An engineer is a practitioner of engineering, concerned with applying scientific knowledge, mathematics, and ingenuity to develop solutions for technical, societal and commercial problems. Engineers design, evaluate, develop, test, modify, install, inspect and maintain a wide variety of products and systems. They also recommend and specify materials and processes, supervise manufacturing and construction, conduct failure analysis, provide consulting services and teach engineering courses in colleges and universities. The word engineer is derived from the Latin words ingeniare («to contrive, devise») and ingenium («cleverness»).
As for engineering professions they are the following: project engineer, design engineer, mechanical engineer, nuclear engineer, aerospace engineer, civil engineer, electrical engineer, power engineer, software engineer and many others.
Most engineers specialize in one or more engineering disciplines. For this reason, engineers need to have a general understanding of several areas of engineering besides their specialty. For example, a civil engineer needs to understand concepts of structural engineering, an aerospace engineer needs to apply principles of mechanical engineering, and nuclear engineers need a working knowledge of electrical engineering.
Engineers also may specialize in one industry, such as motor vehicles, or in one type of technology, such as turbines or semiconductor materials.
When developing a product, engineers typically work in interdisciplinary teams. For example, when building robots an engineering team will typically have at least three types of engineers. A mechanical engineer would design the body and actuators. An electrical engineer would design the power systems, sensors, and control circuitry. Finally, a software engineer would develop the software that makes the robot behave properly.
The profession of an engineer requires:
-in-depth knowledge of mathematics, physics and computer applications such as simulations and computer-aided design;
- deep insight of design and manufacturing processes;
- ability to think critically, creatively and independently;
-work in a team;
- basic understanding of the context in which engineering is practiced (economy, history, environment, customer and social needs).
That is why most higher school programs include basic engineering courses in a wide range of topics before students choose to specialize in a particular area.
Comprehension check
1. Answer the following questions:
1. What does the term «engineering» mean?
2. What are the specialty areas of engineering?
3. Civil engineering is the broadest of the engineering fields, isn’t it?
4. Who is an engineer?
5.What are the professional capacities of an engineer?
6.What are the engineering professions?
7. Why should engineers have a general understanding of several areas of engineering?
8. Do engineers typically work in interdisciplinary teams? Why?
9. What are the main requirements to the profession of an engineer?
10. What are your reasons to study engineering for your future career? Do your interests and abilities satisfy the requirements of the profession of an engineer?
2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not available:
1. Engineering and science are not connected.
2. Engineering is the application of science to build machines, electrical or electronic devices.
3. The field of engineering is divided into a large number of specialty areas.
4. Nuclear engineering is the broadest of the engineering fields.
5. Electrical engineering focuses on the designing computer hardware components, computer systems, networks and computer software.
6. Civil engineering is the most popular branch of engineering nowadays.
7. An engineer is a practitioner of engineering, concerned with applying scientific knowledge, mathematics, and ingenuity to develop solutions for technical, societal and commercial problems.
8. The engineers don’t specialize in more engineering disciplines.
9. There are various professions in the field of engineering.
10. Engineers never work in interdisciplinary teams.
11. The profession of an engineer requires an ability to think critically, creatively and independently.
12. The profession of an engineer is in demand in the Russian Federation.
Grammar in Focus
1. Translate the sentences with Present, Past Perfect and Future Perfect Active. Give the negative and question forms:
1. Max has already decided to become an engineer.
2. They have been absent this week.
3. The scientists had developed this theory by the end of the 19th century.
4. The group will have carried out the plan by next summer.
5. We have recently offered him an interesting job.
6. They had reequipped the factory before the reconstruction began.
7. They have just changed their plans.
8. The workers will have built a new house by next month.
9. My friend has met his group mates today.
10. The students had translated the difficult article when the teacher came.
2. Choose the necessary form of the verb (Present Perfect or Past Simple):
1. We (have travelled/travelled) about the Crimea last year. My grandfather knows so much, because he (has travelled/travelled) a lot.
2. …you ever (were/ have been) to the Technical Museum?
3. My colleague (has met/met) the mechanic two hours ago. I just (have met, met) the head engineer.
4. The students(have decided/decided) already what subject to choose as «majors». Yesterday they (have decided/decided) to take part at the scientific conference.
5. Helen speaks French fluently, because she (has been/ was) to France recently. She (has been/was) there last year.
6. The laboratory assistant (hasn’t done/didn’t do) the experiment yet.
7. Alex (has bought/bought) a lot of scientific journals this week. I (have bought/ bought) some textbooks yesterday.
8. (Have seen/ Did the see) they our dean at the laboratory today?
9. The scientist ( hasn’t completed/didn’t complete) the experiment yet.
10. Who (has lost, lost) the phone in the room Nr 409 yesterday?
3. Correct the mistakes paying attention to the Perfect Tenses:
1. The team of students just completed their project on English.
2. They hasn’t installed the new apparatus by yesterday evening.
3. They will make necessary calculations before the experiment begins.
4. We were never there.
5. Did your friend tell you about a lecture on Physics yet?
6. We didn’t go far when our monitor phoned.
7. Why didn’t you write your scientific notes by the fixed -time?
8. Our group mate studied in Canada since January.
9. Was your friend ever in Great Britain?
10. He doesn’t meet this colleague before.
4. Put the verbs in brackets in the right forms of the Perfect Active:
1. The technical advances greatly (broaden) the field of engineering since the 19th century.
2. The engineer (complete) his project by the end of the next year.
3. …. the electrical engineer ( not inspect) the power systems, sensors, and control circuits of this new apparatus yet?
4. He (test) the equipment before it starts working.
5. The mechanical engineer (design) the body and actuators of the robot by the end of the previous week.
6. The software engineer just (develop) the software that makes the robot behave properly.
7. We (not record) the data yet.
8. Why (not test) he this device by the deadline?
9. The programmers (not check) the devices by tomorrow.
10. The engineers already (install) a new equipment at the factory.
Speaking Workshop
Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 261.