D Telephoning for an appointment
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

(10 marks)

Choose the correct word or phrase to complete this dialog.


A: Graphipac. Can I help you?

B: Yes. I like to/I’d like to/Can I  to speak to Morgane, please.

A: I’m afraid/sorry/regret , but Morgane is with a client at the moment. Can I take/leave/give a message, or would you like/want/have to call back later?

B: Is her assistant Tamsin there?

A: Yes, she is. Shall I put you connect/in/through?

B: Yes, please.

C: Hello, Tamsin speaking.

B: Hello, Tamsin. Here is/I am/This is Greg. I wanted to take/make/do an appointment with Morgane. Is she there tomorrow?

C: Let me just check, Greg…Yes, in fact she is here. Is/Does/Can eleven o’clock suit you?

B: Well, the beginning of the afternoon would be more suit/better/convenient.

C: How/Is/If about two o’clock?

B: Yes, that’s fine. So that’s tomorrow at 2 p.m. then. Thanks, Tamsin.

E Confusing words

(10 marks)

The words underlined are not correct in these sentences. Replace them with the correct word.

Example: He always buys from us – he’s one of our best competitors. – customers

1.  (in a restaurant) I’d like to pay. Can you bring me the note, please?.....

2.  We have 300 production workers in our manufacture. ….

3.  Excuse me – is there a parking near here? …..

4.  Can I present you to my boss, Mr Rivaldi? Mr Rivaldy, this is Duncan Ross. ….

5.  How long did your travel to Paris take? …..

6.  (at an airport) Excuse me, is this the register desk for the Sofia flight?....

7.  To relax at weekends, I like hearing music. …

8.  Do you product these yourselves, or do you buy them? ….

9.  I’ look in my daybook, and see if I’m free next Thursday. ….

10.  I’d like a double ticket to Frankfurt, please. …

F Meetings

(12 marks)

1 Read these extracts from a meeting to discuss the recruitment of a new manager. Correct the mistake in each sentence, as in the examples.


A Do we can discuss recruitment now?

Can we discuss….

B I think we should to offer it to somebody in the company. should offer…..

c How do you think about that proposal, Martin?.......

d What about to advertise in the Sunday newspapers? …….

E Why we don’t give the post to the Assistant Manager? ……

f Yes. Would you like that I start? …..

g I think we shouldn’t do that – it’s an unnecessary expense. ……

h I’m thinking he’s too young at the moment. ….

I I’m not agree – there’s nobody here who’s really good enough. ….

J At my opinion, we should advertise inside and outside the company. ….

2 Now match a – e with f – j to form pairs of sentences, as in the example.

A – f

G Socialising

(12 marks)

Complete the questions for Person A and answers for Person B with polite expressions, as in the examples


Person A                          Person B

How are you?                 Fine, thanks. And you?

Nice to see you again.    Nice to see you again too.

1 …….journey?             Yes, thanks, but I’m a little tired after my flight.

2 I’m sorry I’m late.       It…………….

3 Thank you for              ………………….

Meeting me.

4 ………coffee?             Yes, please. No milk.

5 We’re having a very     I’m…………….

good year.

6 ……….take your coat? Yes, please. That’s very kind of you.

H Word groups

(15 marks)

Look at the words in the box. Add two of the words to each of the five groups (Company departments, jobs, etc.). Then complete the fourth word in each group.


Research distributor              Chairman interview  Costs       Managing Director shortlist shareprice Purchasing sales outlet                


Company departments       Company jobs       Finding new staff

Sales                                        secretary                   CV

………….                                 …………….            ………………

………….                                  …………….           ………………

Per……                                     acc……….               cand……….

A company works with…    Company statistics

Customer                                profit

……………..                              ……………..

……………..                             ……………..

supp……..                                tur………….


I Word pairs

(7 marks)

Choose one word from group A and one from group B to complete each sentence as in the example.


spreadsheet      product   interest   mail       job                       parent     sales        market



rate                     program     order    company    conference        range          share    applications  


1.  Our annual sales conference was in June this year.

2.  Our new ………… ………… includes two new models of computer for the family.

3.  The company doesn’t have any shops – it sells all its products by ……… ……….

4.  This bank is offering an ……….. ……….. of 4.5%.

5.  Our ……….. ………… is now 30%. That’s 5% more than our nearest competitors.

6.  I work for a manufacturing subsidiary. Our ………. ……….. is in the USA.

7.  We have over 500 ………. ……….. and we are going to start interviewing soon.

8.  Every regional office uses the same ……… ……… for its accounts.

Перечень учебных изданий, дополнительной литературы


Основные источники:


1. И. П. Агабекян «Английский язык» 24-е издание, стер.- Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2014-318, [1] c.-(Cреднее профессиональное образование).


Дополнительные источники :

1. Business English for students of Economics – Деловой английский для студентов – экономистов: учебное пособие/Б.И. Герасимов, О.А. Гливенкова, Н.А. Гунина – М.: ФОРУМ: ИНФА – М., 2017 – 183с. 


2. Английский язык в ситуациях повседневного делового общения / З.В. Маньковская. - М.: НИЦ Инфра-М, 2017. - 223 с.: 60x90 1/16. - (Высшее образование). (переплет) ISBN 978-5-16-005065-2.


3. Английский язык для экономических специальностей: Учебное пособие / Л.С. Чикилева, И.В. Матвеева. - М.: КУРС: НИЦ Инфра-М, 2015. - 160 с.: 60x90 1/8 + CD-ROM. (обложка, cd rom) ISBN 9785905554711



Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 811.