IV.  Match the words to make phrases and translate them.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
1. international a) crew
2. air b) agreement
3. flight c) service
4. civil d) safety
5. information e) rules
6. organizational f) office
7. uniform g) work
8. regional h) aviation



1. international agreement – международное соглашение 

2. air crew- экипаж самолета

3. flight safety – безопасность полета

4. civil aviation – гражданская авиация 

5. information service – информационная служба

6. organizational work – организационная работа

7. uniform rules – единые правила

8. regional office – территориальный орган


V. Fill in the gaps using the information from the text and the words given. Translate the sentences.

International, air, navigation rules, problems, safety, aircraft


1. A peculiarity of air transport made it clear from the start that the development of aviation was impossible without international agreement.

Особенность эксплуатации воздушного транспорта изначально подразумевает то, что развитие авиации невозможно без международного соглашения.

2. ICAO has developed technical specifications forming the basis for uniform and air procedures.

ИКАО разработала технические спецификации, составляющие основу для стандартизированных и воздушных процедур.

3. The purpose of ICAO is to standardize the equipment and operational techniques used in navigation rules over the territories of its member-states.

Целью ИКАО является стандартизация оборудования и эксплуатационных методов, используемых в навигационных правилах на территориях государств-участников

4. There are special standards to reduce noise by designing new quieter aircraft.

Существуют специальные стандарты, призванные способствовать снижению уровня шума путем разработки новых менее шумных самолетов.

5. In general, ICAO may take any steps necessary to maintain the safety and regularity of air operations.

В целом ИКАО может предпринимать любые шаги, необходимые для поддержания безопасности и регулярности воздушных операций.

6. ICAO solves many problems on the international level.

ИКАО решает многие проблемы на международном уровне.


VI. Choose the right variant.

1. The development of aviation was impossible without international agreement.

a) Was

b) Are

c) Had

d) Is not

2. There are special standards to reduce noise by designing quieter airliners.

a) Exist

b) has

c) are

d) is

3. English, French, Spanish and Russian are the working languages of ICAO.

a) Were

b) Are not

c) Is

d) Are

4. The aims of the Organization are to develop the principles and techniques of international air navigation.

a) Is

b) Has

c) Are

d) Did

5. A Sovereign body of ICAO meets once in 3 years and reviews the work in the technical, economic and legal fields in detail.

a) Meets

b) Do not meet

c) Gather

d) Has


VII. Decide whether the following statements are true [T] or false [F] in relation to the information in the text. If you feel a statement is false, change it to make it true. Translate them.

1. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was created in 1972 at a conference of 52 nations held in Chicago. [F]

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was created in 1944.

2. The main task is to provide the necessary level of standardization for the safe and regular air operations. [T]

3. The ICAO activities are not numerous, the organization’s task is just to prepare and train aviation specialists. [F]

ICAO solves many problems on the international level.

4. ICAO has set up standards to reduce noise by designing new quieter aircraft. [T]

5. The working languages of ICAO are English, German, Brazil and Russian. [F]

The working languages of ICAO are English, French, Spanish and Russian.


Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 248.