1. ... Russia occupies ... eastern half of ... Europe and ... northern third of ... Asia.
2. ... climate of ... northern part of ... Russia is severe.
3. This winter is ... true Russian winter with ... hard frosts.
4. It is warm in ... Crimea and ... Caucasus.
5. ... Washington is ... capital of ... United States of America.
6. I want to go to ... New York some day.
7. ... best way to know and understand ... people of ... other countries is to meet them in their own homes.
8. Is ... Australia ... island or ... continent?
9. ... Red Sea is between ... Africa and ... Asia.
10. There are seven continents on ... Earth.
4. Complete the sentences using some, any, no where it is necessary. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Was there ... water in the glass or ... milk?
2. There was ... soap in the box; he used it to wash his hands.
3. There was ... soap in the box: it smells of ... soap.
4. There are ... letters for you on the table.
5. Do you like ... apples?
6. Were there ... of our teachers at the stadium?
7. There were ... students of our group at the consultation yesterday.
8. Will there be ... concerts at the club next month?
9. There were ... yellow and green pencils on the table.
10. People need ... oxygen for breathing.
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. She speaks Italian (good) than English.
2. Is the word "newspaper" (long) than the word "book"?
3. The Thames is (short) than the Volga.
4. The Arctic Ocean is (cold) than the Indian Ocean.
5. Chinese is (difficult) than English.
6. Spanish is (easy) than German.
7. She is not so (busy) as I am.
8. It is as (cold) today as it was yesterday.
9. Today the weather is (cold) than it was yesterday.
10. This book is (interesting) of all I have read this year.
6. Complete the sentences using much, many, little, few, a little, a few. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. He had ... English books at home, so he had to go to the library for more books.
2. She gave him ... water to wash his hands and face.
3. I'd like to say ... words about my journey.
4. After the play everybody felt ... tired.
5. Let's stay here ... longer: it is such a nice place.
6. There were ... new words in the text, and Peter spent ... time learning them.
7. There was ... hay in the barn, and the children could not play there.
8. My friend isn't going to the concert this evening because he has got ... work to do.
9. My mother knows German ... and she can help you with the translation of this letter.
10. He's got very ... time left. If he doesn't hurry up, he'll miss the plane.
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Last week he (publish) an article in a magazine. And now he (write) a new one. Next week he (go) to have an interview.
2. I (work) in a bank but I (not enjoy) it very much.
3. I (to see) Ann in the park yesterday. She (to play) tennis.
4. I am afraid I (feel) bad today. I would like to go home and straight to bed.
5. Years ago he (be) very poor, and (not know) how to live. He (become) very rich now.
6. You ( telephone ) for ages ! You really (not finish ) ?- I ( not get )through yet. I am trying to get to our Paris office but the line ( be ) engaged all morning.
7. He (play ) the piano since six o clock in the morning. He only just (stop).
8. The police ( not find ) the burglar yet. They ( look ) for him since Saturday.
9. It ( stop ) raining and the sun is shining.
10. When I ( get ) to Jack s house the police (to be) there. Someone (steal) his car.
Fill in each space with a suitable modal verb. Translate the sentences into Russian.
2. You will … speak Spanish in another few months.
3. Nobody answers the phone .They … be out.
4. I ….get up early on Sunday.
5. The policeman told the woman she….worry.
6. To my mind, the government…take care of old people.
7. Little children like books with large print. They….read them more easily
8. As you …remember, I was always interested in scientific experiments.
9. .We…..use dictionaries at the exam.
10. The teacher…know her students well.
11. She …come to the office today, the boss will be away.
наименование дисциплины
____ -й семестр
Студента(ки) заочной формы обучения__________________________________________
Ф.И.О., полностью
№ зачетной книжки _________________________ группа__________________________
Специальность _______________________________________________________________
код и наименование специальности
№ варианта_________________ Выполнила _________________________
подпись студента(ки)
Работа предъявлена на проверку «____»_________20__г.__________________________
подпись преподавателя
Результаты проверки__________________________________________________________
Замечания, рекомендации_____________________________________________________
Проверил преподаватель «___»__________20__г. ________________________________
Ф.И.О., подпись
Вторично предъявлена на проверку «___»__________20__г. ______________________
подпись преподавателя
Результаты проверки_________________________________________________________
Проверил преподаватель «___»________20__г. __________________________________
Ф.И.О., подпись
Работа принята (проведено собеседование) «___»_______20__г____________________
подпись преподавателя
На контрольную работу
Студента(ки) __________________________________
_________________ группы __________________ курса
Специальности ___________________________________
По дисциплине __________________________________
Тема: __________________________________________
1. Соответствие контрольной работы заявленной теме, заданию: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Оценка качества выполнения контрольной работы:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. Оценка полноты разработки поставленных вопросов: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Недостатки и замечания:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Оценка контрольной работы: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Преподаватель: _________________/ ______________________
Дата: 2019-11-01, просмотров: 205.