Программирование в компьютерных системах»
Электрические станции сети и системы»
2018 г.
Изучение учебной дисциплины обеспечивается следующими информационными источниками:
Основные источники:
1. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. – СПБ: КАРО, 2009.
2. Агабекян И.П. Английский язык для ссузов: учебное пособие. – М.: ТК Велби, Издательство Проспект, 2006
3. Радовель В.А. Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности: Учебное пособие – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2005
Дополнительные источники:
1. Агапова Г.Г, Аганов Н.Ю Business English. – М.: Дрофа, 2003
2. Андрюшкин А.П Деловой английский язык. - СПБ: Норинт, 2002
3. Амбражейчик А. 2000 русских и 2000 английских идиом, фразеологиумов и устойчивых словосочетаний. – Мн.: ООО”Понеури”, 2003
4. Кунин А.В Англо – русский фразеологический словарь -4-е изд., стереотип. – М.: рус. Яз. , 2003
5. Николенко Т. Тексты по грамматике английского языка – М.: Айтрис-пресс , 2005
Интернет ресурсы
1. www.macmillanenglish.com - интернет-ресурс с практическими материалами для формирования и совершенствования всех видо-речевых умений и навыков
2. www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish
3. www.britishcouncil.org/learning-elt-resources.htm
4. www.handoutsonline.com
5. www.enlish-to-go.com (for teachers and students)
6. www.bbc.co.uk/videonation (authentic video clips on a variety of topics)
7. www.hltmag.co.uk (articles on methodology)
8. www.iatefl.org (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language)
9. www.teachingenglish.org.uk
10. www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise N/
Образец выполнения 1 зад.
A company-companies;
A toy- toys;
A child- children
Образец выполнения 2 задания
1. His brother…my friend-His brother is my friend
2. They…in the classroom- They are in the classr00m
3. I ... a teacher.-I am a teacher
Образец выполнения 3 задания.
1. It is (she) notebook. . Это её записная книга
It is her notebook
Образец выполнения 4 задания .
She lives in Moscow. – Она живет в Москве. (lives – Present Simple, 3rd person singular)
Образец выполнения 5 задания.
Записывается перевод текста на русский язык.
Образец выполнения 6 задания.
Записываются 5 специальных вопросов к тексту.
Образец выполнения 7 задания.
1. А
2. В
Образец выполнения 8 задания.
Записывается перевод предложений на английский язык.
Контрольная работа № 1 по дисциплине Английский язык
для студентов 1 курса заочного отделения
Вариант 1
Switch, software, input device, mouse, mouse, monitor, VDG
2. Заполните пропуски глаголами” to be “ to have ” в правильной форме.
3.Напишите притяжательное местоимение вместо личного местоимения, указанного в скобках. Переведите предложения на русский язык
4. Определите видовременную форму сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. I will speak with him.
2. We heard about it.
3. He does it for us.
4. They saw me with you.
5. We go abroad without him.
5. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени. Переведите текст на русский язык.
One dark night a young man (go)____________ home from the railway station. It
(be) __________ very late and there (be)_____________ very few people in the streets.
The young man (be) __________________very nervous because he (return, never)
_______________ home so late. Suddenly he (feel) ______________ that somebody
(follow) _________________ him. The young man (think) ______________ that it (be)__________ a robber and (decide) ____________ to walk as quickly as he (can) ___________.
When he (look) _________ back he (see)__________ that the man (follow, still)______________ _____________him. The young man (turn) __________________ into another street. The man (turn) ____________________ into another street too. Now the young man (be) _________ quite sure that the man (be)_______a robber.
The young man (turn) ________________ round and (ask)_________: "What (want, you) ________________ ? Why (follow, you) _____________ me?" "I (go)______________ to see
Mr. Brown," (say) ___________ the man, "and the porter at the station (tell) _________________ me: "If you (follow)________________ this young man, you (find)_________________ his house easily, he (live) _______________ next door to Mr. Brown.'"
6. Задайте 5 вопросов к тексту " A Frightful Night ".
