§ Try to give their definitions in English.
§ In pairs make short dialogues using expressions from the list above. Read the dialogues aloud.
Pre-Reading task
Scan the text. Give headings to each paragraph. Make an outline of the text.
Read the text attentively and answer the question of the title.
What Is Strategic Planning?
Strategic planning is a management tool. As with any management tool, it is used for one purpose only: to help an organization do a better job – to focus its energy, to ensure that members of the organization are working toward the same goals, to assess and adjust the organization’s direction in response to a changing environment. In short, strategic planning is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future.
A word by word dissection of this definition provides the key elements that underlie the meaning and successof a strategic planning process.
The process is strategic because it involves preparing the best way to respond to the circumstances of the organization’s environment, whether or not its circumstances are known in advance; nonprofits often must respond to dynamic and even hostile environments. Being strategic means being clear about the organization’s objectives, being aware of the organization’s resources, and incorporating both into being consciously responsive to a dynamic environment.
The process is about planning because it involves intentionally setting goals (i.e., choosing a desired future) and developing an approach to achieving those goals.
The process raises a sequence of questions that helps planners examine experience, test assumptions, gather and incorporate information about the present, and anticipate the environment in which the organization will be working in the future.
Finally, the process is about fundamental decisions and actions because choices must be made in order to answer the sequence of questions mentioned above. The plan is ultimately no more, and no less, than a set of decisions about what to do, why to do it, and how to do it. Because it is impossible to do everything that needs to be done in this world, strategic planning implies that some organizational decisions and actions are more important than others – and that much of the strategy lies in making the tough decisions about what is most important to achieving organizational success.
The strategic planning can be complex, challenging, and even messy, but it is always defined by the basic ideas outlined above.
Work with the text
§ Find words with the opposite meaning to the words in bold.
§ Retell the text to your peer using the outline you have made.
Translate from Russian into English:
§ Как и многие другие приемы, стратегический менеджмент служит одной цели – помочь организации выполнять работу лучше.
§ Процесс является стратегическим, так как включает подготовку наилучшего способа реагирования на обстоятельства среды организации, во всяком случае, обстоятельства известные заранее; некоммерческие фирмы часто должны реагировать на динамические или даже враждебные среды.
§ Процесс является планированием, поскольку он включает преднамеренное устанавливание целей и разработку методов достижения этих целей.
§ План – в конце концов, ни больше инее меньше чем набор решений о том, что делать, почему, для чего делать это, и как нужно это делать.
§ Стратегическое планирование может быть сложным, вызывающим, и даже беспорядочным, но всегда соответствует основным идеям описанным выше.
Lead in
§ What kinds of employee incentives do you know?
§ What is the best incentive for you personally?
§ What incentives does your employer use?
§ Divide into groups of four.
§ Think of a program that will perfectly stimulate employees to do the best in their job.
§ Prepare a kind of presentation.
§ Present your ideas to your group.
§ Read and translate new words and expressions using a dictionary.
Misconception, intention, incentive, survey, perspective, motivation, benefit, research, encourage, lack ambition, recruitment, appreciate
§ Try to give their definitions in English.
§ In pairs make short dialogues using expressions from the list above. Read the dialogues aloud.
§ Divide the text into three parts, read them in groups of four;
§ Retell every part to the entire group;
Tree Common Misconceptions
About Employee Incentives
Having good intentions is unfortunately not enough at all to make employee incentives work for your company. If you want to spend your money on a truly worthwhile cause, do make sure first that you’re not suffering from any misconceptions about employee incentives.
Misconception 1: Money Makes the World Go Round
And maybe it does, but not all the time. True enough, surveys will frequently show that employees desire financial incentives more than non-financial ones while employers believe otherwise. Who do you think is right?
You might think that it’s what employees believe that counts but in reality, the employers have it right. It’s undeniable that money has the power of changing people’s perspective…but once the money’s on their hands and spent for whatever reason, they lose motivation immediately after that.
When choosing and giving out employee incentives, always make sure to do what you can to maximize on its benefits.
