СЛС-средства логической связи
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
Функция Рекомендуемая лексика
введение I’d like to give a talk about... I want to tell you about... To begin with,...
введение аргументов First of all,... Besides,... / In addition,... Moreover,... /What is more,... Finally,... There are many reasons why...
примеры for example, for instance, such as...
выражение мнения In my opinion,... From my point of view,... To tell the truth,... To be honest,... As for me,... Personally, I...
заключение Tо sum up, I want to say that... In conclusion, I’d like to point out that...

Фразы-клише для задания 3


I would like to give a short talk about ... Я хотел бы поговорить о ...

Let me start speaking about ... - Позвольте мне начать говорить о ...


Actually - на самом деле

That is why - вот почему

Firstly - во-первых

Secondly - во-вторых

Besides - кроме того

On the one hand - с одной стороны

On the other hand - с другой стороны

But - но


In conclusion, I would like to say that ... В заключение я хотел бы сказать, что...

That’s all I wanted to say. - Это всё, что я хотел сказать.

Пример задания 3

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about health and beauty. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:

  • What you should do to stay beautiful and healthy.
  • Why physical attractiveness is important.
  • What you can do to improve your fitness level.

You have to talk continuously.

  1. I would like to give a short talk about health and beauty.
  2. I think that everyone wants to stay healthy and to be in good shape.
  3. That is why it is important to exercise regularly, to sleep 7-8 hours per day and to stick to a healthy diet.
  4. Besides, people should give up their bad habits and try to avoid stressful situations.
  5. From my point of view physical attractiveness is important for everyone because beautiful people can easily find friends and get well-paid jobs.
  6. They often feel confident and satisfied with their lives.
  7. But one should not forget that inner beauty can be much more important than physical beauty.
  8. Personally, I want to be strong and attractive, that’s why I go to the gym twice a week.
  9. I’ve made my workout a regular part of my week.
  10. In addition, I like jogging and riding a bike.
  11. It improves my mood and increases my energy level.
  12. To conclude, I’d like to say that all people should take care of their health and keep fit if they want to live a happy and long life.
  13. That’s all I wanted to say.

Give a talk about the Internet.

Remember to say:

  • why the Internet is important in modern society;
  • what you use the Internet for;
  • whether the Internet can be harmful for users, why.

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes.


  1. Let me give a talk about the Internet.
  2. To begin with, nowadays most of people use the Internet every day for different things.
  3. The Internet is a very important type of the Mass Media.
  4. I think that it is important in modern society because it has forever changed our lives.
  5. The Internet gives us an opportunity to chat with our friends who live abroad or to find all useful information and get news very quickly.
  6. Moreover, with the help of the Internet we can do shopping online or reserve hotels and book tickets.
  7. Besides, people can pay for electricity or phones via the Internet.
  8. As for me, I use the Internet for chatting with my friends, searching the information for my school projects, listening to music.
  9. So, the Internet is very useful and helps me a lot in my life.
  10. But, on the other hand, it can be harmful for users too or even dangerous, because people can spend too much time surfing the Net and get addicted to it.
  11. Besides, there is violence and crime in the Internet and you can become a crime-victim of the Internet
  12. To conclude, I’d like to say that the Internet is very helpful for most people, but it has both advantages and disadvantages.
  13. That’s all I wanted to say.

Mobile phones

Give a talk about mobile phones

Remember to say:

  • whether you use a mobile phone
  • what the advantages of using mobile phones are
  • what the disadvantages of using mobile phones are

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes.


  1. Let me give a talk about mobile phones.
  2. To begin with, a mobile phone is one of the most useful gadgets.
  3. It makes our life easier as it is the main source of communication with the world.
  4. As for me, I use my mobile phone a lot.
  5. It helps me be in constant touch with my relatives and friends by means of telephone calls or sms.
  6. Besides, I use it for entertainment.
  7. In my opinion, the advantages of using a mobile phone are that you can save your time with its help.
  8. For example, you can surf the Net, chat with your friends, read news and weather forecasts, if you have a mobile Internet.
  9. In addition, you can take photos and play games.
  10. So, my mobile phone helps me complete my tasks faster and I’m never bored with it.
  11. But using a mobile phone has disadvantages, too.
  12. If you use your mobile phone too much, you can become addicted to it and can’t imagine your life without it.
  13. Moreover, you can overspend money for sending messages or talking long-distance or overusing the Net.
  14. Besides, having a brand –new cell phone can even be dangerous for its owner, as you can become a victim of a crime if someone decides to stole your up-to-date mobile phone.
  15. To conclude, I’d like to say that mobile phones are very useful and important in our life.
  16. They save our efforts and time.
  17. But using them has disadvantages, too.
  18. That’s all I wanted to say.

