Ex. II Read and translate the text “Geographical Position”.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Ex. III Answer the following questions:

1. What is another title of Russia?

2. What countries does Russia share borders with?

3. What is the RF area?

4. How many time zones does Russia span?

5. Where does Russia extend?

6. Why Russia is considered to be an energy superpower?

7. What is Russia after the dissolution of the USSR?

8. What GDP does Russia have?

9. What international organizations Russia is a member of?

10. What does Russia display due to its size and why?

11. What are the two widest separated points in Russia? Where are they?

12. Why Russia is known as “the lungs of Europe”?

13. Why do you think the Russian fishing fleets are a major contributor to the world’s fish supply?

14. What is considered the finest caviar in the world?

15. What does Russia topographically consist of?

16. What are the famous mountains in Russia?

17. What are the Urals famous for?

18. What is the length of the Russian coastline?

19. What is Lake Baikal?


Ex. IV Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. Russia is officially known as the Northern country.

3. Russia is the semi-presidential republic.

4. Russia shares maritime borders with the only country – Japan.

5. Russia extends across the whole of northern Asia and 60% of Europe.

6. Russia spans 11 time zones and it doesn’t incorporate a wide range of environments and landforms.

7. The dissolution of the former USSR was in 1990.

8. The Russian nation can boast a long tradition of excellence in every aspect of the arts and sciences, as well as a strong tradition in technology, including such significant achievements as the first human spaceflight.

9. The geography of Russia entails the physical and human geography of Russia.

10. As with its topography, its climates, vegetation, and soils span small distances.

11. The country contains 40 OUN Biosphere reserves.

12. The two widest separated points in Russia are the boundary with Poland and the farthest southeast of the Kuril Islands, a few miles off Hokkaidō Island.

13. Russian fishing fleets are a minor contributor to the world's fish supply.

14. Russia possesses 10% of the world's arable land.

15. Lake Ladoga and Lake Onega are the largest lakes in Asia.


Ex. V Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. The border extends to the river.

2. His career that spanned four decades was great.

3. In case of emergency it is necessary to keep a reserve of unfrozen fresh water.

4. His breathing is difficult, and there are all the symptoms of approaching dissolution.

5. Probably England will be a legal personality of the UK, if it is necessary.

6. He is long on maths and chemistry.

7. The project will entail considerable expense.

8. I can’t see the spit he is talking about.

9. I am not sure whether longitude is the distance of a place east or west of an imaginary line from the top to the bottom of the Earth, measured in degrees.

10. There were lots of containers, each capacious of twenty gallons.

11. In the last five or six years Russia has achieved nuclear-missile parity with the United States.


Ex. VI Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Плато простирается на много миль.

2. Даже взглядом трудно охватить эту великую реку.

3. Ограниченные запасы пресной воды в этой стране не позволяют строить там заводы и фабрики.

4. Территория наших соседей граничит с Индией.

5. На экзамене ему нужно было рассказать про упадок Римской империи.

6. Россия, как правопреемник СССР, несет ответственность за долги этой страны.

7. Российские богатые традиции празднования Нового Года известны на весь мир.

8. Хвойный лес является одним из богатств России.

9. В России находится 10% всех пахотных угодий всего мира.

10. При таком положении дел трудно достичь состояние баланса.


Ex. VII Look through the text and find all sentences in Active voice, define its tenses.

Ex. VIII Look through the text and find all sentences in Passive voice, define its tenses.


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