Greek civilization defined technology as techné. Techné is "the set principles, or rational method, involved in the production of an object or the accomplishment of an end; the knowledge such as principles of method; art." This conceptualization of technology used during the early Greek and Roman period to denote the mechanical arts, construction, and other efforts to create, in Cicero's words, a "second nature" within the natural world.
1. Modern conceptualization of technology as invention material- ized in the 17th century in Bacon's futuristic vision of a perfect society governed by engineers and scientists in Saloman's House, to raise the importance of technology in society.
2. The German term "Tecknik" was used in the 19th-20th century. Technik is the totality of processes, machines, tools and systems em- ployed in the practical arts and Engineering. Webber popularized it when it was used in broader fields. Mumford said it was underlying a civilization. Known as: before 1750: Eotechnic, in 1750-1890: Pale- oethnic and in 1890: Neoethnic. Place it at the center of social life in close connection to social progress and societal change. Mumford says that a machine cannot be divorced from its larger social pattern, for it is the pattern that gives it meaning and purpose.
3. Rapid advances in technology provoked a negative reaction from scholars who saw technology as a controlling force in society with the potential to destroy how people live. Heidegger warned people that technology was dangerous in that it exerted control over people through its mediating effects, thus limiting authenticity of experience in the world that defines life and gives life meaning. It is an intimate part of the human condition, deeply entrenched in all human history, society and mind.
Many advancements within the past decades have added to the field of technoethics. There are multiple concrete examples that have illus- trated the need to consider ethical dilemmas in relation to technological innovations. Beginning in the 1940s influenced by the British eugenic movement, the Nazis conduct "racial hygiene" experiments causing widespread, global anti-eugenic sentiment. In the 1950s the first satellite Sputnik 1 orbited the earth, the Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant was the first nuclear power plant to be opened, the American nuclear tests take place. The 1960s brought about the first manned moon landing, ARPANET created which leads to the later creation of the Internet, first heart transplantation completed, and the Telstar communications satel- lite is launched. The 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s and 2010s also brought multi- ple developments.
Technological consciousness is the relationship between humans and technology. Technology is seen as an integral component of human con- sciousness and development. Technology, consciousness and society are intertwined in a relational process of creation that is key to human evo- lution. Technology is rooted in the human mind, and is made manifest in the world in the form of new understandings and artifacts. The process of technological consciousness frames the inquiry into ethical responsi- bility concerning technology by grounding technology in human life.
The structure of technological consciousness is relational but also situational, organizational, aspectual and integrative. Technological consciousness situates new understandings by creating a context of time and space. As well, technological consciousness organizes disjointed sequences of experience under a sense of unity that allows for a continu- ity of experience. The aspectual component of technological conscious- ness recognizes that individuals can only be conscious of aspects of an experience, not the whole thing. For this reason, technology manifests itself in processes that can be shared with others. The integrative charac- teristics of technological consciousness are assimilation, substitution
and conversation. Assimilation allows for unfamiliar experiences to be integrated with familiar ones. Substitution is a metaphorical process al- lowing for complex experiences to be codified and shared with others – for example, language. Conversation is the sense of an observer within an individual's consciousness, providing stability and a standpoint from which to interact with the process.
The common misunderstandings about consciousness and technolo- gy are listed as follows. The second misunderstanding is technology is not a part of consciousness. The truth is that technology is a part of con- sciousness. Consciousness is only a part of the head: C is responsible for the creation of new conscious relations
· Technology is not part of C: Humans cannot be separated from technology
· T controls society and C: Technology cannot control the mind
· Society controls T and C: Society fails to take in account the con- sideration of society shaping what technology gets developed?
