1Make sure you know the words and phrases.
to initiate
current salary
to find out
a contract laborer
to bring smth. up
customer complaints
to run out of time
to shake on smth.
2 Read the dialogue.
Markus: Thanks again for agreeing to meet today. I really appreciate you taking the time during your lunch.
Louis: Well, I'd like to resolve this so we can get back to work.
Markus: Very well then.First of all I am fully aware of the challenges the company has faced in the last few years. However, I think you realize that I am unsatisfied with my current salary. I've been with your company for 5 years now and there have been many years that were profitable. Despite how much your business has grown, I still haven’t got a pay rise.
Louis: You're lucky to have a job in these times.
Markus: Yes, and I'm very thankful, it means a lot to me to have that stability. As a matter of fact, there are a few companies hiring right now in our area. Though, I'd much prefer to be associated with a company like Landscape Laborers, I took the liberty of calling a few other local companies to find out what type of salary packages they offer to their foremen.
Louis: Foremen? I don't have a foreman. You're a contract laborer just like the rest of the crew.
Markus: Yes, I thank you for bringing that up. Besides deserving a higher salary, I also think that I deserve a new title. You and I both know that the crew looks to me as to a foreman, even though I don't have the title.
Louis: You don't have the title, but you also don't have the responsibility. It's a lot of work being a foreman.
Markus: Exactly. And you can't say that you haven't noticed me coming in earlier than the others and leaving later. I also tell each of the crew members what to do and call suppliers when it is needed. These are duties of a foreman, am I right?
Louis: I suppose. But a foreman also deals with conflicts within a team, and customer complaints.
Markus: I agree with you on that and I will take on these extra duties, should you offer me a foreman position at a rate of $25.00 per hour.
Louis: (standing up and getting ready to walk out of the room) Look, we're running out of time and we'll have to settle this at another time.
Markus: Please sit down for a few more minutes to make a decision.
Louis: And what if I don't? Are you going to quit?
Markus: I believe that it is in the best of both of our interests to have this conflict resolved. This should only take a few more minutes.
Louis: Fine. You can be the foreman. But no pay rise.
Markus: I think you and I both know, that the pay rise is more important to me than the title itself.
Louis: You know, not very many owners would agree to give a person like you the title of foreman. You don't even have a proper certification.
Markus: You've said before that experience means more to you than education. Remember that guy Samuel that you hired. He had a four year diploma in landscape design but had never worked a day out on the fields. You let him go before his probation was up.
Louis: Oh, don't remind me of that kid.
Markus: Look, I'd be willing to accept $24.00/hr, if you agree to review my salary again in spring.
Louis: Fine. I guess, that's fair. In the end, you are my best employee.
Markus: Well, I think we've both agreed on the terms. Can we shake on it?
Louis: (Louis shakes Markus’s hand.) Okay, Mr. Foreman. Get back to work, would you. And, I'll need you to order all of the supplies for Monday.
Markus: Thanks, Louis. I'll get on that right now.
3 Prove the following ideas (use the text if necessary):
• Markus is grateful that Louis found some time to speak with him
• Markus’s main objective
• Markus agreed to an alternative
• Markus deserved the new title and pay rise
• Louis had a counter proposal
• Markus wanted the problem to be resolved at once
• Markus got some necessary information beforehand
• Markus knows the principles of negotiating
• Louis tried to use the last-minute strong-arm tactics to make Louis lose the focus.
• The negotiations resulted in verbal agreement.
4 Negotiation role-play. Work in pairs.
Student A: You are an office manager. You have been overworking for the last 3 month because your chief had to fire your assistant and doesn’t want to employ a new one. You are speaking with your boss, trying to persuade him to hire a new assistant or to give you a considerable pay-rise.
Student B: You are the boss. You know that your office manager has been working hard. But at the moment the company is experiencing hard times and can’t afford a new assistant. At the same time there is no extra money for a pay rise. But the company is going to sign a profitable contract next week so the situation may be different in 2 months. Follow the scheme to help you:
Thank boss for -----------------------------→
agreeing to meet ← Consider the matter to be
resolved as quickly as possible Offer your boss to speak first------------- →
← Refuse it
Explain your position --------------------- →
← Explain why you can’t
Say what you are going to do ------------- → satisfy your employee’s needs
if you don’t get what you need
← Confront your employee’s idea
Say that you’ve been offered ---------------→
a better position in another
company (however, it is not
so prestigious to work there) ← Admit that A is one of your best
managers, offer an alternative.
