I’ve got your application form here. I just want to check the information. Is that all right?
Mr. Robbins: Yes, of course.
Interviewer: Now, you are 21, ...
Mr. Robbins: Yes, I am.
Interviewer: And you are not married, ...?
Mr. Robbins: No, I’m not ... not yet.
Interviewer: You went to secondary school and technical college, ...?
Mr. Robbins: Yes, I did.
Interviewer: But you didn’t go to university, ...?
Mr. Robbins: No, I didn’t. I started work after finishing school.
Interviewer: I see. You can speak French and Russian, ...?
Mr. Robbins: Yes, I can, but not fluently. I can speak French better than Russian.
Interviewer: But you can’t speak Spanish, ...?
Mr. Robbins: No, I’m afraid I can’t,
Interviewer: And your hobby is travelling, ...?
Mr. Robbins: Yes, it is. And I also like doing a lot of other things.
Interviewer: Well, thank you very much.

20. Work with your partner. Imagine you are going to get a new job and you are being interviewed by a Personnel Department officer. Complete the conversation.

Officer: Please, come in. Sit down.
Officer: Now, what’s your name?
Officer: Ah, yes. Now, when did you finish school?
Officer: Fine. And where did you go to school?
Officer: And what were your best subjects?
Officer: I see. And what subjects didn’t you like studying?
Officer: Why?
Officer: And hobbies... What do you like doing in your spare time?
Officer: What sort of job do you want to do?
Officer: Why do you think you’d like doing that?
Officer: Well, thank you very much.

21. Work in pairs or small groups. Practise asking and answering the following questions.

1. What is your full name?

2. How old are you?

3. When were you born?

4. How would you describe where you come from (your origins, ancestry or background)?

5. Where do you live now?

6. What is your address?

7. What is your telephone number?

8. When did you finish school?

9. What subjects were you especially good at?

10. Were you good at English?

11. What sort of person are you?

12. What do you do now?

13. What university did you apply to?

14. What are you going to be upon graduation?

15. Are you sure you have made the right choice?

16. What are you interested in?

17. What are your leisure time activities?

18. What do you like/dislike doing?

19. Have you got many friends?

20. What do they do?


22. Make notes about yourself under the headings, then talk about yourself.

· name

· age / date of birth

· where I live / place of origin

· occupation

· family (marital status)

23. Work in pairs following the instruction:

Write down in note form some details of a famous person’s life; date and place of birth; what sort of family he/she was born into; education; career; first job; what he /she was famous for, etc. Bring your notes to the lesson.

Student A. Ask student В questions to find out as much as you can about the famous person and try to guess his/her name.

v Definite Questions (expecting factual reply)

— When/where (was he born)?

— Which (college did he attend)?

— How long (did he spend in...)?

— Did he ever (travel to... / produce something by writing, such as a book, a poem, or a song / appear in... / perform in a play or film / act in... / play the part of ...)?


v Tentative Questions (expecting speculative reply)

— Do you happen to know... when/where he was born?

— You don’t know (You don’t happen to know) when/if..., do you?

— I don’t suppose you know (Have you got any idea) when/where (he was born)?

— He was born in ..., wasn’t he?

— I always thought (I had an idea) he was born in..., wasn’t he?


Student B. Answer Student A’s questions supplying the necessary information from the notes prepared at home.

Lesson 2. Daily LIFE


                                                                                   By doing nothing we learn to do ill.                 

                                                                                                                English saying                                                


1. Study the following quotations about work and discuss which ones you most, or least, agree with.

  1. The reason why worry kills more people than work is that more people worry than work. (Robert Frost)
  2. Anyone can do any amount of work provided it isn’t the work he is supposed to be doing at the moment. (Richard Bach)
  3. The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work. (Richard Bach)
  4. Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. (Aristotle)
  5. Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with excellence. (Author Unknown)

2. Read the text and answer the questions below.

                                           PLANNING ONE’S DAILY ROUND

Have you ever thought that 24 hours isn’t enough to do all you have to do? All of us have so many duties and obligations! In addition to the daily routine at offices, schools, hospitals, etc., we have always got some housework to do and shopping, we have to cook the meals and keep the house clean. It is really surprising how much work some people manage to do! But it often happens that we don’t have enough time to do everything and put it off till “some other time”. What do you think is the reason? Why do some people manage and not others?

