Is also great
And would suffice.
1. What do "fire" and "ice" refer to in the first two lines? What trope does the poet use to reach his purport?
2. What do the same words refer to when Frost uses them for the second time?
3. What kind of result do both of these bring about?
4. What does the poem imply will cause the end of the world? What stylistic device helps to reach your conclusion?
Exercise 5.3. Read the poem Desert Places by Robert Frost, which shows his understanding of the terror of self-knowledge.
Snow falling and night falling fast oh fast
In a field I looked into going past,
And the ground almost covered smooth in snow,
But a few weeks and stubble showing last.
The woods around it have it – it is theirs.
All animals are smothered in their lairs.
I am too absent-spirited to count;
The loneliness includes me unawares.
And lonely as it is that loneliness
Will he more lonely ere it will be less –
A blanker whiteness of benighted snow
With no expression, nothing to express.
They cannot scare me with their empty spaces
Between stars - on stars where no human race is.
I have it in me so much nearer home
To scare myself with my own desert places.
1. What mood is created by the description in stanza 1? Why are "weeds and stubble" appropriate to this mood? How does the rhythm of the poem function for the purpose? (for help pay attention to the suggestive sound power, e.g. in "fast oh fast")
2. What does the speaker mean by saying that the woods "have" the field?
3. Why does the speaker's presence not "count"?
4. The word "includes" comes from the Latin root claudere, "to shut". What would "includes" mean if literary translated? What does "unawares" modify? Could it modify two words? Give your reasons.
5. Is stanza 3 a description of the scene being looked at, of the speaker, or both? Explain your answer. (Here pay attention to the role of alliteration)
6. What is the common idea suggested by white snow, black night, and "desert places"?
7. In the first part of the poem, "desert places" seem to refer to scenes of loneliness. What do you think it means in the last line of the poem?
8. Speak about Frost's understanding of the possible terror of self-knowledge.
Exercise 5.4. Read the poem Design by Robert Frost, which proves that he was not a kindly nature poet. He looked closely enough at the nature world to see that it is essentially cruel.
I found a dimpled spider, fat and white,
On a white heal-all, olding up a moth
Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth –
Assorted characters of death and blight
Mixed ready to begin the morning right,
Like the ingredients of a witches' broth –
A snow-drop spider, a flower loke froth,
And dead wings carried like a paper kite.
What had that flower to do with being white,
The wayside blue and innocent heal-all?
What brought the kindred spider to that height,
Then steered the white moth thither in the night?
What but design of darkness to appaul? –
If design govern in a thing so small.
1. Note that this poem is a sonnet. Find out the role of the sonnet form and and say why, in your opinion, the poet chose this form of poetry to express his idea.
2. What subject does each of the two parts deal with?
3. In lines 1-3 what colour are the spider, flower, and moth? What connotations does this leit-motif colour usually have? Why is the presence of this colour ironic here?
4. The flower the speaker sees is a heal-all. Why is its name ironic in the poem? The heal-all is ormally a blue flower. What effect does a white heal-all create?
5. Now find the necessary tropes for the decriptions of the spider and the moth and consider them. What does each description suggest and why is the suggestion ironic?
6. What has white come to mean in the poem? What then does the question in the lines 9-10 mean?
7. What answer is first given to the question in lines 11 and 12? Explain the last line of the poem.
8. Explain the tone of "ready to begin the morning right" and how this tone is related to the whole poem. How does it reveal Frost's implications for the relationship between God and His creation?
Exercise 5.5. Read the poem “maggie and milly and molly and may” by E.E. Cummings (1894-1962) whose aim was to force the reader to experience a poem as a poetic performance rather than a prose statement. While reading, pay attention to the lilting rhythm and melodious sounds created by the words; then think about the statement the poem makes.
maggie and milly and molly and may
went down to the beach (to play one day)
and maggie discovered a shell that sang
so sweetly she couldn’t remember her troubles, and
milly befriended a stranded star
whose rays five languid fingers were;
and molly was chased by a horrible thin
which raced sideways while blowing bubbles: and
may come home with a smooth round stone
as small as a world and as large as alone.
For whatever we lose (like a you or a me)
it’s always ourselves we find in the sea.
1. Notice how carefully the poem has been constructed. The first couplet introduces the actors and sets a scene while the final couplet makes a comment. What do the middle four couplets deal with? How does a shell sing? What is “ a stranded star”?
2. In less capable hands this lyric might easily have slipped into a singsong beat. It escapes such a pitfall primarily because of the variety in meter. How do lines differ in length and beat? Where does the poet changed placement of the conjunction “and”?
3. The rhyme is also varied. Which stanzas have exact rhymes? What end rhymes do you find elsewhere? What illustration do you find?
4. What is each girl like? In what sense do the girls find themselves in the sea? Why do you think the girls’ names are spelled without the first capital letter?
