Learn the following words by heart
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

to be engaged - быть занятым

to put through - соединить

to confirm one’s appointment - подтвердить встречу

to make an appointment - договориться о встрече

to expect – ожидать

Learn the dialogue by heart.

Tel.: New World Ltd. Can I help you?

Mr. Nosov: Yes. I’d like to speak to Mr. Harrington, please.

Tel.: Yes, sir. Who’s speaking?

Mr. Nosov: This is Mr. Nosov.

Tel.: Could you spell your name, please?

Mr. Nosov: N, O, S, O, V.

Tel.: Thank you. Hold the line, please. …

    I’m afraid Mr. Harrington’s engaged just now.

Mr. Nosov: I see…

               Well, could I speak to his secretary, please?

Tel.: Just one moment. I’ll put you through.

Secretary: Hullo. Mr. Harrington’s secretary speaking.

Mr. Nosov: Hullo. This is Mr. Nosov.

Secretary: Oh, good morning, Mr. Nosov.

Mr. Nosov: Good morning.

                I’m just ringing to confirm my appointment

                 with Mr. Harrington for this afternoon.

 Secretary: Yes. Mr. Harrington’s expecting you at three o’clock.

 Mr. Nosov: Fine. I’ll be there at three.

Secretary: Right, sir. I’ll tell him you rang.

Mr. Nosov: Thank you. Good-bye.

Secretary: Good-bye.


Model Dialogue

A: Hello, Robbins and Company.

Can I help you?

B: This is Mr. Smirnov. I’d like to speak to Mr. Robbins, please.
Hold the line, please.

B: OK.

A: I’m afraid Mr. Robbins is at the meeting of the Board. Would you like to leave a message?

B: Could you ask him to ring me when the meeting is over? I’m staying at the Hilton Hotel.

A: Could you spell your name, please?

B: Certainly. S, M, I, R, N, O, V. Smirnov.

A: Thank you, Mr. Smirnov.

B: Thank you.

I.   tel.: 344-9211

  Centrum Inc.

  Ms. Newton


  Sorry, Ms. Newton is speaking on another line.

II.   tel.: 647-5002

  Jane Morgan

  I’m afraid she’s not here.

  She’s at the disco.

III. tel.: 967-4355

   Forum Publishers

     Mrs. Evans

   Sorry, she’s not in today.

   She’s not very well.

IV. tel.: 945-2261


    Sorry, but Bobby’s not in.

    He’s at the skating rink.

V. tel.: 203-6734

   Robbins & Co

   Mr. Robbins


     Sorry, Mr. Robbins is at the meeting of the Board.

VI. tel.: 116-2590

    Jack Winters


   I’m afraid he’s still at the dentist’s.

VII. tel.: 931-5411

   Tennis Courts

    Mr. Rider

    Sorry, but he is playing tennis. 



Topic 4



L.: Hello, Anne. Are you back from your holidays already? Ooo, you're lovely and brown! Where have you been?

A.: Oh, I've had a fantastic time! I've just been on a cruise round Europe with my Dad.

L.: Oh, you lucky thing! You must have seen so many in­teresting places. Where did you sail from?

A.: Well, we left from Odessa...

L.: Did you call at any European ports?

A.: Yes. Quite a lot. We went ashore at each one and went on some really interesting trips sightseeing.

L.: Did you go by train or did you hire a car?

A.: No, we went by coach. Now I can say I've seen Rome, London, Paris and Athens.

L.: Ooo, I'm so envious. Were you ever seasick?

A.: Only a little. I was fine, until two days after Gibraltar. The sea suddenly became very rough, and I had to stay in my cabin.

L.: What a shame. But was your father all right?

A.: Yes, he was fine all the time. He's never seasick.

L.: Did you go ashore when you reached Spain?

A.: No, we only saw the coast-line from the deck. It didn't really look very inviting, a bit bare and monotonous, in fact.

L.: And did you go for a swim in the Mediterranean?

A.: Yes, and in the Atlantic Ocean too. There are some beautiful beaches on the west coast of France. It's so nice to have a swim there.

L.: Well, I'm glad you've had such a lovely time!