A lot depends on how you plan your daily round. If you plan your day carefully, you’ll be able to do more and it takes you less time.

Planning the day is especially necessary for people who want to make time for important things. Many outstanding people say that a daily timetable has helped them greatly to achieve what they have.

1. Do you agree that 24 hours isn’t enough to do all we have to do?

2. Do you often put off things till some other time? Why?

3. Do you find it necessary to plan your daily round? Give your reasons.

4. Some people say that a strict timetable makes life dull and uninteresting. What do you think?


3 . Read the text below. Use your dictionary to help.


Friday morning. The alarm clock goes off at 7. Paul usually gets up easily but not this time. It’s not simple to wake up so early if you go to bed at 3 in the morning. He can hardly open his eyes. Half an hour passes before Paul finally makes himself get up. He is still sleepy. He slowly gets dressed and looks out of the window. It’s drizzling and the sidewalk is wet. There’s nobody in sight. The campus looks deserted. But Paul goes jogging every morning, whatever the weather. He sighs, puts on his sneakers and goes out. Twenty minutes later he comes back and takes a long shower. As usual jogging and a cold shower do him good. He is wide awake now. Paul looks at the clock. It’s 8.15. Time for breakfast. He goes to the kitchen to make coffee. A cup of coffee is always reviv­ing, especially after the party like yesterday’s. He smiles at the thought of that delicious birthday cake. But the smile vanishes the moment he remembers his schedule for today. He’s got three classes on Friday.

9.00–10.30 – German Class

11.00–12.30 – Political System of Germany

14.00–15.30 – German Literature

Anything else? An appointment with his tutor at 4 o’clock. He completely forgot! And there’s an essay to finish! When in the world can he do that? He suddenly remembers: lunch time (12.30—14.00). Well, he can’t afford a regular lunch today, just a quick snack. It gives him at least an extra hour more to finish his essay and get ready for the discussion. His tutor is always very critical of his students’ homework. You must know your subject well enough to answer his tricky questions.

8.50. Paul rushes out of the house. It doesn’t take him long to get to the college. So at 8.55 he is at the universi­ty. All the students in his class are already there. They’re very glad to see Paul. And so is he. At 9 o’clock Mr Lewis comes in and the class starts. Mr Lewis’s classes are Paul’s favourite ones. Time flies quickly. He enjoys the class so much that the end of the class at 10.30 always comes as a surprise. 10.30–11.00. Coffee break. Paul and the other students go to a coffee bar to have a chat over a cup of coffee. 11.00. Back to another class. It’s rather difficult for Paul to concentrate on the subject, all the more so he doesn’t like it too much. It isn’t as in­teresting as Mr Lewis’s German Class. Honestly Paul finds it boring.

12.30. Lunch time. Everybody hurries to the dining hall. But Paul doesn’t. At lunchtime he is at his desk in his room. So much work to do and so little time! Paul opens his essay book and starts writing. When he looks at the clock, it’s ten minutes past 2. He is late for the class but he feels great. His essay is ready! The thought is very comforting. Friday’s last class is German Literature, an­other of Paul’s favourites. It’s always very interesting and instructive. After the class Paul has got half an hour to look through the essay and his notes. He is no longer afraid of the coming meeting. He feels sure of himself.

The session goes well. The students discuss their es­says. The tutor makes some critical remarks but on the whole he’s quite pleased with their work. Finally he sets work for them to do and they part till next time. On his way home Paul drops in at the student pub. He takes a glass of beer and sits down at the table next to his friends. He looks around. The pub is crowded, as usual at this time. Everybody is laughing and talking. Loud music is playing. But nobody is dancing. It’s too early for that. Paul suddenly feels very tired. He says good-bye to his friends and leaves the pub. The thing is that there is a concert of a Spanish guitar player at the club at 8. Paul doesn’t want to miss it but he needs some rest. The con­cert finishes at 11.30. When Paul comes back home, it’s nearly midnight. At long last the hard day is over! He takes off his clothes and goes to bed straightaway. 5 min­utes later he is fast asleep.


