You may continue the schedule of the advantages and disadvantages.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
Advantages of higher education system in Russia Disadvantages of higher education system in Russia
1.Efficiency of using the state funded places 1.Bachelors are half-educated persons
2.Much wider choice of higher schools for the prospective students 2.Master’s program is not clear enough
3.Involving of employers in forecasting of requirements for education 3.The equipment at universities is not up-to-date enough
4.Expanding the participation of the employers in professional training financing 4.Lack of educational materials in the university library
5.High quality of education 5.Reducing of the state funded places at higher schools
6.Opportunity for students to continue study without problems in any higher school of Europe 6.Not adequate teachers’ salaries at the higher school
7.Setting up anticorruption barriers between schools and universities 7.Low scholarship
8.Training of the competitive professionals 8.High tuition fee
9.Easier to get higher education for the talented people 9.Getting job on the specialty after graduating from the higher school
10. ... 10. .


3. *Discuss these topics using all information you have got:

1. Advantages and disadvantages of the two-level system.

2. Is the higher education a way to success?

3. The tendency to study in Moscow and other big cities: pro and contra.

4. Getting job on the specialty after graduating from the higher school:problems and prospects.

5. Problems we are facing in our higher education.



1. Listen to the text College Majors on

Do the tasks given to this text.



You are always a student, never a master.

You have to keep moving forward.

(Conrad Hall)



Discuss the following with your partner.


1. Do you consider the education in Great Britain to be more prestigious and efficient than that one in our country?

2. Have you ever thought of getting higher education in the UK? What are your reasons?


1. Find the appropriate equivalent:


1.the General Certificate of Secondary Education 1. планировать
2. to date from 2. очень ограниченный обучающий элемент
3. weekly tutorials 3. основывать establish 4. еженедельные практические занятия
5. a very limited taught element 5. вести начало от cling to the traditions 6. придерживаться традиций
7. to award 7. плата за обучение lay out 8. аттестат об общем среднем образовании (в Великобритании), аттестат зрелости
9. polytechnics 9. при личной встрече
10. in person 10. оставаться, продолжаться
11. tuition fee 11.присуждать, давать, присваивать (степень)
12. to remain 12. поддерживать связь
13. general pattern of teaching 13. общая модель обучения
14. virtually 14. колледж дополнительного образования
15. everyday expenses 15. фактически, в действительности
16. work-orientated 16. ориентируемый на работу
17. to be similar to 17. метод оценивания
18. to keep in touch 18. ежедневные расходы
19. the concept of universal education 19. быть аналогичным, подобным
20.the  method of assessment 20. концепция общего образования


2. Match the words and phrases with their definitions:

1. overseas 1.a period of tuition given by a university or college tutor to an individual or very small group
2. keen on 2. from, to, or relating to a foreign country
3. tutorial 3. interested in or attracted by
4. assessment 4. end-of-course examinations
5. finals 5. the action of assessing someone or something
6. assisted college 6. (In the UK) a college where fees are wholly or partially subsidized by the state
7. employer 7. a sum of money that is borrowed, that is expected to be paid back
8. loan 8. a person or organization that employs people
9. accommodation 9. regularly or frequently behave in a particular way or have a certain characteristics tend 10. a room, group of rooms, or building in which someone may live or stay


3. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below:

1.Award; 2.cling to their traditions; from; 4.weekly tutorials;5.method of assessment; 6.virtually; 7.keep in touch; 8. Remain; 9. work-orientated; 10.tuition fee.


1. The old established universities in the UK … the 12 -13th centuries. 2. The basis of training at the universities in Great Britain is organized by ... .

3. Oxford and Cambridge … such as wearing full academic dress at examinations.

4. The most higher schools over the world …… the first degree (B.S.) after four years of study.

5. … is known to be rather high at the most prestigious universities in the UK.

6. Each higher school both in Russia and abroad has its own … .

7. … all students on full-time courses have an opportunity to receive scholarship.

8. The students of the distance learning department … with their tutors by using the Internet.

9. The general pattern of teaching at the universities throughout the world … a combination of lectures, seminars and tutorials.

10. Polytechnics and different types of assisted colleges in Great Britain provide more … courses than universities.



Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 277.