Now read some reasons why racial profiling is immoral. Summarize each explanation in one sentence
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Why Racial Profiling is Immoral

1)It __________________________________________

Racial profiling is targeted against people who fit a certain description, due to their physical characteristics. On the basis of this, a lot of innocents have to go through the ordeal of being stopped, frisked, and searched. Because of racial profiling, an individual is put under a lot of scrutiny, which is contrary to the ideas of freedom and liberty.

2) It________________________________________

Targeting an individual on the basis of his physical characteristics creates a sense of alienation and exclusion. When a person gets pulled over because he looks a certain way, while other 'usual-looking' individuals are let go, a sense of exclusion is bred in that person. In a polarized world, where there is a need to reach out to people of all faiths/colors, racial profiling creates a wedge between communities.

3) It__________________________________________

Law enforcement is a duty that is looked upon highly by people. However, when law enforcers engage in racial profiling, it creates a negative impression about them in the minds of law-abiding citizens of the minority community. When an individual, or a group, is singled out just because they look different, the trust and confidence in law takes a hit.

 4) It__________________________________________

In a world where hate-crimes are on the rise, the last thing one can think of is the government promoting racial discrimination. When ordinary people see that individuals from minority communities are being frisked at airports, or questioned on the streets, a sense of suspicion is bred towards them. One of the challenges with multiculturalism is to get people from both sides of the fence to have an understanding about the beliefs and customs of each other. However, when law enforcers profile minorities, they inadvertently send out a signal to the majority community that minorities are more prone to engage in illegal activities.

5) It_____________________________________________

When discussing the effectiveness of racial profiling in preventing terrorism and illegal immigration, one factor that often gets overlooked is the impact that profiling has on an entire community. When one sees Arabs, African-Americans, Latinos, South Asians, and Hispanics getting scrutinized all the time, one can't help but see the entire community through the prism of suspicion and mistrust. Profiling has a profound effect on an individual, but it also stigmatizes an entire community of peace-loving and law-abiding people.

6) It__________________________________________________

Many proponents of racial profiling believe that the issue of profiling has been blown out of proportion by human rights organizations. They believe that nobody should have a problem with getting frisked, or probed, as long as they are not indulging in any illegal activity. However, what they fail to understand is the humiliation and the trauma one has to go through when one is singled out in a crowd, and that too on the basis of one's physical characteristics. Many people who have been subjected to racial profiling have narrated the harrowing experience of the whole process. Many break down while recounting the humiliation caused to them and their families, while they were targeted with ethnic slurs from law enforcers and laymen alike.

There are a lot of people who believe that racial profiling is a must because of America's weak immigration policy. Also, the fact that a lot of people sneak in through the porous borders of America gives substance to their claims. However, they should remember that profiling comes at a huge cost of victimizing, alienating, and humiliating thousands of people everyday. Instead of clamoring for the continuity of profiling, it will be better if we channelize our energies into developing a more inclusive and prudent surveillance mechanism.

Ex. 26. Read the article , i dentify the main idea of the article along with the supporting details and speak on the author’s style of the article. Give your opinion on the issue.

Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 361.