4. Are the following statements true or false? If false, say why.

1. On Friday mornings Paul never gets up before 8.15.

2. Paul always goes to bed until midnight.

3. Paul doesn’t care about the weather when he goes jogging.

4. He almost never has a regular lunch in the after­noon. Instead, he has a quick snack.

  1. Paul’s college is a five minutes’ walk from the hall where he lives.

6. Paul doesn’t like all the subjects he’s studying but only some of them.

7. Paul is self-confident because he’s always ready for his classes.

8. He feels comfortable at the thought that his essay is ready.

9. The tutor is displeased with Paul’s work and he tells him to come next time.

10. There’s a student pub not far from Paul’s hall.

11. After classes Paul doesn’t drop in the pub because he is too tired.

12. In the evening he goes to the pub to see a concert of a Spanish guitar player.


5. Render the text in Russian.



(Some important rules suggested by psychologists)

1. Rest before you get tired (not after).

2. Learn to relax. If you are having hard times find a quiet half-hour all for yourself to gain strength.

3. Don’t forget about four good working habits:

· clean your desk of all papers except those you need at hand;

· do things in order of their importance;

· when you face a problem, first analyse the facts, then make a decision;

· learn to organize things.

4. Put enthusiasm into your work; it’s the only way to enjoy what you are doing.

5. Remember: no one was ever killed by doing well-organized work.

6. Don’t be a mental loafer. Don’t be afraid to concentrate on some ideas, to think hard and to exercise your will and memory.


6. Express the following in one word.


habit,  schedule, will, loafer, self-confident   


1 mental power by which a person can direct his thoughts and actions

2 sure that you can do things successfully, and not afraid or nervous in social situations 

3   (an example of) person’s usual behaviour

4 programme or timetable for work

5 person who is idle

7. Match the words of similar meaning.

1 worried                                                                a   disappear
2  drop in                        b  idleness
3 go away c nervous
4 laziness                          d leave
5 dull                e visit (informally)
6 vanish            f  boring                                 

8. Match the words to their opposites.

1   wake up                                                                      a   take off
2 get up b go to sleep/fall asleep
3 put on                        c boring          
4  remember                       d deserted
5 interesting                  e   go to bed
6  crowded              f  fail                                    
7 manage g forget

9. Choose the corresponding English word.

1 высокое качество a)   excellence  b) excellent              c) excel   
2   совершенство, безупречность a) perfect      b) perfectly  c)   perfection
3 важность, значимость       a) important b) importance          c) importantly
4 успешно a)  success b) successful c) successfully
5 решение a) decide b) decisive c) decision
6 мысль a) think b) thought c) thoughtful
7 оживлять, приводить в чувство          a) revive b) revival c) reviver
8  усталость a) tired        b) tiresome  c)   tiredness
9 сила    a) strong  b) strength c)   strengthen
10   удовольствие a)  please b) pleased c) pleasure

10. Match the words to make phrases.

1 to feel     a one’s memory       
2 to exercise                      b  tired 
3   to arrive c   a problem       
4 to face                     d on time
5 to think                      e success
6 to make f  hard
7 to achieve g  a decision

11. Fill in the correct word from the list below. Some words may be used more than once.

thought, habit,  self-confident, feel, boring, bored, please, displeased
  1. She was ... at my tactlessness.
  2. He often acts without ... .
  3. It was ... to sit there without anything to do.
  4. She has a ... of leaving the front door open when she goes out.
  5. She is very hard to....
  6. He was deep in ... .
  7. I was so ... – I almost fell asleep.
  8. As a child he was always ..., happily joining in with adult conversations.
  9. At first you think “I’ll just have one cigarette,” but then it becomes a ... and you’re smoking 60 a day.
  10. I usually ... too tired to cook after a day at the office.


Time Expressions


— Excuse me, what time is it? — What’s the time? — Can you tell me the time? — Yes, sure. It’s ... o’clock. — I’m sorry. My watch is wrong / slow / fast.  
— Thanks. / Thank you. — You are welcome. / Any time.

12. Look at the clock. Write the times. Practise saying them.

Example:                                 It's _____________________.

Answer: It’s half past eight.











v What is the difference between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.? Look at the chart and check your answer.

a.m. morning afternoon 00.00—11.59 12.00—17.59
p.m. evening 18.00—23.59



00.00 = midnight

12.00 = midday (noon)

in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening / in the daytime

BUT:  at night / at midnight / at noon

13. Match the times that are the same.


Example: 03.00 — 3 a.m. — three o’clock in the morning


1. 03.00 2 p.m. three o’clock in the afternoon
2. 15.00 8 p.m. two o’clock in the afternoon
3. 20.00 3 a.m. eight o’clock in the morning
4. 08.00 8 a.m. three o’clock in the morning
5. 14.00 3 p.m. eight o’clock in the evening

B. Early or late?

I arrived at the meeting I was early (before the start time). half an hour early. 30 minutes early. on time (= just before or at the start time). late (after the start time). three quarters of an hour late. 45 minutes late.

