III. Complete the table. Dos and Don’ts while finding a taxi
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
Dos Don’ts
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.


I. Listen to two conversations about a taxi journey and answer the questions below.

1. What is the address of the person ordering the taxi?

2. Where does the person want to go to?

3. Does the taxi driver know how to get to the destination?

II. Complete the spaces with the words used by the  client.

1. Hello……………………………………………………please.

2. It’ll be about twenty minutes…………………….., I’m afraid.

3. Driver: Mr. Hansen?

Mr. Hansen: Yes, that’s right………………the Oasis Restaurant.

4. Right. You can………………………………………if you like.

5. Could I………………………………………………….please?

6. Oh and keep……………………………………………………

Lexical exercises

I. Choose the most appropriate variant.

1.Hey, don't drive so fast, or you'll get in an _________.

a) accident

b) incident

2.The driver in front of me keeps changing __________.

a) lines

b) lanes

3.There is always a lot of ______________ on this road.

a) traffic

b) travel

4.The police officer gave me a _______ for not signaling.

a) fare

b) ticket

5.I'm running low on gas, we have to ________ (get a full tank of gas).

a) fill up

b) fill in

6.Most people know that wearing a _____ is a good idea.

a) car belt

b) seat belt

7.This road is under construction so we have to make a ___________.

a) go around

b) detour

8.Slow down! You're going 40 miles above the _________________!

a) speed limit

b) speed zone

9.When you're driving in big cities, you should always look out for ________.

a) pedestrians

b) cows


1. Choose a place in your town you are familiar with. Phone for a taxi (your partner) to get you there for a meeting in a half an hour.

2. The taxi arrives. Tell the driver where you want to go. Remember to get a receipt.

3. Now choose a second destination. The taxi has no meter, so you will need to check the price before getting in.


I. A. You took two taxis yesterday with City Cabs. You left your umbrella in one of the taxis,   but cannot remember which. You have phoned the taxi company, who has asked you to send  them an email describing the trips you made to help them find the umbrella.

B. A client is arriving from abroad and will need to get to your offices. Write an email to explain the best route for them in terms of price, time, and comfort, as well as the best form of transport.

II. Choose one of the problems and write an essay based on it:

1. What country would you like to go to on a business trip? Why?

2. What would you advise to a foreigner who is going to work in this country?

3. Why do people still travel on business though there are lots of technical means of communication?


Learn how to ask for and give help with a menu, methods of cooking, describing taste of food, rules of dining etiquette.

Lesson 1. Meals

Warm up

· Are you fond of going to the restaurants? What is your favourite restaurant or café?

· Are there any foreign restaurants in your area?

· Which restaurants do you choose to go to in your country when you are with visitors?

· When you are abroad, how do you decide where to eat?

· Do you often invite guests to dinner?

· Do you enjoy eating Indian (Russian, French, German…) food?

· Can you cook well?

· What are your favourite dishes?

· What sort of take-away food do you usually eat?

Active Vocabulary


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