Чтобы правильно выполнить контрольную работу № 4 необходимо усвоить следующие темы курса:
1. Лексический материал:
· Мультимедиа;
· Программирование;
· Языки программирования;
· Перспективы развития информационных технологий;
· Проблемы сети. Интернет;
· Профессии в сфере информационных технологий;
· Устройство на работу ;
· Структура компании;
· Корреспонденция;
· Виды контактов;
· Совещания;
· Переговоры;
· Презентации.
2. Грамматический материал:
· Conditionals ;
· The Infinitive ;
· Future actions. Intentions. Plans. Predictions;
· The Sequence of Tenses;
· The Indirect Speech;
· Infinitive Constructions.
Используйте следующие образцы выполнения заданий
Образец выполнения 1 зад.
Записывается перевод текста на русский язык.
Образец выполнения 2 зад.
Образец выполнения 3 зад.
Записывается перевод предложений на русский язык.
Образец выполнения 4 зад.
Записывается перевод текста на русский язык.
Образец выполнения 5 зад.
1-а. затем записывается перевод предложения на русский язык.
Контрольная работа № 4 по дисциплине Английский язык
для студентов 4 курса заочного отделения
Вариант 1
Read the text and complete it with the words given below. Translate the text into Russian.
Page, devices, mechanisms, printers, speed range, character, impact.
Printers provide information in a permanent, human-readable form. They are the most commonly used output ________ and are components of almost all computer systems. ________ vary greatly in performance and design. Vfe will classify printers as __________ printers, line printers and _________ printers in order to identify three different approaches to printing, each with a different __________. In addition, printers can be described as either ________ or nonimpact. Printers that use electromechanical ___________that cause hammers to strike against a ribbon and the paper are called impact printers. Nonimpact printers do not hit or impact a ribbon to print.
2. Match the words with their definitions.
1. web address
2. web developer
3. word processing
4. network
5. route
6. mailbox
A) combination of a number of computers and peripheral devices connected together
B) the path that is used to transfer data in a network
C) the Internet address of a webpage
D) a person who is employed to create websites
E) the process of typing and editing text using a word processor
F) a folder used by an email server to store a user's emails
Choose the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Electronic devices (help; are helped) people discover new phenomena of nature.
2. The transistor (replaced; was replaced) by vacuum tubes thanks to its numerous advantages.
3. Due to transistors all circuit functions (carried out; were carried out) inside semiconductors.
4. Electronic devices (use; are used) in scientific research.
5. Before the invention of the transistor its function (performed; was performed) by vacuum tubes. 6. The reliability of electronic systems (connect; is connected) with the number of discrete components.
7. Semiconductor integrated circuits (helped; were helped) to increase reliability of devices.
8. New types of integrated circuits (have developed; have been developed) lately.
4 . Read the text and complete it with the words given below. Translate the sentences into Russian.
Programming instructions perform algorithms processed equations calculations
_________is the process of preparing a set of coded ___________ which enables the computer to solve specific problems or to __________ specific functions. The essence of computer programming is the encoding of the program for the computer by means of _________. The thing is that any problem is expressed in mathematical terms; it contains formulae, ________ and calculations. But the computer cannot manipulate formulae, equations and ___________. Any problem must be specially ___________ for the computer to understand it, that is — coded or programmed.
Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 246.