1. My friend __learnt Spanish as the second language since school.
2. __your friends in England last summer?
3. Where __ you usually spend your holidays?
4. Many programs __ developed by the experts every year.
5. It __a very prestigious profession.
6. The computers__ been repaired before the chief came.
7. I __speaking on the phone with my friend now.
8. __they travel a lot last year?
9. __your uncle work as a head engineer at the big construction company ?
10. I __ preparing the report on English language at this time yesterday.
UNIT 9. the LANGUAGES of intercultural communication
Learning another language is like
becoming another person.
Haruku Murakami
Fig. 21
Discuss the following with your partner:
1. What do you find most interesting (most useful and effective, most amusing) about learning English?
2. What do you find most difficult about learning English? What are your strong and weak points?
3. How are you planning to use English in future?
1. Find the appropriate equivalent:
1. the phenomenon of our age | 1. заменить |
2. thus | 2. отражение |
3.reflection | 3. таким образом |
4.the birth of civilization | 4. с появлением национальных государств |
5.to replace | 5. явление нашей эпохи |
6.with the emergence of national states | 6. зарождение цивилизации |
7.educated people of Europe | 7. простой народ, простолюдины |
8.common people | 8. образованные люди Европы |
9.in the vanguard of European and world expansion | 9. относиться к одной из трех групп |
10. to fall into one of three groups | 10. в авангарде европейского и мирового распространения |
11.in the contemporary world | 11. упрощать |
12.to use smth. for a practical purpose | 12. основные характеристики английского |
13.to define | 13. словоизменение; изменение формы слова |
14.well-rounded education | 14. в современном мире |
15. explosion of knowledge | 15. простота формы |
16. basic characteristics of English | 16. использовать что-либо для практической цели |
17.to simplify | 17. всестороннее образование |
18.simplicity of form | 18. гибкость; вариативность |
19.inflection | 19. определить; дать определение |
20.flexibility | 20. стремительный рост знаний |
21.loss of inflections | 21. открытость лексики |
22.openness of vocabulary | 22. утрата аффикса (морфемы, которая присоединяется к корню и служит для образования слов) при слово- и формообразовании |
23.creation of compounds and derivatives | 23. свободный доступ |
24.free admission | 24. образование сложных слов и производных слов (дериватов) |
25.to resist | 25. выжить, продолжать существовать |
26.to survive | 26. сопротивляться |
27. Mandarin Chinese | 27. без сомнения |
28.arrival | 28.мандаринский диалект китайского языка |
29.no doubt | 29. вымирать |
30. to die out | 30. приход, прибытие |
2. Match the words with their definitions:
1.disposal | 1. have a specified beginning |
2.dearly | 2. a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action |
3.to originate from | 3. the action or process of getting rid of something |
4. circumstances | 4. very much |
5. preference | 5. a person who insists on absolute adherence to traditional rules or structures, especially in language or style |
6. gradually | 6. speaking two languages fluently |
7.to regard | 7. be convenient for or acceptable to |
8. bilingual | 8. slowly; by degrees |
9. purist | 9. a greater liking for one alternative over another or others |
10. to suit | 10. to consider or think of in a specified way |
3. Complete the sentence with the words and phrases below:
1. Birth of civilization; 2. fall into; 3.in the contemporary world; 4. have been simplified; 5. was regarded; 6. defined; 7. the phenomenon;8. gradually; 9. with the emergence;10. are resisting.
1. English is the main language of business, sports and science … 2.The first international language appeared on Earth with the ….
3. People who speak English … one of three groups.
4. Then … of national states and development of national languages the need to learn foreign languages became especially important.
5. In the first half of the 20-th century English started … to replace French as the international language.
6. Knowledge of foreign languages … as a sign of a well-rounded education.
7. Over the centuries a lot of English words … .
8. International language is not … of our age only.
9. Previously the reason for learning any foreign language was not well … .
10. Purists of the French, Russian, and Japanese languages … the arrival of English in their vocabulary.
Part 1. THE History of the International
Language is the mean of communication. The most common way of expressing an idea for people is to say it out loud. Language enables people to understand each other. At the same moment language can be a major barrier to understanding because there are thousands of different languages on our planet. From the earliest time, with the development of trade and exchange of ideas and techniques people saw the necessity of learning foreign languages. A language that is used as a mean of communication by people of different nations is called international. It helps people of different nations to understand each other. As a rule the existence of the language as an international one is determined by political, cultural and economic development of the country which language is spoken as international.
International language is not the phenomenon of our age only. The first international language appeared on Earth with the birth of civilization. The Biblical myth about the mixture of languages during the construction of the Babylon Tower, when the people lost their universal language and thus could not communicate, was a reflection of how dearly the people of ancient periods held the gift of speech and understanding. Ever since those times the foreign languages and people who knew them played a significant part in the development of international relations and trade of different countries.
The first international language that we know about was the language of the Phoenicians. The Phoenicians were a nation of industrious merchants and brave seafarers who settled originally on the territory of the Lebanon. The Greek language replaced Phoenician as a mean of international communication. The Greek culture and language were imposed in all Hellenistic centers and states, including Egypt, Syria and Persia. The Romans went a little further. The Roman legionary marched to the ends of the earth carrying Latin, their language, with the help of their orators and philosophers to Europe, Asia, and Africa. From that time the role of languages in the historical development of humanity has increased. Latin survived the collapse of the Roman Empire. Until the establishment of national states, new national languages that originated from Latin (French, Spanish, and Italian) were still emerging. In such circumstances it was the universal language of Medieval Europe for fifteen centuries. In Europe Latin was used for the serious business of government, diplomacy, and philosophy. A person who did not know Latin was unable to become educated because Latin was also the language of the Universities.
Then with the emergence of national states and development of national languages the need to learn foreign languages became especially important. Educated people of Europe were to know several modern languages. For example, Rubens, the greatest painter of the Western civilization who lived in Flanders in the 17-th century, spoke and wrote six modern languages.
It should be said that not all the languages had equal importance in different centuries in the world. Preference was given to that one which country was more powerful at that time. In the 15-th and 16-th centuries Spain was in the vanguard of European and world expansion and the Spanish language could be heard in the far reaches of our planet. French became the dominant language of the Western world in the 17-th and 19-th centuries. In the 19-th century French was the official language of our country. Since childhood Russian aristocrats were learning French. For example, Pushkin wrote his first poem in French. Russian was spoken only by common people.
In the first half of the 20-th century, during the period between two World Wars, English started gradually to replace French as the international language. The transition from French to English as the international language was relatively easy because in many countries of the world people already knew English by that time.
Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 356.