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Federal subjects

Russia is a federation which, as of March 1, 2008, consists of 83 subjects. These subjects are of equal federal rights in the sense that they have equal representation—two delegates each—in the Federation Council (upper house of the Russian parliament). However, they do differ in the degree of autonomy they enjoy. Autonomous okrugs, while federal subjects in their own right, are at the same time considered to be administrative divisions of other federal subjects (with Chukotka Autonomous Okrug being the only exception). The federal subjects are considered to be the second level of federal division, being subject to the federal laws (first level).

21 republics are nominally autonomous, each has its own constitution, president and parliament; is represented by the federal government in international affairs; and is meant to be home to a specific ethnic minority.

46 oblasts (regions) are most common, regular administrative units with federally appointed governor and locally elected legislature. Commonly named after the oblast center—the largest city in the oblast, its administrative center.

9 krais (territories) are essentially the same as oblasts. The title "territory" is historic, originally given because they were once considered frontier regions. 1 autonomous region is the Jewish Autonomous Oblast.

4 autonomous okrugs (autonomous districts), are more autonomous than oblasts but less than republics; usually with substantial or predominant ethnic minority.

 2 federal cities are major cities that function as separate regions.

Fig.2 Federal Subjects of the RF

Federal districts

The federal districts are a level of administration for the convenience of the federal government of the Russian Federation. They are not the constituent units of Russia (which are the federal subjects). Each district includes several federal subjects and each federal district has a presidential envoy (whose official title is Plenipotentiary Representative). The official task of the Plenipotentiary Representative is simply to oversee the work of federal agencies in the regions, although in practice this oversight is extensive and of considerable consequence. Federal districts' envoys serve as liaisons between the federal subjects and the federal government and are primarily responsible for overseeing the compliance of the federal subjects with the federal laws. For economic and statistical purposes, the federal subjects are grouped into twelve economic regions. Economic regions and their parts sharing common economic trends are in turn grouped into economic zones and macrozones. The federal districts were created in May 2000 by Vladimir Putin as a part of a wider program designed to reassert federal authority. This wider program of reform included the Federation Council becoming indirectly elected, the scrutinizing of republican constitutions and regional charters, and the President gaining the right to dissolve subjects' parliaments and dismiss subjects' governments if they disobey federal law. The Plenipotentiary Representatives and their staff ascertain the extent of a subjects' violation of federal laws and norms. They also oversee the process of correction at a closer level than can the federal institutions in Moscow. The creation of the federal districts has assisted in restricting laws and practices of the subjects which contravene federal law, for instance, the curtailment of citizens rights, the authoritarian practices of subjects' governors (or, in case of republics, their presidents), the manipulation of police and the control of the judiciary by subjects' governments, the strict control of journalism, and the manipulation of elections. Federal agencies, particularly in the justice system, had been "captured" by subjects' governments during the segmented federalism of the Yeltsin period. This process is being forestalled as Plenipotentiary Representatives ensure that agencies do the work for which they are intended rather than being brought under the influence of powerful local elites. The Plenipotentiary Representatives are overseeing a system of rotation of federal employees throughout the regions in order to avoid them becoming dependent on local leaders. The federal districts coincide exactly with the Interior Ministry forces' military regions, and coincide closely with the Defense Ministry regions. This allows the Plenipotentiary Representatives to have direct access to the command structure of the military and security apparatus. This sends a clear message to the subjects that they must cooperate with the federal government, and is very useful for the Plenipotentiary Representatives.

Fig.3 Federal Districts of the RF


Active vocabulary

Federation - федерация, объединение, союз, федеративное государство

To be of equal federal rights – находиться на равных федеративных правах

To differ in the degree of – отличаться по степени

To be subject to – подчиняться чему - то

To be meant to be home to – считаться “ родиной ” чего - либо

Locally elected legislature – законодательная власть, избираемая на местном уровне

Substantial or predominant ethnic minority – основное или преобладающее этническое меньшинство

Presidential envoy – представитель президента

Plenipotentiary Representative – уполномоченный представитель

T o oversee smth – наблюдать за чем либо

To serve as liaisons – “служить” / быть связующим звеном

To be responsible for – быть ответственным за

To share common economic trends – “идти” в одном экономическом направлении

To reassert federal authority – заново подтверждать федеральную власть

To scrutiniz e - досконально исследовать, изучать (что-л.)

Regional charter – региональный устав

To gain the right to dissolve subjects' parliament – приобретать право распускать парламент субъектов

Ascertain - выяснять, устанавливать; убеждаться, удостоверяться

Violation of federal laws – нарушение федеральных законов

In restricting laws – в ограничении законов

T o contravene federal law - преступать, нарушать федеральный закон

Curtailment - сокращение, урезывание, укорачивание, уменьшение

J udiciary зд. законность

To forestall - следовать впереди; предвосхищать, опережать

System of rotation of federal employees – система ротации федеральных служащих

To coincide with – совпадать с чем-то

Ex. I Mach the word combination with its definition:

1. It is a place regarded as a place of origin.

2. It means to be most frequent or common.

3. It is a person who can serve as mediator, intermediary, negotiator or go-between.

4. It means to correspond in nature, character, or function.

5. It means to inspect, examine, to supervise.

6. It means to examine closely and minutely.

7. It means to be liable to be called to account as the primary cause, motive, or agent.

a. a home to

b. Predominant

c. To oversee

d. to scrutinize

e. to coincide with

f. to be responsible for

g. to serve as liaisons

Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 324.