C. Word combinations with ‘time’

spend lose waste save time = use time in a particular way = use more time for something than you planned = use time in a way that is not useful = use less time for something than you planned
  1. I usually spend 30 minutes every morning checking my email.
  2. I wasted two weeks waiting for a reply to my letter.
  3. We saved two hours by getting a direct flight to Hong Kong.


Present Simple


14. Give the proper forms of the verbs in brackets; translate the text.

Jane (be) always busy with her job. She (get) to the office before 8.30. She (take off) her coat, (put on) her reading glasses and (sit down) at her desk. Then she (read) her mail and (fill out) the daily reports. If she (have) enough time, she (have) a cup of coffee.

At 9 o’clock the other workers (arrive). Some of them (be) too tired to smile. Sometimes Jane (be) too busy to talk, but she (say) hello to everyone.

At 9.30 she (go) into the boss’s office. She (give) him the daily reports. They always (talk) about them for a few minutes. She (tell) the boss her plans for the day. Then she (go back) to her office and (make) phone calls. The company (do) business in England and Japan, so sometimes she (have) to call these countries.

At the end of the day she (pick up) the children at school. They (be) always happy to see her and she (be) always energetic enough to play with them at home. Jane (be) important to the people at the office and to the people at home, and she (do) a good job both places.

Adverbs of frequency

always usually often sometimes never ●●●●●●● ●●●●● ●●● ●


I always usually often sometimes never       get to work late.

A: How often do you arrive at work on time?

B: I usually arrive at work on time.

15. Work with a partner. Use the adverbs of frequency to talk about your daily routine.

16. What do these English sayings mean to you? Are they similar to any in your own language? Which ones do you like best? Why? How many sayings about time can you think of in your own language?

1. Time and tide wait for no man.

  1. Busiest men find the most time.
  2. A stitch in time saves nine.
  3. What may be done at any time is done at no time.
  4. There’s no time like the present.
  5. Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.
  6. The one who is first to act achieves success.
  7. Well begun is half done.
  8. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
  9. Time flies when you’re having fun.

17.  Read the following text and express in your own words the main idea of the text.


It is Never Too Late to Be Punctual

People who are unpunctual fall into three categories. The first, and saddest comprises the hopelessly incompetent and inefficient who worry about being on time and never are. The second lot are, strange as it may seem, impatient people who cannot bear to be kept waiting, and who make sure they don’t arrive before the appointed time, thus guaranteeing that others must wait for them. If they are outmaneuvered and compelled to wait for someone, they are the first to express disapproval of the bad manners of the latecomers. Finally, there are the egoists determined to impose their own personality on others and to impress their sense of importance on them. An easy way to do this is to keep everyone waiting until the star makes an appearance.

18. Give personal information.

  1. How punctual are you?  Do you always arrive late, early or on time?
  2. Do you think you manage your time wisely? Do you manage time, or does time manage you?
  1. Do you schedule out what you have to do every week?
  2. Do you make a schedule for every day?
  3. Do you have enough time to do things you want to do?
  4. What is the most time-consuming thing you do in your life?
  5. What do you like doing in your spare time?
  6. What would you do if you had a few extra hours in a day?
  7. Which time of day do you feel you are most productive in your work or study? Are you a “night owl” or an “early bird”?

19. Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss the questions about your daily routine.

1. When do you usually get up on weekdays?

2. What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

3. When do you have breakfast?

4. What kind of breakfast do you usually have?

5. Do you have tea or coffee for breakfast?

6. How do you get to university?

7. How long does it usually take you?

8. When do your classes start?

9. When do you have your lunch break?

10. How long does it last?

11. Where do you have lunch?

12. When is your working day over?

13. What do you like doing in the evenings?

14. When do you do your homework?

15. What time do you go to bed?

16. What do you like doing in your spare time?

17. What don’t you like doing at all?

18. Do you go out on Friday evenings? Where do you usually go out?

19. Do you like staying at home? What do you do then?

20. What do you do at weekends?


Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 522.