7. Из четырех вариантов (А), (В), (С), ( D ) выберите единственно правильный:
1. I _____________________ Michael for ages.
(A) didn't see (С) haven't seen
(B) don't see (D) saw not
2. I _______________ get up very early now.
(A) must to (C) should to
(B) have to (D) ought
3. How much ____________ to fly to New York?
(A) costs it (C) does cost
(B) it costs (D) does it cost
4. My brother Nick is very good ________ maths.
(A) for (C) about
(B) at (D) in
5. If he ___________ hard, he'll fail his final exams.
(A) doesn't work (C) hadn't worked
(B) won't work (D) wouldn't work
6. Have you heard the ________________ news?
(A) last (C) latest
(B) previous (D) latter
7. Which of you ________ to go on an excursion?
(A) wants (C) does want
(B) want (D) do want
8. I'd like to know _____________________ .
(A) where is my diary (C) where my diary is
(B) where it is my diary (D) my diary is where
9. I'm very busy at the moment. I _______________ for my English exam.
(A) am preparing (C) have been preparing
(B) prepare (D) am going prepare
10. ________________ you've given me!
(A) What a good advice (C) What the good advice
(B) What good advices (D) What good advice
8. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:
1. Нам пришлось вернуться домой, так как мы опоздали на последний поезд.
2. Я не люблю фильмы ужасов. — Я тоже.
3. Перестаньте разговаривать! Я ничего не слышу.
4. Твои родители заставляют тебя мыть посуду?
5. Никто никогда мне ничего не говорит.
6. Какая сегодня погода? — Холодно, дует сильный ветер.
7. Интересно, кто из них солгал?
8. Сколько нам потребуется времени, чтобы добраться до Красной площади?
9. Это платье гораздо дороже, чем то.
10. Мы наблюдали, как дети наряжали новогоднюю елку.
Вариант 2
Output device, keyboard, CPU, MHz, disk drive, swap file
2. Заполните пропуски глаголами” to be ”и “ to have ” в правильной форме.
3. Напишите притяжательное местоимение вместо личного местоимения, указанного в скобках. Переведите предложения на русский язык
4. Определите видовременную форму сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. We saw you with him.
2. They will go abroad without him.
3. I spoke about it with him.
4. Do you live here?
5. She does it for them.
Вариант 1
1. Complete the sentences below using the correct alternative from A, B, C, D.
1. When I came into______ cottage, the family____ sitting round the table playing chess. Chess__________their favourite game. They like to play__________in the evenings.
A the Holley's, were, are, it C the Holleys', were, is, it
B Holleys, was, are, them D Holleys's, was, is, them
2. She was well aware of her extraordinary good looks, and was perfectly prepared to discuss___, just as a man seven______high might talk of advantages and in conveniences of being tall.
A them, foot C them, feet
B it, foot D it, feet
3. ____Captain Cook reached_____ Cape of Good Hope in_____spring of 1771 and sailed via St. Helena in the South Atlantic before arriving in England in July 1771.
A The , the, ____, the C The, _____,_____, the
B ___ , the, the,____ D ___ , ____, the, ____
4. This_____ the most effective means of production and___ can be adjusted to your business in ___ time.
A is, it, two month's C is, they, two-month
B are, they, a two-months D is, it, two months'
5. Bread and cheese_____ his usual meal and he has been living on _______for two months.
A was, them C is, it
B are, it D is, them
6. One of_____ games is chess, which originated in India or probably China. It is a game of tradition and is_________-popular.
A old, the oldest, international
B the most ancient, old, internationally
C the more ancient, older, internationally
D ancient, the oldest, the most international
7. Cyprus_____ on major migration routes for birds, and in spring and autumn many millions _______ through. Many species also ______on the island,
A is lying, are passing, will winter
B lies, pass, winter
C is lying, pass, wintered
D has lain, have passed, have been wintering
8. I think we____ it on the shelf for Daddy to see when he _________home from work.
A will put, will come C put, comes
B will put, comes D put, will come
9. ______ you read a newspaper yesterday? _______ you angry about what happened?
A Have, Have C Did, Was
B Did, Are D Are, Were
10. What _______ (you / to look at)? – I (to look at) ___________ that tree in the garden. I (to like) ____________ to look at it early in the morning.
A are you looking at, am looking at, like C are you looking at, look at, like
B do you look at, look at, like D you look at, looking at, liking
Complete the sentences.
1. Software is the _________ that enable a computer to __________ a specific task.
2. The basic structure of a computer system is made up of three main ________ sections; the first is the ___________ (or CPU), the second is the main memory, and the third is the _____________.
3. The CPU is a ___________________ which executes program instructions and coordinates the activities of all the other components.
4. The main memory holds the instructions and the _________which are currently being processed by the CPU.
5. This internal memory is made up of ______and ___________.
6. They include input, output abs storage devices, for example the ___________ and the mouse, enable us to present information to the computer.
