Практическая задача №1
A power-driven vessel underway. Bow view. Determine the type of the included lights and their behaviors.
МДК.01.01 Навигация, навигационная гидрометеорология и лоция
Case study №1
Your vessel crosses the rift Lower Umrevinsky. Locate your position.
Case study№2
Plot 677-672 kilometers you need to go on the alignment line. What action will you take?
Case study№3
On a plot of 672-665 kilometers your ship is moving in restricted visibility in accordance with the Rules of navigation on inland waterways. What types of lights and beeps you turn?
Case study№4
Plot 663-662 kilometers you need to produce a turnover for anchoring. What action will you take?
МДК.01.02. Управление судном и технические средства судовождения
Case study №1
In the process of operation of the diesel engine white, black and blue exhaust gases began to appear. Identify the types of malfunctions of the diesel engine. Justify your answer.
Case study №2
In the process of operation of the diesel engine in the cylinder you can hear the sound disappearing when disconnecting the fuel supply. Identify the malfunction in the diesel engine.
Case study №3
In the process of operation of the diesel engine the lubrication system is low pressure. Determine the causes of the condition.
Case study №4
When you start the diesel flywheel is spinning with sufficient speed, but the diesel does not start. Determine the cause of the fault.
Case study №5
In the process of operation of the diesel engine output high temperature water. Identify the causes of overheating of the diesel engine.
МДК .01.03. Судовое энергетическое оборудование и электрооборудование судов
Case study №1
When conducting routine measurements of insulation resistance by merger in the main switchboard, it was discovered that the insulation resistance of feeder cable ballast-bilge pump fell below normal. Identify the reason and describe the algorithm of the necessary actions to resolve it.
МДК 03.01 Технология перевозки грузов
Case study №1
You are the main manager of the shipping company. In the period of night duty the information about the flooding of the cockpit compartment was received from the master of the vessel OTA 971. Manager called you at home on the phone and asked what to do now. What actions you can take?
Case study №2
Your superiors, by passing you give urgent building your slave, who is already busy performing another important task, you received personally by the Director. Your superiors do this is not the first time, and you know about his strained relationship with the director of the enterprise. Both tasks are urgent. What actions you will take?
Case study №3
By occupation you often talk on the phone. It takes a lot of work time. You have decided to transfer the function of the responses to business calls to his assistant. At the same time there is a danger that not enough experienced assistant to distinguish between important and unimportant information. What decision you make?
Case study №4
The two colleagues there was a conflict, which prevents them to work successfully. Each of them individually addressed to you as a leader with a request to understand and support his position. What do you do? Justify your answer.
Дата: 2019-11-01, просмотров: 171.