The act of travelling can be described by a number of synonyms which differ by various implications. They all describe the act of going from one place to another (that is why they are synonyms), but differ by the length of time taken by that act, by its purpose, destination or by the method of travelling.

travel n: the act of travelling, esp. a long one in distant or foreign places, either for the purpose of discovering something new o in search of pleasure and adventure. (Freq. in the plural.); e. g. He is writing a book about his travels in Africa.

journey n: the act of going from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time; e. g. It's a three days' journey by train. You'll have to make the journey alone. Going on a journey is always exciting.

 voyage n: a rather long journey, esp. by water or air; e. g. I'd love to go on a voyage, would you? The idea of an Atlantic voyage terrified her: she was sure to be seasick all the time.

trip n: a journey, an excursion, freq. a brief one, made by land or water; e. g. Did you enjoy your week-end trip to the seaside?

tour n: a journey in which a short stay is made at a number of places (usu. with the view of sightseeing), the traveller finally returning to the place from which he had started; e. g. On our Southern-England tour we visited Windsor, Oxford, Cambridge, Stratford-on-Avon and then came back to London.

cruise n [kru:z]: a sea voyage from port to port, esp. a pleasure trip; e. g. The Mediterranean cruise promised many interesting impressions.

hitch-hiking n: travelling by getting free rides in passing automobiles and walking between rides; e. g. Hitch-hiking is a comparatively new way of travelling which gives one a chance to see much without spending anything.



booking-office n cabin n cargo-ship n cruise n deck n dining-car n engine n fare n flight n guide n journey n hitch-hiking n luggage n luggage-van n porter n rough n sail n sea-gull n seasickness n sleeper (sleeping-car) n smoker (smoking-car) speed n steamer n tour n travel n trip n voyage n walker n wave n

Word Combinations

to go on a journey, trip,                                     to travel second/standard

voyage, a package tour                               class                           

to travel by air (train,                                  to call at a port         

boat, cruiser, liner, etc.)                                  to go ashore

to change from train to boat,                             bad (good) sailor

(cruiser, liner)                                               to make a trip, journey

(But: to change for a boat.                          on deck

Also: Where do I change for                        on shore

Paris?)                                                             to look inviting

to be seasick, to be travelsick                          to be due at (a place)

(in any kind of transport)                            direct/through train

single ticket                                                     you can't beat the train

return ticket (return berth)                          a home lover/stay-at-home/

to travel/go first class                                    a home-stay


1. Answer the questions. Be careful to argue your case well:

I.       What means of travel do you know? 2. Why are many people fond of travelling? 3.Why do some people like travelling by train? 4. Do you like travelling by train? What
makes you like/dislike it? 5. What are the advantages of a sea-voyage? 6. What are the advantages of hitch-hiking?  7. What kind of people usually object to travelling by sea? 8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by air? Have you ever travelled by air? How do you like it? 9. What do you think about walking tours? 10. What is, in your opinion, the most enjoyable means of travel? 11. What way of travelling affords most comfort for elderly people? (Give your reasons.) 12. Do you think travel helps a person to become wiser?

Fill in appropriate words

I. I'd be delighted to go on a sea ..., but my wife has never been a good sailor, so we can't join you. 2. Last week we made a wonderful ... to the mountains. It took us four hours by coach. 3. The Italian ... was really exciting. We visited a number of wonderful towns and then returned to Rome. The … back to Moscow by railway took us about three days. 4. It is delightful to come ashore after a long ... and to feel solid ground under one's foot. 5. Many times on his long... in the depths of Africa, in the jungle of the Amazon he faced danger, starvation and death. 6. At the beginning of the last century going from Petersburg to Moscow was described as ...". Now it is but a night's ... by night train, a six hours' ... by daytrain or an air ... of an hour and a half. 7. I'm just reading a very amusing book about a pleasure party making a Caribbean … in somebody’s yacht. 8. Young people are naturally fond of … as a way of visiting new places and see­ing things: it is cheap and gives one a feeling of freedom and infinite horizons. 9. I'm told you're going on a … to the Far East. 10. They're planning a ... of some Baltic resorts. They've a new car, you know. 11. You're looking pale. A … to the seaside will do you good.