Agree on it, bring some corrections.------- →
← Offer a verbal agreement
Ask to put it down in writing later ---------→
A Letter of Complaint
1 Make sure you know the words.
to complain
customer service
to refund
to book
in advance
to point out
substantial amount
formal note
to receive
2 a In this extract businesswoman Ruth Lee talks about an occasion when she had to write a letter of complaint. Before you read the extract think about a time when you had bad service. Did you complain about it? What was the result? Compare your experience with Ruth’s.
The last letter of complaint I wrote was about three months ago. My company uses a taxi company quite regularly when people have to travel to the airport. On this occasion, I had booked a taxi about a week in advance to take two members of the staff to the airport because they had to fly to France for an important meeting. However, when they came back from France, the two staff members told me that the taxi had never arrived. In the end, one of the two men picked up his colleague in his own car and drove to the airport himself. They almost missed the flight. So I wrote a two-page letter to the taxi company, pointing out how much business my company gives them and telling them that we wanted some kind of compensation otherwise we’d take our business elsewhere. The next day, I received a full apology, along with a substantial amount credited to our taxi account to cover the next taxi journeys booked by my company.
b In your own words, describe the problem which made Ruth write to the taxi company. What two things did the taxi company give to Ruth after they received her letter?
3 Read 5 top tips for writing effective letters of complaint.
Many companies aim to give very good customer service. Sometimes, however, things go wrong and then the ability to complain effectively is important. There are usually two reasons for writing a letter of complaint about bad service. You may want the company to do something about the problem – for example, you may want them to refund your money. On the other hand, you may simply want them to know that you are not happy.
Here are 5 top tips that will help you to learn how to write effective letters of complaint.
1 Set a formal tone at the beginning of the letter (remember to begin your letter with ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ if you don’t know who will deal with it).
2 Tell the reader why you are writing. A good way to do this is to use the phrase ‘I’m writing to complain about…’
3 Give as factual and clear description of what happened as possible.
4 Say what you want to happen as a result of your letter. Do you want a refund or a letter of apology? You may simply want to tell the company how you feel. Phrases such as ‘As you can imagine, I’m very disappointed by this poor service. It is not what I expected from your company’. Finish this section by telling the person reading the letter that you expect a reply: ‘I look forward to receiving your reply’.
5 End on a formal note. If you started your letter ‘Dear Sir/Madam’, end it ‘Yours faithfully’ then sign your name. This is normal for any formal letter.
4 Rewrite the letter of complaint to make it effective.
Dear Sammy’s Restaurant I had dinner in your restaurant yesterday and it was terrible. The food was really awful and the waiters were terrible. They didn’t help us at all. I want a refund. Thanks Roberto Darcy |
Check yourself
Find synonyms among the following words.
factual knowledge
soft skills
hard skills
Emotional Intelligence
finding compromise
way out
Have you got what it takes?
Be thankful for problems.
If they were less difficult,
someone with less ability
might have your job.
Dwell on the following ideas:
►top five of the most important problems for young people in my country
►what I will do in 5 years’ time
►I have a hobby that will let me earn the living in case of unemployment
►a universal job, which can involve all the unemployed people of our planet
►what success means to me.
1 Check the words and phrases.
to seek labour offices increase
to earn adjust provide
to obtain underpayment mutual recognition
issue persistent
2 Read the extract.
Unemployment is the condition of one who is capable of working, actively seeking work, but unable to find it. Statistics on unemployment analyzed by government labour offices in most countries is considered to be the chief indicator of economic health. In the United States the unemployment rate of two percent is often said to be the basic rate.
In Europe, unemployment is by far a most important issue. When presented with the choice of 15 different areas of concern people put unemployment either first or in the top three. Europeans feel that unemployment is the main cause of poverty.