Modern gadgets.



  1. Let me give a talk about modern gadgets.
  2. To start with, technology has a significant impact on society.
  3. Modern gadgets influence the way people live, work and communicate.
  4. Nowadays people can’t imagine their lives without computers, laptops, mobile phones, fax machines, or digital tape recorders, scanners at work.
  5. Besides, people can use different household appliances at home.
  6. For example, dishwashers, TV sets, vacuum cleaners, microwave -ovens and cookers.
  7. In my opinion, modern gadgets have changed our lives greatly.
  8. Because they help us to complete our tasks faster and more efficiently.
  9. Moreover, some of them, such as a mobile phone or the Internet, help us stay in constant touch with our friends and even work from home.
  10. As for me, I can’t do without my mobile phone, because it has become an inseparable part of my life and the main source of communication with the world.
  11. For example, I can surf the Net, chat with my friends and read news about current events.
  12. Moreover, I can take photos and share them with my friends in social networks.
  13. To conclude, I’d like to say that modern gadgets are very important for us, because they make our life easier and save our time and efforts.
  14. That’s all I wanted to say.

18. адание: You are going to give a talk about hobby of one of your parents, relatives or a person you know. You will have to start in 1,5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what this hobby is
• whether this hobby is popular with people in other countries
• whether you would like to take up this hobby and why
You have to talk continuously.


20. I’m going to tell you about a hobby of my dad. A hobby is an activity which you enjoy doing in your free time.
I’m sure, everybody has a hobby. As for my Dad, he’s fond of collecting. He’s been collecting stamps from different countries for thirty years. His collection is rather large.
No doubt, this hobby is popular with people in other countries. Some collectors can boast of having rare or old stamps in their albums. Now many people collect stamps from the postcards they receive doing postcrossing.
In my view, collecting stamps is a great idea. I’m eager to take it up. I thinkcollecting stamps helps to learn more interesting information about different countries.
I hope I’ll be able to realize my dream.
That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

  1. книгах для подготовки к ЕГЭ все эти правила есть, но даны они в виде таблицы без упражнений, с исключениями, которые статистический ученик (а в 13-14 лет еще начинается переходный возраст, когда каждый второй ничего не хочет, а каждый третий мечтает стать актрисой или музыкантом) вряд ли запомнит.

Правила чтения гласных

Типы слогов A E I,Y O U
I («открытый» слог) [ei] name [i:] me [ai] nice, my [εu] no [ju:] tune
II («закрытый» слог) [æ] cat [e] pet [i] sit, gym [o] pot [∧] but
III (гласная+r) [a:] car [ë] prefer [∋:] stir, myrtle [o:] for [∋:] fur
IV (гласная+re) [ε∋] care [i∋] here [ai∋] fire, tyre [o:] more [u∋] sure

25. Упражнения на каждый тип слога:

26. I тип — note, lone, mice, rice, type, tune, shy, same, tie, due, eve, cope, smoke, spine, sly, cry, vine, maze, tube, fume, cube, pace, lace, fee, hale, arena, kite, sane, slope.

27. II тип — cap, spot, lot, rat, send, pit, send, hog, spell, tin, less, ban, fat, led, land, tin, pattern, slip, jam, gap, lag, kin, ink, cod, spin, hop, bank, rank, bun, fun, vet, well, nut, message, pretend, prolong, insist.

28. III тип — stern, far, curt, hard, hart, fork, cork, sort, term, first, Byrd, furs, curl, firm, curb, perk, turn, sir, burn, turn, born, stern, torn, bird, form, serf, herb.

29. IV тип — fare, here, pure, rare, cure, tired, during, mare, fire, bare, endure, mire, stare, tire, sere, square, mere, store, lure, core, care, lyre.

30. И упражнение на все типы чтения гласных:

31. bottle, sort, button, pure, nice, tiny, bone, toe, pattern, exam, message, pretend, met, hop, card, pin, must, fur, dirt, map, corn, tip, pistol, force, serve, girl, port, circle, cap, flag, byte, cute, spy, flute, tune, sky, June, huge, curl, net, verb, Syntax, burn, myth, storm, ordinary, ugly, march, type, entire, cork, pin, store, hare, spot, fin, glide, surfing, cricket, demure, stripped, jungle, tornado, drizzle, Athens, capable, fake, fancy, cripple, string, odd, finance, humble, symphonic, stir, mumble, chopped, scope, cap, pole, shirt.



Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 332.