· Ethical challenges arise in many different situations,
· Human knowledge processes
· Workplace discrimination
· Strained work and life balance in technologically enhanced work environments
· digital divide: Inequalities in information access for parts of the population
· Unequal opportunities for scientific and technological development
· Norris says access to information and knowledge resources within a knowledge society tend to favour the economically privileged who have greater access to technological tools needed to access information and knowledge resources disseminated online and the privatization of knowledge
· Inequality in terms of how scientific and technological knowledge is developed around the globe. Developing countries do not have the same opportunities as developed countries to invest in costly large-scale research and expensive research facilities and instrumentation
· Organizational responsibility and accountability issues
· Intellectual property issues
· Information overload: Information processing theory is working memory that has a limited capacity and too much information can lead to cognitive overload resulting in loss of information from short term memory
· Limit an organization's ability to innovate and respond for change
· Knowledge society is intertwined with changing technology requir- ing new skills of its workforce. Cutler says that there is the perception that older workers lack experience with new technology and that retain- ing programs may be less effective and more expensive for older work- ers. Cascio says that there is a growth of virtual organizations. Saetre & Sornes say that it is a blurring of the traditional time and space bounda- ries has also led to many cases in the blurring of work and personal life
· Negative impacts of many scientific and technological innovations have on humans and the environment has led to some skepticism and resistance to increasing dependence on technology within the Knowledge Society. Doucet calls for city empowerment to have the courage and foresight to make decisions that are acceptable to its inhab- itants rather that succumb to global consumer capitalism and the forces of international corporations on national and local governments
· Scientific and technological innovations that have transformed or- ganizational life within a global economy have also supplanted human autonomy and control in work within a technologically oriented work- place
· The persuasive potential of technology raises the question of "how sensitive designers and programmers be to the ethics of the persuasive technology they design. Technoethics can be used to determine the level of ethical responsibility that should be associated with outcomes of the use of technology, whether intended or unintended
· Rapidly changing landscape of organizational life and recent histo- ry of unethical business practices have given rise to public debates con- cerning organizational responsibility and trust. The advent of virtual organizations and telework has bolstered ethical problems by providing more opportunities for fraudulent behaviour and the production of mis- information. Concerted efforts are required to uphold ethical values in advancing new knowledge and tools within societal relations which do not exclude people or limit liberties of some people at the expense of others.
Philosophy of safety
Digital copyrights are a heated issue because there are so many sides to the discussion. There are ethical considerations surrounding the artist, producer, end user, and the country are intertwined. Not to mention the relationships with other countries and the impact on the use (or no use)
of content housed in their countries. In Canada, national laws such as the Copyright Act and the history behind Bill C-32 are just the begin- ning of the government's attempt to shape the "wild west" of Canadian Internet activities. The ethical considerations behind Internet activities such a peer-to-peer file sharing involve every layer of the discussion – the consumer, artist, producer, music/movie/software industry, national government, and international relations. Overall, technoethics forces the "big picture" approach to all discussions on technology in society. Alt- hough time consuming, this "big picture" approach offers some level of reassurance when considering that any law put in place could drastically alter the way we interact with our technology and thus the direction of work and innovation in the country.
The use of copyrighted material to create new content is a hotly de- bated topic. The emergence of the musical "mashup" genre has com- pounded the issue of creative licensing. A moral conflict is created be- tween those who believe that copyright protects any unauthorized use of content, and those who maintain that sampling and mash-ups are ac- ceptable musical styles and, though they use portions of copyrighted material, the end result is a new creative piece which is the property of the creator, and not of the original copyright holder. Whether or not the mashup genre should be allowed to use portions of copyrighted material to create new content is one which is currently under debate.
For many years, new technologies took an important place in social, cultural, political, and economic life. Thanks to the democratization of informatics access and the network's globalization, the number of ex- changes and transaction is in perpetual progress.
Many people are exploiting the facilities and anonymity that modern technologies offer in order to commit multiple criminal activities. Cy- bercrime is one of the fastest growing areas of crime. The problem is that some laws that profess to protect people from those who would do wrong things via digital means also threaten to take away people's free- dom.
Since the introduction of full body X-ray scanners to airports in 2007, many concerns over traveler privacy have arisen. Individuals are asked to step inside a rectangular machine that takes an alternate wave- length image of the person's naked body for the purpose of detecting metal and non-metal objects being carried under the clothes of the trav- eler. This screening technology comes in two forms, millimeter wave technology or backscatter X-rays. Full-body scanners were introduced
into airports to increase security and improve the quality of screening for objects such as weapons or explosives due to an increase of terrorist attacks involving airplanes occurring in the early 2000s.
