1. The police_________________ the thieves________________ as they were leaving the shop through a back window.
2. The mysterious disappearance of one of the cashiers shortly after the robbery confirmed the police's suspicions that it had been an_____________________ __________________________.
3. He only got the contract because he_____________________ a government official's___________________.
4. He had been __________________ for years, trying to cover up the $10,000 he had taken from the company.
5. When Tom came out of prison after serving two years, he promised his girlfriend that he would________________________ and never steal again.
6. A few years ago, my cousin____________________ for fraud. He was in prison for three years altogether.
7. Don't buy those cell phones. If they're that cheap they must have____________________.
8. Although the police knew they had committed the crime, they couldn't prove it, so the men__________.
9. Most bank robbers___________________ thoroughly before attempting to rob it.
10. He______________ ________________________in the middle of the night to avoid paying his hotel bill.
Ex. 25. Nowadays they speak much about hare crimes. Listen to the text about racial profiling and fill in the blanks (listening 14).
Why Racial Profiling is Morally Wrong
"...there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. That's just a fact." - Barack Obama
Amnesty International USA defines racial profiling as the ____________________of individuals and groups by law enforcement officials, even _______________, on the basis of __________________ ___________________________________________, except where there is trustworthy information, relevant to the locality and time frame, that links persons belonging to one of the ___________________ __________________________________________________________________.
In simpler terms, racial profiling can be described as the practice of increased ____________________ on the members of a particular community or race. Although racial profiling has been ___________________ _________________________________________ for a long time, it has become a _____________________ in the US and Europe since the 9/11 terrorist attack. Before 9/11, legal enforcers targeted mainly African-Americans and Hispanics on ___________________of drug trafficking and immigration. But today, Arabs and South-Asians are being profiled increasingly at airports and on the streets, allegedly, as a ___________________________________ against terrorism.
Although the US government has time and again made it clear that racial profiling is wrong and intolerable, the ground reality is that it is ____________________________ everyday in different parts of America. Amnesty International, the global human rights _________________________, frequently receives complaints from minorities about being treated unfairly.
Perception Towards Racial Profiling
One of the important things to note, is that, there has been a marked change in the perception of Americans towards racial profiling. Before 9/11, around two-thirds of Americans wanted profiling to stop completely, because of the ___________________________________________ with it. However, after the attacks, public opinion has changed completely, and only one-third of Americans __________________________ ________________ racial profiling. This marked change in the public perception towards profiling has made it difficult for human rights organizations to find support for their demand of enacting tougher anti-profiling laws. Although many Americans accept the fact that profiling is _____________, they support it because they feel that it is necessary for national security. Proponents of profiling also say that they ________________________that not every person of a particular community or _________ is associated with terrorist activities, but the probability of a terrorist belonging to a certain faith or a particular color, is also higher. Supporters of profiling _________________________________ that desperate times need desperate measures, and profiling does work in containing terrorist activities.
On the other hand, opponents of profiling are of the view that profiling doesn't really work, as terrorism is not connected to one single group or community, but to a ___________ that promotes ______________towards fellow human beings. They cite the examples of Timothy McVeigh and Anders Behring Breivik - white men who carried out some of the most ____________ acts of terrorism. Opponents believe that when law enforcers __________________________________ profiling, other terrorists and criminals get ____________________________, and pose a threat to the country.
There is a plethora of arguments that opponents and proponents have as far as the effectiveness of racial profiling is concerned. But if we _________________________________________________________, we will find that profiling causes ________________________________ to an individual, and poses questions on his status as a lawful citizen of a country. It alienates a whole community from the mainstream. When carried out intensely over a period of time, it can even cause a _________________person to become an extremist. Mentioned below are some points which will throw some light on why racially profiling an individual is immoral.
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 555.