Find the words or phrases (1–7) in the text above which are explained / defined (a–g)? The first and the last letter are given to help you.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
a---y to the university a ask for a place at the university
be a------d to the university b have the right to study at the university
t--e an exam/ p--s an exam c be tested on one’s knowledge or ability
a----d classes d go to, be present at
m--s classes e not to go, be absent
do r------h f investigate sth in order to discover new facts, get additional information
b------r g (a man or a woman who has taken) the first university degree


Test yourself. Cover the dictionary meanings and look at the words. What are the meanings?

Are the following statements about these two students true or false?

a. They are first-year students.

b. Dasha Klimova entered the university at a second go.

c. The Faculty of Mathematics and IT offers three courses.

d. These students have problems with Calculus.

e. Dima and Dasha are going to get their Master’s degree.

HELP box



Grammar focus: Questions with auxiliaries

Questions with an auxiliary · Put the auxiliary verb before the subject in questions, e.g.: Ishe studying maths now? Are there any lectures in Computer science today? · If there is no other auxiliary, we use do/does(present simple), did (past simple) or will (future simple). · There are many question words in English which are used to find out more information about each other, e.g.:
Question word Auxiliary Subject Infinitive (without to)
What city / town Where Which CD Who When How many classes How much time do does did did will do do you she he you they they you live in? come from? buy? share a room with? graduate from the university? have a day? spend on doing your home tasks?



A Re-order the words in the chart below to make questions about Dima/Dasha.

Age? 1 How is old s/he
From? 2 Where s/he does come from
Entrance exams? 3 Did entrance exams s/he pass
External tests scores? 4 What his/her external were scores
Faculty? 5 What does s/he study faculty at
Course? 6 What does course take s/he
Subjects? 7 What s/he study subjects does
Lives in (at)? 8 Does a dormitory s/he live in
Future plans? 9 What s/he to do is after degree going his/her Bachelor’s


In pairs, ask and answer questions about Dima and Dasha

Interview your partner to complete the form


Name ______________

Nationality ___________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________

Place of birth ___________________________________________________

Date of birth ___________________________________________________

Place of study ___________________________________________________

Faculty ___________________________________________________

Course of study ___________________________________________________

Interests ___________________________________________________


A Complete the questions you need to ask to fill in the form

What ___________________________________________________

What ___________________________________________________

What ___________________________________________________

Where ___________________________________________________

Where ___________________________________________________

When ___________________________________________________

Where ___________________________________________________

What faculty ___________________________________________________

What course ___________________________________________________

What _______________________________________ in your free time.

Learn mathematics in English

Cardinal and ordinal numbers

In pairs, practice reading cardinal/ordinal numerals in the table below. Cover the column with spoken forms of numerals and then read number symbols in the direct or reverse order (Take turns).

For example: A asks B to read numerals from 11 till 21 or from 222nd till 201st. A checks and corrects the answer.

Cardinal Ordinal
One 1st First
Two 2nd Second
Three 3rd Third
Four 4th Fourth
Five 5th Fifth
Six 6th Sixth
Seven 7th Seventh
Eight 8th Eighth
Nine 9th Ninth
Ten 10th Tenth
Eleven 11th Eleventh
Twelve 12th Twelfth
Thirteen 13th Thirteenth
Fourteen 14th Fourteenth
Fifteen 15th Fifteenth
Sixteen 16th Sixteenth
Seventeen 17th Seventeenth
Eighteen 18th Eighteenth
Nineteen 19th nineteenth
Twenty 20th Twentieth
Twenty-one 21st Twenty-first
Twenty-two 22nd Twenty-second
Thirty 30th Thirtieth
Forty 40th Fortieth
Fifty 50th Fiftieth
Sixty 60th Sixtieth
Seventy 70th Seventieth
Eighty 80th Eightieth
Ninety 90th Ninetieth
A/one hundred 100th Hundredth
A/one hundred and one 101st One hundred and first
Two hundred and twenty-two 222nd Two hundred and twenty second
1,000 A/one thousand 1,000th Thousandth
2,008 Two thousand and eight 2,000th Two thousand and eighth
10,000 Ten thousand 10,000th Ten thousandth
100,000 A/one hundred thousand 100,000th Hundred thousandth
555,555 Five hundred and fifty-five thousand five hundred and fifty-five 555,555th Five hundred and fifty five thousand five hundred and fifty-fifth
1,000,000 A/one million 1,000,000th Millionth
5,000,003 Five million and three 5,000,003rd Five million and third


Listen to your teacher and circle the correct symbol for the number you hear.

B 440th
D 2,832nd 3,382 2,300
E 82,260 82,216 83,216


Listen to your teacher and fill in the numbers.

City Population
New York  
Sao Paulo  

Unit 2


Reading and Vocabulary

1. Match the explanations/definitions in A (1–7) with the words in B (a–g):

  A   B
measurement from bottom to top, distance to the top of sth from a level a build
general shape or structure of the human body b generous
lacking in generosity; selfish c extravert
ready to give, noble-minded d humour
capacity to cause or feel amusement e mean
a person more interested in what goes on around him than in his own thoughts and feelings, lively, cheerful person f sporty
to go in for sports (take part in or play) g height

Read the article and complete it with a word from the task 1 (column B)

Tanya My best friend’s name’s Kate. We’ve been friends since childhood. Kate is medium 1_____, a bit plump with short dark hair and green eyes and looks like her mother. She is not 2 _____ and she doesn’t play any sport game. Kate is quite 3 _____ and friendly. Shegets on well with most of people. She is an intelligent girl, very 4_____, but a little lazy. She doesn’t talk much, she is good at listening. She is only in her first year at the faculty of Mathematics but she always copes with mathematical problems. She is very busy now but she always finds time for both her studies and her hobbies. Kate likes music and playing piano, reading and going out with her friends in her spare time Vadim My best friend is Maxim. We met at school. We’ve been friends for 9 years now. Max is tall and of strong 5_____. He looks like a sportsman, but, actually, he isn’t. He doesn’t play any sport, but he likes watching football on T.V. Maxim is a hardworking student. He always has excellent and good marks for his answers. He is open and friendly with a good sense of 6_____, but he is a bit 7_____. He is good at solving Calculus problemsand is always ready to help his classmates. In his free time he likes music and playing guitar, but best of all he likes searching for some information on the Internet or playing

Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 253.