7. For example we use ___________, DVDs or flash devices to ____________ large amounts of information.
Complete the sentences.
1. A PC system consists of two parts: ________ and ___________.
2. Hardware is any _________ or __________ part.
3. The basic structure of a _____________is made up of three main hardware sections: one the central processing unit – or CPU – two, the ______________, and three, the peripherals.
4. In order to improve the computer’s ____________, the user can add expansion cards for video, sound and networking.
5. RAM, or random access memory, is volatile, so it loses the _____________ when the electricity - or power – is turned off.
6. The peripherals are the physical units __________ to the computer
7. _____________ allow us to extract the results from the computer.
8. Storage devices are used to _____________________ permanently.
Образец выполнения 1 зад.
Записываются 5 специальных вопросов к тексту.
Образец выполнения 2 зад.
Образец выполнения 3 зад.
Образец выполнения 4 зад.
Записывается перевод предложений на русский язык.
Образец выполнения 5 зад.
Записывается перевод предложений на английский язык. Предложения начинаются со слов
I wish.
Образец выполнения 6 зад.
Записываются предложения с правильной видовременной формой глагола..
Образец выполнения 7 зад .
worked – past simple active
was worked - past simple passive
Контрольная работа № 3 по дисциплине Английский язык
для студентов 3 курса заочного отделения
Вариант 1
1. Read the text. Ask five what-questions.
People have dreamt of a universal information database since late nineteen forties. In this database, not only would the data be accessible to people around the world, but it would also easily link to other pieces of information, so that only the most important data would be quickly found by a user. Only recently the new technologies have made such systems possible. The most popular system currently in use is the World-Wide Web (WWW) which began in March 1989. The Web is an Internet-based computer network that allows users on one computer to access information stored on another through the world-wide network.
As the popularity of the Internet increases, people become more aware of its colossal potential. The World-Wide Web is a product of the continuous search for innovative ways of sharing information resources. The WWW project is based on the principle of universal readership: "if information is available, then any person should be able to access it from anywhere in the world." The Web's implementation follows a standard client-server model. In this model, a user relies on a program (the client) to connect to a remote machine (the server), where the data is stored. The architecture of the WWW is the one of clients, such as Netscape, Mosaic, or Lynx, "which know how to present data but not what its origin is, and servers, which know how to extract data", but are ignorant of how it will be presented to the user.
One of the main features of the WWW documents is their hypertext structure. On a graphic terminal, for instance, a particular reference can be represented by underlined text, or an icon. "The user clicks on it with the mouse, and the referenced document appears." This method makes copying of information unnecessary: data needs only to be. stored once, and all referenced to it can be linked to the original document.
Вариант 2
1. Read the text. Ask five what-questions.
Set off in 1989, the WWW quickly gained great popularity among Internet users. What is the reason for the immense success of the World-Wide Web? Perhaps, it can be explained by CERN's* attitude towards the development of the project. As soon as the basic outline of the WWW was complete, CERN made the source code for its software publicly available. CERN has been encouraging collaboration by academic and commercial parties since the onset of the project, and by doing so it got millions of people involved in the growth of the Web.
The system requirements for running a WWW server are minimal, so even administrators with limited funds had a chance to become information providers. Because of the intuitive nature of hypertext, many inexperienced computer users were able to connect to the network. Furthermore, the simplicity of the Hyper Text Markup Language, used for creating interactive documents, allowed these users to contribute to the expanding database of documents on the Web. Also, the nature of the World-Wide Web provided a way to interconnect computers running different operating systems, and display information created in a variety of existing media formats.
In short, the possibilities for hypertext in the world-wide environment are endless. With the computer industry growing at today's pace, no one knows what awaits us in the 21st century. .
* CERN was originally named after its founding body the 'Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire,' and is now called 'European Laboratory for Particle Physics'.
2. Match the terms and their definitions.
1. Inputting a) saving information for further processing;
2. Character b) the process of producing useful information;
3. Database c) meaningful collections of related characters;
4. Data elements d) the most common input device;
5. Controlling e) the part of the computer that receives and stores data for processing;
6. Outputting f) directing the sequence of the operations performed;
7. Memory g) a written language symbol;
8. Record h) a collection of related data elements
9. Keyboard i) a set of related facts;
10. Storing j) the process of entering collected facts into a data processing system.
3. Complete the sentences.
1. A personal computer uses ___________ disks as input and output media.
a) hard; b) fixed; c) floppy.
2. Personal computers have a lot of _________scientific, engineering, educational being among them.
a) multiplication; b) application; c) investigation.
