Find the word that doesn’t belong to each list. Give the Present Tense form of the verbs
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
a) said,            visited, flew, sold, began, cost;
b) seemed, happened, listened, slept, showed, watched;
c) phoned, bought, was, thought, saw, drove;
d) liked, closed, read, decided, married, enjoyed;
e) were, grew, had, moved, ran, gave.


29. Put these words into three groups according to the pronunciation of the -ed endings.


pass, waste, wash, rain, enjoy, watch, decide, remember, suggest, return, fail, need, stop, study, mix, end, ask, love, use, listen, want, dance, happen, change, greet 

/d/ moved, ...
/t/ worked, ...
/ ɪ d/ visited, ...

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Past Simple.

1. I ___ (live) in this house last year.

2. Two hundred years ago our town ___ (be) just a small village.

3. Lidia ___ (decide) to study in England.

4. Several years ago they ___ (be) married.

5. He always ___ (seem) such a nice guy before.

6. They ___ (have) enough money to buy lots of new clothes.

7. He ___ (dance) with me last night.

8. I ___ (be / not) busy yesterday.

9. I ___ (learn / not) English at school.

10. I ___ (begin) to study English in 2008.

11. Before that, I ___ (work) as a teacher in Italy for a year.

12. Emma ___ (be) the best student in our group.

Complete the sentences using the words in the list. Use the Simple Present or the Simple Past.

invite, stay, like, do, want, watch, happen


Example: Mike often asks questions. He asked a lot of questions in class yesterday.


  1. After a hard day’s work Tom ___ to relax by going for a swim. But yesterday all he ___ to do was lie down and get some sleep.
  2. Ann seldom ___ her homework before midnight. But yesterday she ___ her homework at 10 p.m.
  3. I usually ___ a lot of people to my birthday party. But last year I ___ only my close friends.
  4. Take care! This crossroads is extremely dangerous. Accidents are often here. A serious accident ___ at this crossroads only a few days ago.
  5. In the evening my parents ___ at home and ___ TV. As usual they ___ at home and ___ TV last night.


Make the following sentences negative.

Example: She spoke to me at the party. — She didn’t speak to me at the party.

1. I had a tiring day.

2. The train arrived on time.

  1. They left for the airport at 5 a.m.
  2. Dan ran the marathon in two hours.
  3. I found the end of the film very moving.
  4. The end of the game was really exciting.
  5. You made a bad mistake.
  6.  She had a headache yesterday.
  7. Mr Benson and his wife were in Canada a month ago.
  8. The weather was hot in New York City last summer.

Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.

1. The hotel ___ (not/be) very expensive. It ___ (not/cost) very much.

2. After the accident it ___ (be) a long time before she ___ (be) able to walk again.

  1. The bed ___ (be) uncomfortable. I ___ (not/sleep) very well.
  2. Madame Tussaud ___ (start) making models in wax as a teenager.
  3. The film ___ (be) boring. I ___ (not/enjoy) it very much.
  4. Nicholas ___ (try) different schools but he was bored and unhappy.
  5. All morning as she ___ (wait) for the interview her nervousness ___ (grow).
  6. I ___ (find) the whole event pretty boring, but the kids ___ (seem) to be enjoying themselves.

Rewrite each sentence as positive, negative or a general question, according to the instructions.

Example:  My dad didn’t work late yesterday. (positive) — My dad worked late yesterday.

Greg went to the theatre at the weekend. (question) — Did Greg go to the theatre at the weekend?

I visited my parents last week. (negative) — I didn’t visit my parents last week.

1. We began our new language course book in May. (negative)

2. Mike got some tickets for the World Cup. (question)

3. Our trip lasted a fortnight. (negative)

4. Tanya didn’t sleep well at all last night.(positive)

5. They worked overtime in their new job. (negative)

6. The alarm clock woke Helen from a deep sleep. (negative)

7. He arrived at the hotel at midnight. (question)

35. Ask questions about the information in italics.

Example: Bobby played golf yesterday. — What did Bobby do yesterday?

1. My parents were on holiday in Greece in June.

  1. It took Clare an hour to pack her travelling bag.
  2. Charlotte Hughes (the second oldest person in the world) didn’t marry until sixty-three.
  3. Alexander Bell started his first telephone company on August 2nd 1877.
  4. Martin worked the whole summer. The job was tiring but he earned a lot of money.


Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 366.