Reported Speech. Reporting questions
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Косвенная речь используется для передачи чужой речи. После глаголов, вводящих косвенную речь (reporting verbs) в форме настоящего времени, время глагола в придаточном предложении не меняется:

She says «I love him».  She says she loves him.

Если глагол в предложении, вводящий косвенную речь, употреблен в прошедшем времени, форма в придаточном смещается на один шаг:

Present Continuous → Past Continuous

«It is raining in my town». → She said it was raining in her town.

Past Continuous → Past Perfect Continuous

«I was sleeping ,» she told me. → She told me that she had been sleeping.

Present Simple → Past Simple

«I want to buy it,» he told me He said that he wanted to buy it.

Past Simple → Past Perfect

«I saw your sister». → He said he had seen my sister.

Present Perfect → Past Perfect

«You’ve won the second prize,» the man announced → The man announced that they had won the second prize.

Present Perfect Continuous → Past Perfect Continuous

«I have been driving for five years,» he said He said that he had been driving for five years.

Future Simple → Future in the Past

«We’ll buy you a car ,» parents promised. → Parents promised that they would buy me a car.


Изменения в обстоятельствах места и времени при изменении прямой речи в косвенную:

here                                there

now                               then

this / these                     that / those

today                             that day

tomorrow                      the next day/the following day

yesterday                       the day before/the previous day

last week              the week before

next week                      the following week

ago                                 before


Если при переходе в косвенную речь меняется субъект предложения, то используется придаточное с союзом that :

«We’ll go with you.» → They agreed to go with me.

«You can go with us!» → They agreed that I should go with them.


Модальные глаголы would , could , might , ought , should не меняются в косвенной речи, остальные меняются следующим образом:

must → had to       «I must go.» → He said he had to go.

can → could           «I can do it». →He said he could do it.

may→ might          «I may do it». → He said he might do it.


Reporting questions

Косвенные вопросы начинаются со следующих выражений:

Can you tell me what time the film starts? (сравни: What time does the film start?)

I’d like to know where I can buy tickets? (сравни: Where can I buy tickets?)

Could you tell me if / whether she is going to call me tonight? (сравни: Is she going to call me tonight?)

Could you tell me how to get to the theatre? / how I get to the theatre? (сравни: How do I get to the theatre?)

В косвенных вопросах не ставится знак «?». Грамматические формы изменяются так же, как и в утвердительных предложениях с косвенной речью; порядок слов такой же, как и в утвердительном предложении. Союзы if или whether используются для общих вопросов (yes/no):

«Are you okay?» → He asked me if I was okay.

«Where do you live?» → He wanted to know where I lived.

«Are you a headmaster?» → He asked me if/whether I was a headmaster.

Косвенное выражение вежливой просьбы, совета или предупреждения строится по схеме:

ask/tell/advise/warn + object (дополнение)+ infinitive


«Listen, please!» → He asked/told us to listen.

«Be careful!» → He advised/warned us to be careful.



1. Работайте с партнером. Завершите диалог, следуя модели:

Model:  — I forgot to tell you. _______________ called yesterday.

— Really? What did she say?

— She said/told (that) ____________________________ .

Christina: «I think I’m falling in love with you».

— I forgot to tell you. _ Christina __ called yesterday.

— Really? What did she say?

— She said/told (that) _she thought she was falling in love with me__ .

1. Our niece Liz: «I got a raise last week».

2. Uncle Charlie: «I’ll be arriving this Friday on the two o’clock train».

3. Aunt Jane: «I’ll send you a postcard from Egypt».

4. My boyfriend: «I’m sorry I forgot about your birthday».

5. The mechanic: «The car is ready and you can pick it up any time you want to».

6. Grandma: «I was planning to visit this weekend, but I won’t be able to come because I have the flu».


2. Прочитайте текст. Найдите предложения с косвенной речью:


Sue had a bad stomachache yesterday afternoon. She called her doctor and asked him what she should do. Her doctor told her to rest in bed. He also told her not to eat too much for dinner. And he told her to call him in the morning if she was still sick. Sue felt better after speaking with her doctor. She’s glad she can always depend on him for good advice.


3. Завершите предложения в косвенной речи:

Model: «Let me help you». My mother offered to help me.

1. «This spot is the best place for a picnic».

My mother said…………………….

2. «If I were you, I wouldn’t drink so much».

He advised his friend………………

3. «Can you answer the phone? I’m having a shower!»

He asked his son………………….


4. Работайте с партнером. Завершите диалог, следуя модели. Драматизируйте полученные диалоги :

Model: A: I’m a little annoyed at ___________________ .

B: How come?

A: _____________told me _____________________ .

B: Why did _____ tell you that?

A: _______ said (that) ________________________ .

English students: «Don’t give us any homework this weekend! We are tired of English grammar!»


A: I’m a little annoyed at my English students … .

B: How come?

A: They … told me not to give them any homework this weekend … .

B: Why did … they … tell you that?

A: They said (that) … they were tired of English grammar … .


1. My doctor: «Lose some weight! You are much too heavy».

2. My girlfriend: «Don’t call me this weekend! I want to be alone».

3. My dentist: «Don’t eat candy! It’s bad for your teeth».

4. My boss: «Come to work early tomorrow! I need some help and you’re the only one who can help me».

5. My seven-year-old son: «Don’t kiss me in front of my friends any more! I’m a big boy now».


5. Два подростка потерялись в лесу и потом нашлись. Прочитайте, что они сказали репортеру, и передайте это в косвенной речи, используя слова said , explained , told the reporters :

1. «We were exploring with a group of tourists, but we decided to go off on our own»

2. «We’ve been alone in the forest for six days».

3. «We’ve been eating nothing but berries».

4. «We both cut our feet but otherwise we’re not hurt».

5. «We’re really lucky to be alive!»

6. «We’re looking forward to seeing our parents».


6. Составьте прямые вопросы, которые репортер задал подросткам. Затем переделайте их в косвенные, используя глаголы asked them , wanted to know , wondered:

Model: How/you/get lost? → How did you get lost? → The reporter asked them how they had got lost.

How long/you/be/here?



How/you/feel/now/about your adventure?

What/you/look forward to doing next?


Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 479.