3. Personal computers have a great ___________ upon pupils, educators, accountants, stock brokers and who not.
a) influence; b) information; c) environment.
4. A word processing program called application _____________ enables you to modify any document in a manner you wish.
a) hardware; b) software; c) firmware.
5. Using a display you can _______________ mistakes, words and replace sentences.
a) delete; b) dial; c) correct.
4. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. It is necessary that the program should be debugged (отлажена) by a programmer.
2. Our teacher speaks English as if he were a real Englishman.
5. Translate the sentences into English, using “ I wish ” .
1. Обидно, что мы ушли до его прихода.
2. Обидно, что мы не дождались его прихода.
6 . Use verbs in correct form.
1. If she (to smell) smoke in the middle of the night, she would telephone the fire brigade and run into the street and shout, "Fire!"
2. If he (to invite), he would have come to the party last Sunday.
3. If the driver in front hadn't stopped suddenly, the accident (not to happen).
4. If you (not to know) how to play, my sister will explain the rules to you.
5. If she had told them it was her birthday, they (to give) her a birthday present.
6. If I had more time, I (to read) more books.
7. If their TV had been working, they (to watch) the President's speech last night.
8. She wishes she (to live) in the Crimea.
9. My friend wishes he (not to do) that last night.
10. I wish I (to bring) my camera last summer.
7. Define the forms of the verbs. Translate the text into Russian.
The main memory holds the instructions and the data which are currently being processed by the CPU. This internal memory is made up of ROM and RAM chips. RAM, or random access memory, is volatile, so it loses the stored data when the electricity - or power – is turned off. ROM, or read only memory, is non volatile.
The peripherals are the physical units attached to the computer. They include input, output abs storage devices, for example the keyboard and the mouse, enable us to present information to the computer. Output devices allow us to extract the results from the computer. For instance we can see the output on the monitor or in printed form. Storage devices are used to store information permanently. For example we use hard disks, DVDs or flash devices to store large amounts of information.
Образец выполнения 1 зад.
Записывается перевод текста на русский язык.
Образец выполнения 2 зад.
Образец выполнения 3 зад.
Записывается перевод предложений на русский язык.
Образец выполнения 4 зад.
Записывается перевод текста на русский язык.
Образец выполнения 5 зад.
1-а. затем записывается перевод предложения на русский язык.
Контрольная работа № 4 по дисциплине Английский язык
для студентов 4 курса заочного отделения
Вариант 1
Вариант 2
Содержание итоговой аттестации
Вопросы для подготовки к дифференцированному зачету:
1. What are the main functional units of a digital computer?
2. What types of storage do you know?
3. What is a binary number system?
4. What is storage media?
5. How is storage capacity measured (in what units)?
6. What do you know of electronic memories?
7. What can you say about electromechanical memories?
8. How do you understand the term "access time"?
9. What is RAM / ROM?
10. What storage devices do you know?
11. What is the function of the CPU?
12. What two functional units does the CPU consist of?
13. What components does control unit include?
14. What devices has the arithmetic-logical unit?
15. What is the ALU function?
16. What is the function of CU?
17. What is the heart (brain) of a microprocessor?
18. What is the purpose of input devices?
19. How do you understand the term "input-output environment"?
20. What groups can I/O devices be classified into according to their speed?
21. Name devices used for inputting information.
22. What is touch pad?
23. What is a scanner used for?
24. What types of printers do you know?
25. When did the first personal computer appear?
26. What differs PC from large computer systems?
27. What is a personal computer?
28. What are the main spheres of PC applications?
29. What professions are in great need of computers?
30. What is modem and what is it used for?
31. What is programming?
32. What is a program?
33. What techniques for planning the program logic do you know?
34. What do you understand by pseudocode?
35. What is a code?
36. What is the foundation of any programming language?
37. What programming languages do you know?
38. What is FORTRAN used for? Decode it.
39. What does COBOL serve for? Decode it.
40. What is WWW?
41. What do you know about the history of personal computing?
42. At what ways are computers used at home, or outside work?
43. How do you use your PC?
44. What is the structure of the processor?
45. What types of portable computers do you know?
46. What are general features of operating systems?
47. What is an operation system and what is it purpose?
48. What online services are available in our country?
49. What kind of facilities do online services provide?
50. What is analog transmission?
51. What is digital transmission?
52. What software products do you use?
53. What kinds of software packages do you know?
54. Who creates new software products?
55. What the program is designed to perform a specific function?
Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 246.