Ethical concerns of both travelers and academic groups include fear of humiliation due to the disclosure of anatomic or medical details, ex- posure to a low level of radiation, violation of modesty and personal privacy, clarity of operating procedures, the use of this technology to discriminate against groups, and potential misuse of this technology for reasons other than detecting concealed objects. Also people with reli- gious beliefs that require them to remain physically covered at all times will be unable and morally opposed to stepping inside of this virtually intrusive scanning technology. The Centre for Society, Science and Cit- izenship have discussed their ethical concerns including the ones men- tioned above and suggest recommendations for the use of this technolo- gy in their report titled "Whole Body Imaging at airport checkpoints: the ethical and policy context".
The discourse around GPS tracking devices and geolocation technol- ogies and this contemporary technology's ethical ramifications on priva- cy is growing as the technology becomes more prevalent in society. As discussed in the New York Times's Sunday Review on September 22, 2012, the editorial focused on the ethical ramifications that imprisoned a drug offender because of the GPS technology in his cellphone was able to locate the criminal's position. Now that most people carry on the per- son a cell, the authorities have the ability to constantly know the loca- tion of a large majority of citizens. The ethical discussion now can be framed from a legal perspective. As raised in the editorial, there are stark infractions that these geolocation devices on citizens' Fourth Amendment and their protection against unreasonable searches. This reach of this issue is not just limited to the United States but affects more democratic state that uphold similar citizens' rights and freedoms against unreasonable searches.
These geolocation technologies are not only affecting how citizens interact with their state but also how employees interact with their workplaces. As discussed in article by the Canadian Broadcasting Com- pany, "GPS and privacy", that a growing number of employers are in- stalling geolocation technologies in "company vehicles, equipment and cellphones". Both academia and unions are finding these new powers of employers to be indirect contradiction with civil liberties. This changing relationship between employee and employer because of the integration
of GPS technology into popular society is demonstrating a larger ethical discussion on what are appropriate privacy levels. This discussion will only become more prevalent as the technology becomes more popular.
Genetically modified foods have become quite common in developed countries around the world, boasting greater yields, higher nutritional value, and greater resistance to pests, but there are still many ethical concerns regarding their use. Even commonplace genetically modified crops like corn raise questions of the ecological consequences of unin- tended cross pollination, potential horizontal gene transfer, and other unforeseen health concerns for humans and animals. Trademarked or- ganisms like the "Glofish" are a relatively new occurrence. These zebrafish, genetically modified to appear in several fluorescent colours and sold as pets in the United States, could have unforeseen effects on freshwater environments were they ever to breed in the wild.
Providing they receive approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Ad- ministration, another new type of fish may be arriving soon. The "AquAdvantage salmon", engineered to reach maturity within roughly 18 months, could help meet growing global demand. There are health and environmental concerns associated with the introduction any new GMO, but more importantly this scenario highlights the potential eco- nomic impact a new product may have. The FDA does perform an economic impact analysis to weigh, for example, the consequences these new genetically modified fish may have on the traditional salmon fishing industry against the long term gain of a cheaper, more plentiful source of salmon. These technoethical assessments, which regulatory organizations like the FDA are increasingly faced with worldwide, are vitally important in determining how GMOs – with all of their potential beneficial and harmful effects – will be handled moving forward.
For over 40 years, newborn screening has been a triumph of the 20th century public health system. Through this technology, millions of par- ents are given the opportunity to screen for and test a number of disor- ders, sparing the death of their children or complications such as mental retardation. However, this technology is growing at a fast pace, disal- lowing researchers and practitioners from being able to fully understand how to treat diseases and provide families in need with the resources to cope. A version of pre-natal testing, called tandem mass spectrometry, is a procedure that "measures levels and patterns of numerous metabolites in a single drop of blood, which are then used to identify potential dis- eases. Using this same drop of blood, tandem mass spectrometry enables
the detection of at least four times the number of disorders than was possible with previous technologies." This allows for a cost-effective and fast method of pre-natal testing.
However, critics of tandem mass spectrometry and technologies like it are concerned about the adverse consequences of expanding newborn screen technology and the lack of appropriate research and infrastruc- ture needed to provide optimum medical services to patients. Further concerns include "diagnostic odysseys", a situation in which the patient aimlessly continues to search for diagnoses where none exists.