5. Give your impressions of the poem.
Exercise 5.6. Read the poem “!” by E.E. Cummings. The strange-looking arrangement of words in this poem will make sense if you first read the words outside the insertion in brackets and then read those inside. Then think of the poem as a whole.
o (rounD) moon, how
you (rouND
than roUnd) float;
lly & (rOunder than)
:ldenly (Round
1. The typographical stunt used by Cummings is really a serious attempt to make things happen simultaneously, to appeal to the eye and ear at the same time, to close the gap between the reader’s experience of the poem and the poet’s expression of that experience. Could the two thoughts outside and inside the parentheses occur simultaneously to someone observing the scene?
2. What emotions are suggested by the punctuation marks at the beginning and the end?
3. The division of words in this poem may at first seem arbitrary. But what verb is emphasized by the division of the word ‘goldenly’? what rhyme is emphasized? What effect does the division have on the speed with which you read the word?
4. What progression do you see in the words enclosed by parentheses? Does the shape of the parenthesis marks coincide with the subject matter of the poem? What vowel sound is emphasized throughout the poem? What is the significance of its topographical shape?
5. What sense can you make of the capital letters in this poem?
6. Sum up everything and speak of the poem as a whole.
Exercise 5.7. Remembering how insertion worked in the previous poem, read the poem “l(a” by E.E. Cummings.
1. Consider first the insertion of the poem. What statement is made? Does the spacing of the words correspond visually to the idea being expressed?
2. Now read the main word of the poem, which is outside the insertion. How is this abstract word related to the insertion? (Notice that the poet is not making a simple comparison; rather the word outside and inside the brackets are meant to be experienced simultaneously.)
3. What idea is implied? How does the visual separation of the letters reinforce the main idea?
4. How does the isolation of the syllable “one” add to the theme?
5. Give your impression of the poem.
Exercise 5.8. Read the lyrics of the song The Ocean Doesn’t Want Me by Tom Waits (1949 –), a famous American musician and actor. Think what idea lies behind these simple words of a drunken man.
The ocean doesn’t want me today
But I’ll be back tomorrow to play
And the strangles will take me
Down deep in their brine
The mischievous brain-gels
Down into the endless blue wine
I’ll open my head and let out
All of the time.
I’d love to go drowning
And to stay and to stay
But the ocean doesn’t want me today
I’ll go in up to here
It can’t possibly hurt
All they will find is my beer
And my shirt.
A rip tide is raging
And the lifeguard is away
But the ocean doesn’t want me today
The ocean doesn’t want me today.
1. Pick out the line, which represents the leit-motif of the song. What idea is expressed by it? What trope is used here to reinforce the idea?
2. Analyse lines 5–8 and describe the man’s inner state. What is meant by “the mischievous brain-gels”? Why is the ocean associated with “ the endless blue wine”? What does the man want to do judging by lines 7–8?
3. Read lines 9–15 and find the key element, which explains the man’s decision. What is it?
4. In lines 16–17 we see perfect conditions for the man’s decision, still something is in the way. What is wrong? Has it changed the man’s mind? Give your reasons.
5. Speak about your impressions of the song.
Checking Your Progress
Exercise 5.9. Read the given poems by William Blake (1757-1827) and, using your skills of analysis, comment upon them. While working, take into account the literary trend W. Blake belongs to, as well as your own perception of the poems.
Merlin’s Prophecy
The harvest shall flourish in wintry weather
When two Virginities meet together:
The king and the priest must be ties in a tether
Before two Virgins can meet together.
The sun arises in the East,
Clothed in robes of blood and gold;
Swords and spears and wrath increased
All round his bosom rolled,
Crowned with warlike fires and raging desires.
Exercise 5.10. Read one the most famous poems “anyone lived in a pretty how town” by E.E. Cummings, in which the poet often uses verbs as nouns to create a double effect to give freshness and dynamism to the words. Give your analysis of the poem, regarding it as a love story or fable rather than a playful exercise in linguistics.
anyone lived in a pretty how town
(with up so floating many bells down)
spring summer autumn winter
he sang his didn’t he danced his did.
Women and men (both little and small)
cared for anyone not at all
they sowed their isn’t they reaped their same
sun moon stars rain
children guessed (but only a few
and down they forgot as up they grew
autumn winter spring summer )
that no one loved him more by more
when by now and tree by leaf
she laughed his joy she cried his grief
bird by snow and stir by still
anyone’s any was all to her
someones married their everyones
laughed their cryings and did their dance
(sleep wake hope and then0 they
said their nevers they slept their dream
stars rain sun moon
(an only the snow can begin to explain
how children are apt to forget to remember
with up so floating many bells down)
one day anyone died I guess
( and no one stooped to kiss his face)
busy folk buried them side by side
little by little and was by was
all by all and deep by deep
and more by more they dream their sleep
no one and anyone earth by April
wish by spirit and if by yes.
Women and men (both dong and ding)
summer autumn winter spring
reaped their sowing and went their came
sun moo stars rain.
In this unit you will learn how to analyse fiction fragments with the help of provided analysis schemes and sets of questions. Before analyzing any work of fiction one should remember that there are NO absolutely uniform fragments, all fragments are peculiar. Thus it is hard to make a universal analysis scheme; therefore, some points of the given schemes can fall out and some new ones can be added by the analyst. For the same reason we suppled each fragment for practice with an individual set of helping tasks.
Дата: 2019-07-30, просмотров: 347.