A new kitchen. One newly –trained doctor.
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7. Список тем по УИРС, предлагаемый кафедрой.

Используя Интернет Medical Online Library, подобрать научно-популярные статьи по теме “Здравоохранение и его проблемы”


8. Рекомендуемая литература.

Основная: тексты “Health care system in the USA” , “A changing profession”.

Дополнительная: Интернет, словари, справочники.

Health Care System in the USA”

As for the health care system in the USA, it is organized in three levels: family doctor, the medical institution or hospital and the United States Public Health Service

A private doctor, they call him a family doctor, gives his patients regular examinations and inoculations. In case professional care is needed the family doctor arranges for the patient to see a specialist or to go to a hospital. The family doctor receives pay directly from the patient. Most physicians have private practices. They make use of the hospital's facilities whenever necessary. A family doctor either has his own private office or works with several other doctors in a so-called group practice.

Many Americans have no family doctor and they come directly to hospital for all their medical needs. The hospital provides health care to the sick and injured. They have government-financed and private hospitals. The patients are admitted to hospitals or clinics staffed by consulting physicians, residents, interns and highly skilled nurses. The nursing staff is very important. Nurses and patients are in close contact throughout the patient’s stay in the hospital. Social services are available to the patients and families regarding personal, emotional, financial problems that may arise from continued illness or disabilities. In some hospitals, for instance in Toledo, Ohio Hospital, pastoral care is available, and pastors visit their parishioners at any time.

Most hospitals have at least the following major medical departments or units: surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics and general medicine. They may also have trauma and intensive care unit, neurosurgical, renal care unit and psychiatric unit. The Emergency room (unit) is a very special area in the hospital. The emergency patients receive immediate attention.

Cost of medical care is high in the USA. Most of the populations have private health insurance. Two thirds of the population has private health insurance. Some people have health insurance, life insurance (financial assistance for the relatives in case of death), disability insurance and retirement benefits at their place of employment. Most employers and their families now pay more than 50 per cent of the costs of health insurance. The great cost of medical care in the country and the great number of people who could not pay for it forced the federal government to develop two health insurance programs - Medicaid and Medicare. Medicaid, started in 1966, is a federal program, providing free medical care for low –income people, the aged, and the blind and for dependent children.

Medicare, started in 1967, is a federal program providing free medical care for aged Americans over 65, for those who in the past had the greatest medical expenses.

The chief scientific problems facing American medicine are the same as those facing the Russian medicine; they are heart diseases and cancer. The chief causes of suffering and death today are cancer and diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including hypertension, stroke and atherosclerosis. Also much medical research is done on illnesses of aging, disabilities caused by arthritis, mental illness, drug addiction and genetic problems. We must seek new knowledge about the causes and cure of these diseases.


Active Words and Word Combinations

a private doctor - частный врач

to inoculate - делать прививку

inoculation - прививка

a consulting physician - врач-консультант

emergency unit - отделение неотложной помощи

medical care - медицинское обслуживание

Medicaid - социальная правительственная программа, обеспечивающая бесплатное медицинское обслуживание беднякам и инвалидам

Medicare - правительственная программа, предусматривающая частичную оплату медицинского обслуживания престарелым за счет страхования, остальную часть - за счет государства

pregnant woman - беременная женщина

pregnancy - беременность

stroke – инсульт

A changing profession

Since the 1970s, clinical psychology has continued growing into a robust (полезная) profession and academic field of study. Although the exact number of practicing clinical psychologists is unknown, it is estimated that between 1974 and 1990, the number in the U.S. grew from 20,000 to 63,000.

Clinical Psychologists work throughout the United States in a variety of settings including individual practice, mental health service units, managed healthcare organizations, hospitals, schools, universities, industries, legal (правовая) system, medical systems, counseling centers, governmental agencies, and military services.

Clinical psychologists are still experts in assessment and psychotherapy, and have expanded their focus to address issues of prevention, gerontology, and even sports and the criminal justice system. The fastest growing area appears to be health psychology, which is reflected in hospitals being the fastest-growing employment setting for clinical psychologists in the past decade. Other major changes include the impact of managed care on mental health care, an increasing understanding of the importance of multicultural knowledge, a growing pressure to give limited prescription privileges to psychologists, and the shift in the majority of practitioners of psychotherapy now having masters-level training.


Занятие №8

Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 281.