II. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Контрольная работа №3

Active vocabulary

1. Agreement - соглашение

2. Headquarter - штаб-квартира

3. Review - обзор

4. Representative  - представитель

5. Safety - безопасность

6. Facilities - средства

7. Civil aviation - гражданская авиация

8. Crew - экипаж

9. To maintain - поддерживать

10. To encourage - поощрять


I. Read the text


A peculiarity of air transport made it clear from the start that the development of aviation was impossible without international agreement. That's why the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was created. It happened in 1944 at a conference of 52 nations held in Chicago. At present there are about 200 member States in ICAO. Its headquarters is in Canada, Montreal. The working languages of ICAO are English, French, Spanish and Russian. Russia has been the member of ICAO since 1970.

ICAO has a Sovereign body, the Assembly, and a Governing body, the Council. The Assembly meets once in 3 years and reviews the work in the technical, economic and legal fields in detail.

The Council is a permanent body composed of representatives of the Contracting states. Its first President was Edward Warner.

The Council is assisted by the Air Navigation Committee, the Legal Committee, the Committee on Unlawful Interference and some others. One of the major Council duties is to adopt International Standards and Recommended Practices. It may act as an arbiter between Member States. And, in general, it may take any steps necessary to maintain the safety and regularity of air operations.

There are 18 Annexes to the Convention, they cover all aviation problems.

The Secretariat staff, headed by the Secretary General, provides the permanent organizational work. ICAO has 6 regional offices. The working languages of ICAO are English, French, Spanish and Russian.

It is very difficult to describe all of ICAO's activities. ICAO solves many problems on the international level. ICAO has a coordination agency. One of its purposes is to gather knowledge widely scattered among nations and to standardize the equipment and operational techniques used in air navigation in and over the territories of its member-states. The main task of ICAO is the flight safety. The aims of the Organization are spelt out in Article 44 of the Chicago Convention. These are to develop the principles and techniques of international air navigation, to plan and develop international air transport; to encourage the arts of aircraft design and operation for peaceful purposes; to encourage the development of airways, airports and air navigation facilities for international civil aviation, and so on.

To ensure the safe and efficient worldwide aviation operation ICAO has developed technical specifications forming the basis for uniform rules and procedures. Standardization affects the air-worthiness of aircraft, facilities and services required for aircraft operations elsewhere. These include: aerodromes, communications, navigational aids, meteorology, air traffic services, search and rescue, information services. ICAO is doing much to make the air more clear. There are special standards to reduce noise by designing new quieter aircraft. ICAO has set up standards for air crew and controllers as well. IСAO is also doing much to prepare and train aviation specialists.


Контрольная работа №4

Active vocabulary

1. Double - deck двухуровневый, двухъярусный

2. Cabin - кабина

3. Requirement – требование, необходимое условие

4. Debris – обрезки, обломки, осколки

5. Slat - предкрылок (вспомогательная аэродинамическая поверхность на передней кромке крыла самолета)

6. Liquid crystal display - жидкокристаллический дисплей

7. Expand – расширять, увеличивать в объеме, в размерах

8. Reinforce - укреплять, усиливать

9. Data - данные, факты, информация

10. Logbook - журнал для служебных записей


I. Read the text

The Airbus A380

The Airbus A380 is a double-deck, wide-body, four-engine jet airliner manufactured by the European corporation Airbus. It is the world's largest passenger airliner and, due to its size, many airports have had to expand their facilities to properly accommodate it. The A380 made its entered initial commercial service in October 2007.

The A380's upper deck extends along the entire length of the fuselage, with a width equivalent to a wide-body aircraft. A380’s cabin provides seating for 525 people in a typical class configuration or up to 853 people in all-economy class configurations.                                                        


Noise reduction was an important requirement in the A380 design, and particularly affects engine design. Engine types allow the aircraft to achieve QC/2 departure and QC/0.5 arrival noise limits under the Quota Count system set by London Heathrow Airport.

The two outboard engines do not have reversers, reducing the amount of debris stirred up during landing. The A380 has electrically actuated thrust reversers, giving the aircraft better reliability than their pneumatic or hydraulic equivalents, in addition to saving weight.

Advanced materials.

Most of the fuselage is aluminium, composite materials comprise more than 20% of the A380's airframe. Carbon-fibre reinforced plastic, glass-fibre reinforced plastic and quartz-fibre reinforced plastic are used extensively in wings, fuselage sections (such as the undercarriage and rear end of fuselage), tail surfaces, and doors. The A380 is the first commercial airliner to have a central wing box made of carbon fibre reinforced plastic. Thermoplastics are used in the leading edges of the slats.


