· содержание высказывания - 2 б.
· организация высказывания (структура, логичность, использование средств логической связи) - 2 б.
· лексика (использование изученной лексики по теме) - 2 б.
· грамматика - 2 б.
· произношение - 2 б.
Список вопросов к заданию №1 – монологическое высказывание
Билет № 1
You are going to give a talk about international marketing.
You should say:
- what brands (in the field of food/drink/electrical equipment/clothes) are marketed internationally
- what Russian brands are marketed internationally
- what advantages of expanding beyond domestic market there are for a company
- what problems companies face when they go global
Билет № 2
You are going to give a talk about international marketing.
You should say:
- why companies go global (reasons)
- what things companies should take into consideration before they go global
- what methods companies can use to enter an overseas market
- what examples of expansion beyond domestic market you know
Билет № 3
You are going to give a talk about international marketing.
You should say:
- what company is successfully marketed internationally
- what its brand platform is
- what its marketing strategy is
- how it builds brand loyalty
Билет № 4
You are going to give a talk about international marketing.
You should say:
-what your favourite brand (in the field of food/drink/electrical equipment/clothes) is
-what its country of origin is
-what its brand image is
-what its target market segment is
-what sort of advertising campaigns the brand uses
Билет № 5
You are going to give a talk about building relationships.
You should say:
- what jeopardizes business relationships
- what strengthens business relationships
- what key factor for building good business relationships there are
- how the ability to establish and maintain good relationships is connected with success in business
Билет № 6
You are going to give a talk about building relationships.
You should say:
- what we should remember and take into consideration while building business relations with foreign business partners
- what examples of national peculiarities in building relations can you think of
-what would you recommend a foreign company building relations with a Russian company
Билет № 7
You are going to give a talk about raising finance.
You should say:
- why companies or private individuals have to raise money
- what sources of raising money exist
- which source of raising money you would choose if you were a startupper
Билет № 8
You are going to give a talk about raising finance.
You should say:
- what possible sources of raising finance for a private individual/for a company you know
- what private individuals/ companies need to get a loan in a bank
- what attitude to getting loans you have
Билет № 9
You are going to give a talk about raising finance.
You should say:
-if you agree with the saying: “Lend your money and lose a friend.”
-if you would borrow money from your friend or relative to launch a project
-would you lend money to your friend if he were an entrepreneur
-which source of raising money you would choose if you were a startupper
Билет № 10
You are going to give a talk about raising finance.
You should say:
- what negotiations are
- what tips should people follow to succeed in negotiations
- what shouldn’t be done in negotiations
Билет № 11
You are going to give a talk about customer service.
You should say:
- why customer service is important
- what a company can do in order to improve deteriorating customer service
- what good or bad experience in communicating with customer service staff you have
Билет № 12
Дата: 2019-05-29, просмотров: 202.