Misconception 2: It’s All about What You Do
Many mistakenly believe that they have what it takes to motivate their employees. All they need is to research about the issues at hand, spend for the costs incurred, work hard on improving the incentive strategies they devise, and everything will soon lead to the results they desire.
But in the end, you’ll soon find out that no matter what you do, there are just some people who don’t respond to the incentives that you’re offering. And it’s not because you’ve made a mistake but simply because they just don’t want themselves to get motivated.
If you get confronted with such employees, make it a point to set up a one-on-one consultation with them. During that time, encourage them to open up and explain why they seem to lack ambition and drive. If the answers provided are unsatisfactory, then you have a tough decision to make: take the time and effort to change their attitude or let them go?
Misconception 3: Incentives are Always the Answer
That is patently untrue. No matter how much incentive you’re giving your employees, none of them will work if there’s something wrong with the person – or the job itself.
Review your recruitment and placement strategies and rectify whatever needs rectifying to ensure that you’ll always end up with the most suitable employee for the job.
And to close this topic, always remember that the best employee incentives are those that come directly from your heart. If your employees are aware that you’re giving them incentives not just because you want to increase your profit but also because you truly want to thank them in the best possible way, they’ll surely appreciate whatever employee incentives you end up devising.
Work with the text
§ Answer the questions: What are the three main misconceptions about employee incentives? Is salary the most important incentive? Why? Should you use your intuition to give the best incentive?
§ Make up short dialogues using the terms from the text.
Translate from Russian into English:
§ Иметь хорошие намерения – к несчастью не достаточно для того, чтобы дать служащим стимулы работать на вашу компанию.
§ При выборе и подаче служащему стимулов убедитесь, что вы делаете все, что можете, чтобы увеличить свой доход.
§ Если вы разошлись в этих вопросах во мнениях с сотрудником, обсудите с ним проблему конфиденциально.
§ Наилучшие стимулы служащего – те, которые исходят непосредственно из вашего сердца.
§ In groups of three make a kind of survey among your group mates, friends, relatives, tutors and others. Ask them next questions:
o What examples of stimulating the employees do they know?
o What advantages and disadvantages of stimulating the employees can you name?
o What are the reasons for stimulating the employees?
§ Analyze the results and prepare a report on the topic.
§ Compare and discuss the results.
§ Write special terms to your personal glossary.
1. Having good intentions is ……….
a) very good.
b) unfortunately not enough at all to make employee incentives work for your company
c) not useful for private business.
2. Surveys will frequently show that ……….. .
a) Money Makes the World Go Round
b) Employees wish non-material incentives
c) employees desire financial incentives more than non-financial ones while employers believe otherwise state
3. Strategic planning is a management tool that is used for one purpose only: …….. .
a) to get high benefit.
b) to help an organization do a better job.
c) to recruit new employees.
4. There are two types of company: ……… .
a) state and private.
b) legal and illegal.
c) public and private.
5. A franchise is.……… .
a) a form of business.
b) not a form of business organization.
c) a type of charity organization.
6. Review your recruitment to ensure……….
a) you did everything possible for your employees.
b) that you’ll always end up with the most suitable employee for the job
c) they are satisfied with your activity.
Lead in
§ What problems with a customer can businessmen meet?
§ What ways of such problems solving can you suggest?
§ How can you use strategic thinking and strategic goals in this case?
§ Divide in groups of three and think of strategic goals examples.
§ Try to forecast the results of strategic goals and thinking absence.
§ Discuss your ideas in group.
§ Read and translate new words and expressions using a dictionary.
strategic goals, vice versa, property, constancy, sale in a web, purchase, total amount, transmit, naïve, to deliver goods, relationships, company mission, maintain, investor, supplier, implement, justify
§ Try to give their definitions in English.
§ In pairs in turn make sentences using expressions from the list above.
Pre-Reading task
§ Scan the text and try to forecast the main ideas of it.
§ Find international words in the text.
Read and translate the text.
Дата: 2016-09-30, просмотров: 225.