off control free card baggage
in lounge luggage reclaim locker
1 boarding ……………………………. 2 baggage …………………………….. 3 excess ………………………………. 4 passport …………………………….. 5 hand ………………………………… | 6 duty …………………………………. 7 overhead ……………………………. 8 take-…………………………………. 9 departure ……………………………. 10 check-……………………………… |
2. What do you call:
1 The place where you go when you arrive at the airport with your luggage?
2 The card they give you with the seat number on it?
3 The money you have to pay if your luggage is very heavy?
4 The place where you sit and have a drink when you are waiting for your flight to be called?
5 The bags you carry onto the plane with you?
6 The place above your head where you can put your hand luggage?
7 The part of the airport where the plane accelerates and takes off?
8 The people who look after you on the plane?
9 The part of the airport you walk through when you arrive or depart?
10 The place where you collect your luggage after you land?
Complete this part of a letter about an unpleasant flight.
Dear Tom
I’ve just arrived in Rome but I’m still recovering from a really terrible flight.
We _______ two hours late because of bad weather, and then over the channel we hit more bad weather. The ______ announced that we had to ______ our seat belts, which was a bit worrying, and for half an hour we _______ through a terrible storm. It was still raining and very windy when we ______ in Rome and I was really glad to _____ the plane and get into the airport building.
Fortunately things have improved since then but I really hope the return ________ is a lot better.
Think about the whole experience of flying (from check-in to the time you leave the airport at your destination) and answer these questions. If possible, discuss your answers with someone else.
1 What is the most interesting part, and what is the most boring part?
2 Where do you often have delays, and why?
3 Is there any part that frightens or worries you?
4 What do you usually do during most flights?
5 Do you always eat the food they give you?
6 Is there one thing which would improve flying and make the experience more interesting?
Topic 5
Daily life
clock – часы (стенные) alarm clock – будильник watch – наручные часы as usual – как обычно than usual – чем обычно 15 minutes later – через 15 минут half – половина quarter – четверть except – кроме to get up – вставать to wake up – просыпаться to ring – звонить, звенеть to lie – лежать to start – начинать to do morning exercises – делать зарядку to wash – умываться; мыть to wash up – мыть посуду to clean teeth – чистить зубы to comb hair – причесываться to take things easy – смотреть на вещи просто to arrive – прибывать, приезжать to begin – начинать(ся) customer – покупатель; клиент to need money – нуждаться в деньгах to bang on the door – стучать в дверь to jump out of bed – вскочить с кровати to turn over – перевернуть(ся) | to be late (for) – опаздывать absent-minded – рассеянный to go by (bus) – ездить на (автобусе) to get to work – добираться до работы to get on (a bus) – сесть на автобус to get off (the bus) – выйти из (автобуса) to seem – казаться to be tired – устать to be alone – быть одному to stay alone – остаться одному on weekdays – по рабочим дням at the weekend – по выходным day off выходной (не рабочий день) to be in a hurry – спешить Hurry up! – Поторопись! to be sure – быть уверенным to understand – понимать to leave the house – выходить из дома to leave for – уходить куда-либо Take it easy! – Не принимай близко к сердцу! to go to bed – ложиться спать to go to sleep – засыпать to think – думать to spend – проводить (время) to want - хотеть job - работа |
Anna's alarm clock rang at a quarter past seven as usual. And, as usual, she lay in bed for another ten minutes. Then she got up, washed, cleaned her teeth and combed her hair. Then she had breakfast.
Anna likes to go to work by bus, it takes her twenty-five minutes to get to work by bus. When she got off the bus she walked to her office. She got there at a quarter to nine. Fifteen minutes later one of the office girls opened the main door. The first customer arrived. The day's work began.
Anna likes to take things easy, but Susan is always in a hurry, sometimes late and often absent-minded. Classes at the business college usually start at nine fifteen, except on Fridays, when the first class begins at ten.
Michael, her brother, usually bangs on her bedroom door at eight o'clock. He did so this morning. "All right," said Susan, but she just turned over and went to sleep again. At half past eight Michael went upstairs and banged on his sister's door again. Susan jumped out of bed, washed quickly and ran back to her room. She ran downstairs to the kitchen, but looked at her watch and understood that she didn't have time for breakfast. "Bye, mother," she said and ran out. Mrs. Bond did the washing up. She had ten minutes before she had to leave for work. She sat down and smoked a cigarette. Suddenly the house seemed very lonely. She was glad that she had a job. Not because she needed money but she did not want to be alone all day in her house.
Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 624.