The main film of the year 2009 is «Avatar» by James Cameron, the producer of such films as «Terminator», «Titanic», «The Strangers». This film ranks with above-mentioned world-famous films and probably belongs to the science-fiction genre.
The action of the film is set on the planet Pandora in the year of 3000. The plot is rather simple: the super hero Avatar is to save the alien planet and to fulfill this mission he struggles with a lot of difficulties.
The main character, Jack Sally, is a disabled navy who has just come back from the war. The film starts with the scene when he is invited to take part in a secret expedition to the planet, inhabited by weird creatures. Thus, he becomes the part of the programme called Avatar. Being turned into a a three-metre giant with blue skin, he is sent to the planet with the help of special «drivers» that link his mind to the mind of Avatar.
What impressed me most is the spectacular world of aliens that we, the audience, see through the eyes of the main character. The special effects and 3D technologies enhance the impression of the bright and colourful world in contrast to the human one, which is grey and dying. The plot of the film is fast-moving with some amusing episodes.
For those who are indifferent to the computer graphics, there is another storyline that is love of «the dream worker» to a beautiful female alien, who, being hostile and suspicious at first, falls in love with him. Such love is forbidden and as a result the pair is chased by the aliens. Happily, they managed to escape in the end. To my mind, the brillant acting of Sam Worthingdon, who is starring in the film, is above all expectations.
To sum up, I can say that the film «Avatar» is that kind of film that takes us to a special world beyond imagination. More than that, it is the film that you want to watch over and over again. Definitely, the new film by Cameron couldn’t be missed.
Since the beginning of the 20th century cinematography has been developing very fast. There appeared a lot of film genres and the quality of the picture has changed greatly. Until recently it has been the most common entertainment. Nowadays the television is competing for the audience with the most powerful mass media — the Internet.
Список выражений для подготовки к экзамену по теме «Films. My Favourite Film» ( ОГЭ / ЕГЭ )
1. belong to my favourite film genre — принадлежать к моему любимому жанру
2. screen version of the book «…» by… — экранизация книги «…», написанной …
3. the story is set in …- история происходит в …
4. the plot is rather simple / intricate — сюжет довольно простой / запутанный
5. grab my attention from the beginning — завладевать моим вниманием с самого начала
6. the brilliant acting of the main characters — превосходная игра актеров
7. be one of the film’s greatest assets… — еще одно достоинство фильма
8. Актер stars as… — в главной роли играет … актер
9. the great soundtracks add … to the film — великолепные саундтреки придают фильму …
10. special effects — спецэффекты
11. impress most of all — производить наибольшее впечатление
Примеры предложений со словами и выражениями по теме «My Favourite Film»
1. The film «Great Expectations» belongs to my favourite film genre. It is drama.
2. It is the screen version of the famous book by Charles Dickens, which has the same title.
3. The story is set in Victorian England.
4. The plot is not very intricate.
5. Despite the film has no special effects, it grabs your attention from the first scene.
6. The brilliant acting of the main characters is one of the film’s greatest assets. [6,7]
7. Konstantin Khabensky stars as Anton Gorogetsky.
8. The great soundtracks add the mystic atmosphere to the film.
9. I think it is the storyline (special effects) that impressed me most of all.[10,11]
Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 529.