Exercise 2. Choose the correct Participle
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. a) It’s quite an interesting / interested story.

       b) I’m quite interesting / interested in modern art.

2. a) We never watch this programme. It’s so boring / bored.

       b) I don’t want to watch this programme. I’ll be boring / bored to death.

3. a) I’ve never read books writing / written by this author.

       b) Do you know anyone writing / written detective stories?

       c) Writing / written a few years ago, the book is still a bestseller.

4. a) Can you recommend anyone composing / composed for the cinema?

       b) Can you recommend anything composing / composed for the cinema?

       c) Do you like the song composing / composed for this film?

5. a) I’m really exciting / excited  by the prospect.

       b) The plot is really exciting / excited.

       c) It’s the most exciting / excited movie I’ve ever seen.

6. a) The camera crew leading / led by the Director of Photography really worked   


       b) The Art Director leading / led the crew is very young.

       c) The leading / led actors are all stars.

7. a) Everybody likes the sets designing / designed by Anderson.

       b) Who is the guy designing / designed the sets?

       c) The costumes designing / designed for the film look authentic.


Exercise 3. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form: Participle I or Participle II.


1. I’ve never seen any films      …     (to release) in the early 20th century.

2. The actress     …      (to star) in the film is absolutely brilliant!

3. What’s the name of the actor      …       (to advertise) this shampoo?

4. Have you seen the film     …     (to call) “Dreams”?

5. It’s a rare book      …     (to publish) about 200 years ago.

6. It’s a screen adaptation     …      (to base) on a 19th century novel.

7. She lived a lonely life      …       (to forget) by everybody.

8. I don’t really like films     …      (to show) lots of blood.

9. I couldn’t see the film to the end. It was so     …     (to bore).

10. This is the screenplay      …      (to approve) by the Board of Directors.

11.        …        (to compose) long ago, the song is still popular.

12. We appreciate the work     …      (to do) by each member of the team.


Exercise 4. Translate into English .


1. Я не читал книг, написанных этим автором.

2. Авторов, пишущих для кино, называют сценаристами.

3. Люди, отбирающие фильмы на конкурс, формируют отборочный комитет.

4. Фильмы, отобранные на конкурс, будут демонстрироваться по вечерам.

5. У нас в городе теперь много компаний, доставляющих товары.

6. Где доставленное вчера оборудование?


7. Видишь вон того рабочего, регулирующего осветительные приборы?

8. Это режиссёр, известный во всём мире.

9. Лично мне не очень нравится вариант, одобренный худсоветом.

10. Ты знаешь артиста, играющего главную роль?

11. Они не могут найти хорошего оператора, снимающего в чёрно-белом цвете.

12. Мне кажется, это один из лучших фильмов, посвящённых первой мировой войне.


Обратите внимание!

При помощи Причастия II мы описываем эмоции и чувства, которые мы испытываем.

При помощи Причастия I мы указываем на то, что вызывает в нас эмоции, на то, что является их причиной.

Exercise 5. Make Participles from the given Verbs and speak about your emotions using

               the pattern on top of the cartoon.


puzzle, interest, bore, disgust, shock, annoy, irritate, disappoint, embarrass, excite, thrill, amuse, frustrate, depress, frighten, terrify, please, upset, overwhelm, tire, exhaust, worry, alarm, satisfy, reassure, surprise, astonish, amaze, charm, fascinate, tempt.






Exercise 6. a) Take turns to find out what your partner thinks about the following things:

                  snakes ballet opera glossy mag(azine)s English humour

                   thunderstorms classical art postmodern art junk food

           politics astrology war modern fashion  ladybirds  crowds

               long walks football fans reality shows  TV commercials

                Moscow traffic pollution feng shui sci fi museums 


              Use the words from Exercise 5 for ideas. You can add a bit or rather before

              negative words and quite before positive participles.

Ex.: How do you feel about snakes? Actually, I find them a bit disgusting.

  – How do you feel about sci fi? Personally, I find it quite interesting.

               b) Report the most interesting results to the rest of the group.

Exercise 7. a) Individually complete the sentence starters in ways that are true for you.

  1. Actually, I find … really confusing sometimes.
  2. It’s really surprising how many people …
  3. To be honest, I found … a bit disappointing.
  4. I get really annoyed when …
  5. I’m very excited about    …
  6. I was pleasantly surprised when I …
  7. When I feel a bit depressed, I often …
  8. I find it quite amusing when …

b) In pairs explain your answers. Keep the conversation going by asking questions

        How come? Why’s that?

Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 258.