The problem of unemployment among young people has been one of the most important for years. The number of young people looking for a job is constantly increasing. They look for employment not only for the sake of earning money, but because they want to gain some independence from their parents and to adjust themselves to the reality of our life. In Belarus after graduation the budget students are provided with the first workplaces. Belarus has bilateral agreements on mutual recognition of education certificates with dozens of the world countries. But it is not the question of getting a job but the question of getting a good job then. Young people used to obtain everything at once and usually don’t want to realize that promotion is a question of time and hard work. Sometimes graduates are overqualified for the jobs offered to them. But if the person is persistent he will always find the job he/she is looking for. Unfortunately not all the required professions are well paid. Underpayment can also be regarded as a kind of unemployment.
3 Answer the questions.
1 What do you know about unemployment abroad and in your country?
2 Are you sure that you will get a job after graduation?
3 Do you agree that underpayment is a kind of unemployment?
4 In your opinion, for whom it is more difficult to find a good job: for an ambitious young person or an experienced adult?
Doing Something different
1 Check the words and phrases
to resign
legal secretary
2 Read about three people and answer the following questions for each person.
• What jobs did they use to do?
• What are they doing now?
Last year Clare Davis, 26, resigned from her job as a geography teacher in a secondary school and started retraining as a plumber.
When Kevin Dunstable, 31, lost his job as a supervisor in an electronic factory nine months ago, his wife Sally returned to her job as a legal secretary, leaving Kevin at home to look after their three young children: Jodie, 6, Daniel, 4, and Chloe, 18 months.
Lorna and Ian
Eighteen months ago, Lorna Whitwort, 29 and her husband Ian gave up their well-paid jobs in the city of London (Lorna was a solicitor and Ian was an accountant) and moved to the country to run a small hotel. Lorna was pregnant with their first child.
3 Listen to the three people describing how it happened and answer the questions.
Why did they live their old job?
What are the good things about new job?
What are the disadvantages?
4 Mark the following statements true or false. Then listen again and check.
1 Clare was joking when she first said she wanted to be a plumber.
2 She has problem with her male colleagues on the course.
3 She sometimes finds that older people have less confidence in her work.
4 Kevin became a house husband because he wanted to spend more time with his children.
5 He finds his life now harder work than his old job.
6 He’s made lots of new friends since he changed roles.
7 Lorna and Ian weren’t very successful in their old jobs.
8 They worked much longer hours in London.
9 She thinks it will be a good place to bring up children.
5 Discuss the following questions in groups.
1 Would you like to do what any of these people are doing? Why? Why not?
2 Do you think they have made the right decisions?
3 Are there any jobs that men/women are better suited, do you think?
4 What you would do?
Real Life
Have you got what it takes?
1 Check these words in the dictionary.
to concentrate on smth. to distract smb.
to be jealous to run a training course
a steady job variety
to be wise workaholic
2 Do the test. Imagine that you’ve got a job. Then look at the assessment.
1 Do you find it easy to concentrate on one subject?
a Not at all, I like to think about a variety of things.
b I try hard but sometimes it’s difficult.
c Yes, I have no problem doing this.
2 Do your leisure interests ever distract you from your work?
a No, never. b Sometimes. c Yes, often.
3 You are planning a weekend with your friends. On Friday afternoon something urgent comes up. What is your reaction?
a You try to find someone else to do it for you.
b You forget your weekend and do what you have to.
c You decide it will have to wait as you already have plans for the weekend.
4 You get a new job and discover that a local college is running a training course that will be very useful in your work. How do you react?
a You are not very interested in doing it.
b You decide to do a course even if you have to pay for it yourself.
c You will go but only if your new company pays for it.
5 Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?
a You’ll probably be in the same position as now.
b You think you’ll be in a better position.
c You intend to advance your career considerably in the next five years.
6 Do you think about your work/studies outside your work/college?
a Sometimes.
b Very frequently.
c No, I ‘switch off’ from work as soon as I can at the end of the day.
7 Do you think intelligence lead to success?
a Intelligence alone doesn’t lead to success.
b Yes, you need to be intelligent to be successful in life.
c It’s a big part of success.
8 One of your colleagues gets promoted. How do you feel?
a You’re a bit jealous.
b You’re pleased for your colleague.
c You’re upset. You want to find out why it wasn’t you and what went wrong.
