I. Learn types of company culture
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Power Cultures

In these cultures self-reliant and highly competitive self-development provide the basis of relations. Manager’s success is related to his or her charisma and influence, rather than to his/her knowledge and experience. The style of the chief executive is the model for other managers. In organizations of this type managers shall be tough-minded and aggressive.

Role Cultures

In these cultures manager’s role is completely related to his/her place within a centralized system. His/her success depends on how well this manager adheres to rules, procedures and precedents. Individualism and aggression are not valued in these cultures. Employees in these organizations should not get out of the limits of their roles.

Task Cultures

In organizations of this type they value everything that makes it possible to get the work done. The main concern in these organizations is with successful fulfillment of their projects. Manager’s success is related to his/her knowledge and experience required to achieve tasks rather than to meet the requirements of his/her role.

Individual Cultures

In organizations of this type the most possible freedom of expression is valued. Effectiveness of any activity in these organizations is rated by how much the activity satisfies the staff, rather than by how well it conforms to business plans. Independence, creativity and experiment are also valued in these organizations.

II. Discuss the following items:

1) What provides the basis of relations in power cultures?

2) What should the manager do to be successful?

3) What manager’s role is related to in role cultures?

4) How can manager become successful in a role cultures?

5) How should employees behave in such cultures?

6) What is the main concern in task cultures types of organizations?

7) Is there any difference between task cultures and role cultures?

8) In individual cultures the freedom of expression is not valued, is it?

9) Why is the fulfillment of business plan not important in individual cultures?

10) In organizations of what type would you like to work? Why?

Lesson 4. Competition of Companies

Warm up

· A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well. (Jeff Bezos)

· Do you agree with this saying? How can a firm earn its reputation?

· Look at this list of brand names and logos and find pairs of competitors.

· Which company is winning in each pair?

· What is competition of companies? How do consumers benefit from competition?





Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 503.