Among other consequences, this technology raises the issue of whether individuals other than newborn will benefit from newborn screening practices. A reconceptualization of the purpose of this screen- ing will have far reaching economic, health and legal impact. This dis- cussion is only just beginning and requires informed citizenry to reach legal if not moral consensus on how far we as a society are comfortable with taking this technology.
Citizen journalism is a concept describing citizens who wish to act as a professional journalist or media person. The internet has provided society with a modern and accessible public space. Due to the openness of the internet, there are discernible effects on the traditional profession of journalism. The emergence of online citizen journalism is fueled by the growing use of social media websites to share information about current events and issues locally, nationally and internationally.
The open and instantaneous nature of the internet affects the criteria of information quality on the web. A journalistic code of ethics is not instilled for those who are practicing citizen journalism. Journalists, whether professional or citizen, have needed to adapt to new priorities of current audiences: accessibility, quantity of information, quick deliv- ery and aesthetic appeal. Thus, technology has affected the ethical code of the profession of journalism with the popular free and instant sharing qualities of the internet. Professional journalists have had to adapt to these new practices to ensure that truthful and quality reporting is being distributed. The concept can be seen as a great advancement in how so- ciety communicates freely and openly or can be seen as contributing to the decay of traditional journalistic practices and codes of ethics. Other issues to consider:
· Privacy concerns: location services on cell devices which tell all users where a person is should they decide to turn on this feature, social media, online banking, new capabilities of cellular devices, Wi-fi, etc.
· New music technology: People see more electronic music today with the new technology able to create it, as well as more advanced re- cording technology.
Despite the amassing body of scholarly work related to technoethics beginning in the 1970s, only recently has it become institutionalized and recognized as an important interdisciplinary research area and field of study. In 1998, the Epson Foundation founded the Instituto de Tecnoéti- ca in Spain under the direction of Josep Esquirol. This institute has ac- tively promoted technoethical scholarship through awards, conferences, and publications. This helped encourage scholarly work for a largely European audience. The major driver for the emergence of technoethics can be attributed to the publication of major reference works available in English and circulated globally.
The "Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics" included a section on technoethics which helped bring it into mainstream philoso- phy. This helped to raise further interest leading to the publication of the first reference volume in the English language dedicated to the emerging field of Technoethics. The two volume Handbook of Research on Tech- noethics explores the complex connections between ethics and the rise of new technologies (e.g., life-preserving technologies, stem cell re- search, cloning technologies, new forms of surveillance and anonymity, computer networks, Internet advancement, etc.) This recent major col- lection provides the first comprehensive examination of technoethics and its various branches from over 50 scholars around the globe. The emergence of technoethics can be juxtaposed with a number of other innovative interdisciplinary areas of scholarship which have surfaced in recent years such as technoscience and technocriticism.
With all the developments we've had in technology it has created a lot advancement for the music industry both positive and negative. A main concern is piracy and illegal downloading; with all that is available through the internet a lot of music have become easily accessible to download and upload for free. This does create new challenges for art- ist, producers, and copyright laws. The advances it has positively made for the industry is a whole new genre of music. Computers are being used to create electronic music, as well as synthesizers. This type of mu- sic is becoming rapidly more common and listened to. These advances have allowed the industry to try new things and make new explorations.
The future of technoethics is a promising, yet evolving field. The studies of e-technology in workplace environments are an evolving
trend in technoethics. With the constant evolution of technology, and innovations coming out daily, technoethics is looking to be a rather promising guiding framework for the ethical assessments of new tech- nologies. Some of the questions regarding technoethics and the work- place environment that have yet to be examined and treated are listed below:
· Are organizational counter measures not necessary because it in- vades employee privacy?
· Are surveillance cameras and computer monitoring devices inva- sive methods that can have ethical repercussions?
· Should organizations have the right and power to impose conse- quences?
UNESCO – a specialized intergovernmental agency of the United Nations, focusing on promotion of education, culture social and natural sciences and communication and information. In the future, the use of principles as expressed in the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bio- ethics and Human Rights will also be analyzed to broaden the descrip- tion of bioethical reasoning.
Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 336.