3. Fill in prepositions or adverbs where necessary:

Nina: Hello, Alex. I remember somebody told me that you had gone … an interesting trip Siberia.

Alex: I really made a wonderful journey … the very heart of Siberia. We went … Krasnoyarsk … plane and then sailed … the Yenissei … a cargo-ship.

Nina: And where did you go ... ashore?

Alex: Oh, … some spot you are not likely to find … any map. Well, when we found ourselves … the bank we immediately started ... the place where our expediton was working.

Nina: Did you go ... car?               

Alex: Oh, no! No car could have driven ... those paths. We travelled partly ... foot, and ... some places went ... small rivers and streams … rowing-boats. We were ... spots where no man's foot had stepped ... us.

Nina: How exciting! So you enjoyed ... the journey, didn't you?

Alex: Every minute … it, though it was not an easy one.

Nina: Did you return … air?

Alex: No, … train. The fact is, I had hardly enough mon­ey, the railway fare, not to say anything ... the plane.

4. Translate the following into English:

1. В какие порты будет заходить «Победа»? Зайдет ли она в Дувр? 2. Я не очень люблю морские путешествия. Я плохо переношу море и всегда страдаю морской болезнью. 3. Сегодня вечером наш пароход зайдет в Неаполь. Там мы пересядем в поезд и завтра будем в Риме. 4. Он не мог позволить себе ехать на поезде. Плата за проезд была слишком высока. Домой он добирался пешком и на попутных машинах. 5. В прошлом месяце группа наших студентов совершила интересную поездку по Англии. 6. Море было бурное, и несколько дней пассажиры не выходили из кают. Некоторые из них накануне хвастали, что не знают, что такое морская болезнь. Но и они не показывались на палубе. 7. Свое первое путешествие он совершил на борту старого грузового судна, направлявшегося в Европу. 8. В поезде был всего лишь один спальный вагон, в кото­ром не было ни одного свободного места. Вагона-ресторана не было совсем. Начало поездки нельзя было считать удачным. 9. У вас есть билеты на поезд прямого сообщения? Терпеть не могу пересадок, особенно если много багажа.


Air travel


This is the usual sequence of activities when you get to the airport.

First you go to the check-in desk where they weigh your luggage. Usually you are permitted 20 kilos, but if your bags weigh more, you may have to pay

excess baggage (= you pay extra). The airline representative checks your ticket and gives you a boarding card for the plane with your seat number

on it. Then you go through passport control where an official checks [not controls] your passport, and into the departure lounge. Here, you can also

buy things in the duty-free, e.g. perfume, alcohol and cigarettes. About half an hour or forty minutes before take-off, you are told to go to a gate number, e.g. gate 14, where you wait before you get on the plane. When you board (= get on)

the plane, you find your seat. If you have hand luggage, you can put it under your seat or in the overhead locker above your seat.

The plane then taxis (= moves slowly) towards the runway, and when it has permission to take off, it accelerates along the runway and takes off.

Note: The verb to taxi is generally only used in this context.

The flight

You may want or need to understand certain announcements; these come from the captain (= the pilot) or from an air steward or stewardess / cabin crew / flight attendants (= people who look after the passengers):

Please fasten your seat belt and put your seat in the upright position.

We are now cruising (= flying comfortably) at an altitude (= height) of 10,000 metres.

May we remind passengers (= ask passengers to remember) that there is no smoking until you are inside the terminal building (= where passengers arrive and depart).

The cabin crew (= air stewards) are now coming round with landing cards. (These are cards you sometimes have to fill in when you enter certain countries.)


When the plane lands (= arrives on the ground), you have to wait for it to stop / come to a halt. When the doors are open, you get off the plane and walk through the terminal building and go to the baggage reclaim where you collect your luggage. You then pass through customs (green = nothing to declare; red = goods to declare; blue = European Union citizens). If you are lucky, you can then get a bus, taxi or train to the centre of town without waiting too long. You can also hire a car (= rent a car) at most airports.

Note: In British English you normally hire something for a short period, e.g. hire a room for a party, and rent something for a long period, e.g. a flat; for a car, you can use both words.

Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 399.