9 Do you believe in the saying ‘practice makes perfect’?
a No, nobody’s perfect.
b Yes, the harder you work at things, the better you become.
c People don’t have much time to practice things these days.
10 Is it useful to look back at the past?
a No, you can’t change what has happened.
b Yes, it’s very important to look back and to analyze our mistakes so that we don’t repeat them.
c May be sometimes, but everyone can be wise about the past.
11 What do you think about hard work?
a It’s the way to get what you want.
b It’s OK if you are paid well for it.
c It’s very tiring.
12 Where does your motivation come from?
a From you family.
b From your boss.
c From inside yourself.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | |
a | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 |
b | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
c | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
20-24 If you are not already a success, there is no doubt that you will be one day. You have got all the qualities necessary for success, including ambition, determination and imagination. Take care not to become a workaholic – if you do, it will affect your family, yourself and, in the end your happiness.
8-19 You want to be successful and have got all the necessary qualities. But perhaps you need a little more self-confidence to believe that you can and will succeed. Perhaps, you dream about success, but do not really believe it will happen. Making those dreams come true is not easy, but it is certainly possible.
0-8 You need a lot of hard work to make a success of your chosen career, but is this really what you want in life? Perhaps you believe that happiness is more important than success. Maybe you prefer a happy family life, a steady job and a regular salary. Remember everyone is different and happiness does not come from trying to become something that you do not really want to be.
3 Complete the table with words from the test and assessment.
Noun | Adjectives |
success | |
jealousy | |
intelligent | |
importance | |
happy | |
ambitious | |
determined | |
imaginative | |
confidence | |
possible |
My Future Career
1 a Write a composition of about 20-25 sentences on the topic “My future career”. Dwell on the following ideas:
• the profession I have chosen
• the sphere of my professional interests
• the skills I should possess to become a good specialist and ways to develop them
• problems of employment
• my future, where I will be in 5 years’ time
• my chances to succeed in life
• what I will do if I am not able to work by profession.
b Use the following phrases as prompts.
I study at …. Thus, in the future I will be able to work as....
… is one of the most prestigious and widely required professions today.
While studying at the university I have a thorough training in various general and specific subjects, such as...
Being employed as a …, you are responsible for …
Of course to become a qualified specialist one should possess and develop a number of personal qualities, like … I think that the most important qualities for an engineer are to be …, to possess….
I think in 5 years’ time I will be…
I hope I have all the chances to succeed in life because….
The problem of unemployment among young people….
In Belarus after graduation….
Manic Monday♫
1 Work in pairs. How do you typically feel at the following times? Which is your favorite / least favorite day of the week? Why?
• Friday afternoon • Sunday morning • Saturday evening • Monday morning
2 Complete the gaps in the song with the words and phrases from the box. Then listen and check.
airplane dream fun day made Monday (×2) nine paid run day stream Sunday there time train wear |
Six o’clock already
I was just in the middle of a __________
I was kissin’ Valentino
By a crystal blue Italian ______________
But I can’t be late
‘Cause then I guess I just won’t get_____
These are the days
When you wish your bed was already ___
It’s just another manic_______________
I wish it was _______________________
‘Cause that’s my ___________________
My I don’t have to __________________
It’s just another manic________________
Have to catch an early ________________
Got to be at work by _________________
And if I had an ______________________
I still couldn’t make it on ______________
‘Course it takes me so long
Just to figure out what I’m gonna _______
Blame it on the train
But the boss is already ________________
3 Discuss the following questions in small groups.
• What excuses is she going to make to her boss?
• Why is it important that she isn’t late?
• Why is the song called ‘Manic Monday’? Are your Mondays usually manic? Why?
Check yourself
Make up your own sentences with the following words.
a steady job
to resign
to provide
to obtain
to earn
Match the synonyms.
hard skills goal
soft skills resume
CV Emotional Intelligence
apology official
settlement to get
formal excuse
complaint negotiation
compromise protest
objective factual knowledge
to obtain agreement
Match the antonyms.
hard skills to spend
team-work soft skills
underpaid to increase
to resign agreement
verbal agreement lazy bones workaholic contract
to earn individual work
argument to apply for
a steady job well-paid
to reduce part time job
Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 483.