The A380 employs Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) architecture, first used in advanced military aircraft. The IMA suite is a technological innovation, with networked computing modules to support different applications.

 Airbus used similar cockpit layout, procedures and handling characteristics to other Airbus aircraft, reducing crew training costs. The A380 has an improved glass cockpit, using fly-by-wire flight controls linked to side-sticks. The cockpit displays feature eight 15-by-20 cm liquid crystal displays, all physically identical and interchangeable; comprising two Primary Flight Displays, two navigation displays, one engine parameter display, one system display and two Multi-Function Displays. The MFDs were introduced on the A380 to provide an easy-to-use interface to the flight management system—replacing three multifunction control and display units.

The Network Systems Server (NSS) is the heart of A380's paperless cockpit; it eliminates bulky manuals and charts traditionally used. The A380's network and server system stores data and offers electronic documentation, providing a required equipment list, navigation charts, performance calculations, and an aircraft logbook.


Контрольная работа №3

Active vocabulary

1. Agreement - соглашение

2. Headquarter - штаб-квартира

3. Review - обзор

4. Representative  - представитель

5. Safety - безопасность

6. Facilities - средства

7. Civil aviation - гражданская авиация

8. Crew - экипаж

9. To maintain - поддерживать

10. To encourage - поощрять


I. Read the text


A peculiarity of air transport made it clear from the start that the development of aviation was impossible without international agreement. That's why the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was created. It happened in 1944 at a conference of 52 nations held in Chicago. At present there are about 200 member States in ICAO. Its headquarters is in Canada, Montreal. The working languages of ICAO are English, French, Spanish and Russian. Russia has been the member of ICAO since 1970.

ICAO has a Sovereign body, the Assembly, and a Governing body, the Council. The Assembly meets once in 3 years and reviews the work in the technical, economic and legal fields in detail.

The Council is a permanent body composed of representatives of the Contracting states. Its first President was Edward Warner.

The Council is assisted by the Air Navigation Committee, the Legal Committee, the Committee on Unlawful Interference and some others. One of the major Council duties is to adopt International Standards and Recommended Practices. It may act as an arbiter between Member States. And, in general, it may take any steps necessary to maintain the safety and regularity of air operations.

There are 18 Annexes to the Convention, they cover all aviation problems.

The Secretariat staff, headed by the Secretary General, provides the permanent organizational work. ICAO has 6 regional offices. The working languages of ICAO are English, French, Spanish and Russian.

It is very difficult to describe all of ICAO's activities. ICAO solves many problems on the international level. ICAO has a coordination agency. One of its purposes is to gather knowledge widely scattered among nations and to standardize the equipment and operational techniques used in air navigation in and over the territories of its member-states. The main task of ICAO is the flight safety. The aims of the Organization are spelt out in Article 44 of the Chicago Convention. These are to develop the principles and techniques of international air navigation, to plan and develop international air transport; to encourage the arts of aircraft design and operation for peaceful purposes; to encourage the development of airways, airports and air navigation facilities for international civil aviation, and so on.

To ensure the safe and efficient worldwide aviation operation ICAO has developed technical specifications forming the basis for uniform rules and procedures. Standardization affects the air-worthiness of aircraft, facilities and services required for aircraft operations elsewhere. These include: aerodromes, communications, navigational aids, meteorology, air traffic services, search and rescue, information services. ICAO is doing much to make the air more clear. There are special standards to reduce noise by designing new quieter aircraft. ICAO has set up standards for air crew and controllers as well. IСAO is also doing much to prepare and train aviation specialists.


II. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations.

1. air traffic – воздушное движение

2. navigational aids – навигационное оборудование

3. air-worthiness – лётная годность

4. peaceful purposes – мирные цели 

5. coordination agency – координационное агентство

6. working languages – рабочие языки

7. aviation specialist – специалист в области авиации

8. international level – международный уровень

III.  Give English equivalents to the following Russian word combinations.

1. воздушный транспорт – air transport

2. безопасность полета – flight safety

3. конструкция самолета – aircraft design

4. навигационные средства – navigation facilities

5. правила воздушного движения – air traffic procedures

6. авиационные специалисты – aviation specialists

7. проблема безопасности – security issue

8. информационная служба – information service

9. мировые авиакомпании – world air carriers

10.  воздушная навигация – air navigation

11.  полет самолета – flight operation


Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 412.