Harvard has an excellent reputation in many fields; MIT is a leader in science and technology. Students attending Harvard and MIT come from around the world; Harvard alone has students from 90 countries.
Comprehension Check
1. Answer the following questions:
1. Does the national government give financial aid to the higher schools in the USA?
2. What do you know about public and private higher education institutions in the USA?
3. What types of institutions are there in the American system of higher education?
4. What degrees are American students awarded after graduation from the community college?
5. How long does the course of study last at the technical training institutions?
6. Do the technical colleges award the students the bachelor’s degree?
7. Are the four-year colleges a part of a university?
8. What degree do the four-year colleges award?
8. The universities in the USA usually consist of several different colleges, don’t they?
9. What degrees can students get at the university?
10. What other programs do the universities offer to the graduates?
11. Why should the students earn a certain number of «credits»?
12. What are the most well- known institutions of higher education in the USA?
2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not available:
1. There is no national system of higher education in the United States of America.
2. The national government gives financial aid to the higher schools.
3. The institutions of higher education are private in the USA.
4. The private institutions are financed by charity funds.
5. About 40 per cent of all American students of higher education study at the community colleges.
6. The technical colleges award both bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
7. The four-year colleges don’t award master’s degree.
8. The universities offer advanced programs which lead to a master’s and Ph.D.’s degree.
9. Many Russian famous physicists graduated from Harvard University.
10. The students at the American universities have to earn a certain number of «credits» in order to get scholarship.
11. The student may choose «electives».
12. The students must pay the consultations of their advisers.
13. Most cities have colleges or universities that hold classes at night as well as in daytime.
14. Cambridge is the most famous American university.
15. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is one of the most prestigious technical institutions in the world.
Grammar in Focus
1. Choose the correct translation of «it» from the list below:
A. именно
B. он, она, они, оно, его, ее
C. не переводится
D. формальное дополнение
E. это
1) It didn’t rain yesterday.
2) It is my friend who prepared this interesting report at the scientific conference.
3) The study at summer school in England made it possible to improve my English and meet new friends.
4) This university is rather big. It consists of five colleges.
5) Don’t worry about me. It’s my life.
2. Choose the correct translation of «one» from the list below:
A. один
B. заменитель существительного
C. не переводится
1. Why do we always travel to this place? Let’s go to another one next holiday.
2. One should get the language certificate to enter the university in the USA.
3. Stanford University is one of the best universities throughout the world.
4. Except above mentioned universities there are another prestigious ones.
5. One cannot always find time for walking.
3. Choose the correct translation of «that (those)» from the list below:
A. что
B. который
C. именно
D. тот/этот
E. заменитель существительного
F. то, что
1) That new campus of our university has the very developed infrastructure.
2. There are courses that every student has to take in order to receive a degree.
3. Those who have received a degree after 4 years of studies are known as graduates.
4. The peculiarity of higher education in the USA is that the government gives no direct financial aid to the higher schools.
5. It was our group mate that got grant to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology next semester.
6. The higher education of Great Britain differs from that of our country.
7. It is known that Harvard University has an excellent reputation in many fields.
8. It was he that came first.
9. These tests are too difficult for me.
10. Most cities in the USA have colleges that hold classes at night as well as in daytime.
Speaking Workshop
Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 320.