Ex. I1I Answer the following questions:
1. How is the climate of the Russian Federation formed?
2. What results in the dominance of the humid continental and subarctic climate?
3. What makes the country open to Arctic and Atlantic influences?
4. What are the coldest and the warmest months?
5. Where is a subtropical climate in Russia?
6. What is the population in Russia?
7. What zone is the majority of population concentrated?
8. Why do you think the National Priority Health Project was implemented?
9. What is life expectancy in Russia?
10. What are the major causes of death and premature deaths among working age men?
11. What was done to combat the looming demographic crisis?
Ex. IV Agree or disagree with the following statements:
1. The climate of the Russian Federation is formed under the influence of several determining factors.
2. Throughout much of the territory there are only three distinct seasons — winter, summer and spring.
3. Great ranges of temperature are typical in Russia.
4. Mountains in the north obstructing the flow of warm air masses from the Indian Ocean and the plain of the west and north make the country open to Arctic and Atlantic influences.
5. The birth rate in 2008 was the highest recorded in the last 15 years.
6. In Russia the majority of population is concentrated in European zone.
7. Life expectancy remains low even compared to the developing countries.
8. Many premature deaths are attributed to cardiovascular diseases, cancer and traffic accidents.
9. The long-term program is aimed to reduce the population decline.
10. The economic crises raises doubts about the future of Russia.
Ex. V Translate the following sentences into Russian:
1. The authorities are obstructing a United Nations investigation.
2. Everything is arranged except for one small detail.
3. Humid continental climate is in the predominance in the whole Russia except for the Caucasus.
4. Summers in the European part can be hot while winters are not very cold.
5. Financial incentives to mothers having two or more children are the part of the National Policy.
6. Life expectancy remains low in Russia in comparison with other European countries.
7. Cardiovascular diseases, cancer, traffic accidents and violence continue to be major causes of death among Russian people.
8. To combat the looming demographic crisis the concept of demographic policy was approved.
9. Prevention of smoking and alcohol abuse is the major purpose of governmental policy.
10. Nobody knows whether that program offers a long-term solution.
Ex. VI Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Эта стена загораживает весь обзор!
2. В этой части страны влажный климат является преобладающим.
3. Горы, преграждающие путь теплым воздушным массам находятся на юге.
4. Недавно госкомстат России объявил результаты последнего исследования.
5. К сожалению, средняя продолжительность жизни в нашей стране остается низкой.
6. По данным государственного комитета по статистике основными причинами смертности в нашей стране являются сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, рак и несчастные случаи на дорогах.
7. Алкогольная зависимость и курение приводят к преждевременной смерти.
8. Правительство разрабатывает программы по улучшению состояния здоровья населения и правильную миграционную политику.
9. Для того, чтобы предотвратить преждевременную смертность наше правительство присоединилось к международной конвенции по табакоконтролю.
10. Наше правительство вкладывает определенную сумму в бюджет на предотвращение алкогольной и наркотической зависимостей.
Ex. VII Make the following adjectives Comparative and superlative:
Enormous, subarctic, cold, low, good, high, big, small, warm, dry, excessive, near.
Ex. VIII Look through the text and find a sentence with the modal verb and put all types of the questions to this sentence.
Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 218.