ПРИЧАСТИЯ (The Participle)
Причастие I ( Participle I ) – что делающий?
активно по значению и может соответствовать русскому действительному причастию с суффиксом -ущ /-ющ, ащ /-ящ.
Инфинитив | Причастие I | перевод |
to live to work to write | living working writing | живущий работающий пишущий |
Причастие II (Participle II) – что сделанный?
пассивно по значению и может соответствовать русскому страдательному причастию.
broken glass – разбитое стекло
a frightened boy – напуганный мальчик
Причастие II неправильных глаголов является третьей основной формой глагола (см. таблицу неправильных глаголов Unit 4), а причастие II правильных глаголов образуется по правилам Past Simple правильных глаголов, т.е. путем прибавления окончания -ed к глагольной основе: to ask – asked, to provide – provided.
Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.
1. Do you see yourself working regular hours?
2. The maid showed us to the room reserved for us.
3. You’ll find attached a draft contract.
4. The price mentioned is not subject to any discount.
5. On average, Oscar-winning directors live about two years longer than those who were just nominated.
6. There are currently no confirmed plans for the musical to take place.
7. Ad breaks in a good film are really infuriating.
8. Established in 1936, the Carnegie medal comes with no money but much prestige.
9. Traditionally dressed women are commonplace throughout Guatemala.
10. Updated ratings figures will be available on Tuesday.
11. The sets, designed by Ms. Chaplin, are among the show’s best features.
12. Stephenson described the casting process as “hair raising”.
Exercise 2. Choose the correct Participle.
1. a) It’s quite an interesting / interested story.
b) I’m quite interesting / interested in modern art.
2. a) We never watch this programme. It’s so boring / bored.
b) I don’t want to watch this programme. I’ll be boring / bored to death.
3. a) I’ve never read books writing / written by this author.
b) Do you know anyone writing / written detective stories?
c) Writing / written a few years ago, the book is still a bestseller.
4. a) Can you recommend anyone composing / composed for the cinema?
b) Can you recommend anything composing / composed for the cinema?
c) Do you like the song composing / composed for this film?
5. a) I’m really exciting / excited by the prospect.
b) The plot is really exciting / excited.
c) It’s the most exciting / excited movie I’ve ever seen.
6. a) The camera crew leading / led by the Director of Photography really worked
b) The Art Director leading / led the crew is very young.
c) The leading / led actors are all stars.
7. a) Everybody likes the sets designing / designed by Anderson.
b) Who is the guy designing / designed the sets?
c) The costumes designing / designed for the film look authentic.
Exercise 3. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form: Participle I or Participle II.
1. I’ve never seen any films … (to release) in the early 20th century.
2. The actress … (to star) in the film is absolutely brilliant!
3. What’s the name of the actor … (to advertise) this shampoo?
4. Have you seen the film … (to call) “Dreams”?
5. It’s a rare book … (to publish) about 200 years ago.
6. It’s a screen adaptation … (to base) on a 19th century novel.
7. She lived a lonely life … (to forget) by everybody.
8. I don’t really like films … (to show) lots of blood.
9. I couldn’t see the film to the end. It was so … (to bore).
10. This is the screenplay … (to approve) by the Board of Directors.
11. … (to compose) long ago, the song is still popular.
12. We appreciate the work … (to do) by each member of the team.
Exercise 5. Make Participles from the given Verbs and speak about your emotions using
the pattern on top of the cartoon.
puzzle, interest, bore, disgust, shock, annoy, irritate, disappoint, embarrass, excite, thrill, amuse, frustrate, depress, frighten, terrify, please, upset, overwhelm, tire, exhaust, worry, alarm, satisfy, reassure, surprise, astonish, amaze, charm, fascinate, tempt.
Exercise 6. a) Take turns to find out what your partner thinks about the following things:
snakes ballet opera glossy mag(azine)s English humour
thunderstorms classical art postmodern art junk food
politics astrology war modern fashion ladybirds crowds
long walks football fans reality shows TV commercials
Moscow traffic pollution feng shui sci fi museums
Use the words from Exercise 5 for ideas. You can add a bit or rather before
negative words and quite before positive participles.
Ex.: – How do you feel about snakes? – Actually, I find them a bit disgusting.
– How do you feel about sci fi? – Personally, I find it quite interesting.
b) Report the most interesting results to the rest of the group.
Exercise 7. a) Individually complete the sentence starters in ways that are true for you.
b) In pairs explain your answers. Keep the conversation going by asking questions
How come? Why’s that?
Глагол + - ing ( Ving )
Кроме признака предмета (см. выше), Ving может обозначать:
1. действие, одновременное с действием сказуемого. Что делая ?
Supporting his point of view, he referred to the latest statistic reports. – Обосновывая свою
точку зрения, он сослался на самые последние статистические отчёты.
I knitted a new sweater while watching TV. – Я связала новый свитер, пока смотрела
She always knits while watching TV. – Она всегда вяжет, пока смотрит телевизор.
When filling in a form, write your name in block capitals. – Заполняя анкету, пишите имя
заглавными печатными буквами.
2. действие, предшествующее действию сказуемого. Что сделав?
1) On coming into the room, he turned on the light. – Как только он вошёл в комнату, он
сразу же включил свет.
2) Coming into the room, he turned on the light. – Войдя в комнату, он включил свет.
3) After coming into the room, he turned on the light. – После того, как он вошёл в
комнату, он включил свет.
3. причину. Почему?
Not knowing her phone number, we can’t call her. – Не зная её телефона, мы не можем
ей позвонить.
Not knowing her phone number, we couldn’t call her. – Не зная её телефона, мы не могли
ей позвонить.
Having a lot of friends in London, he didn’t have to book a room in a hotel. – Имея много
друзей в Лондоне, ему не пришлось бронировать номер в гостинице.
Being very tired, we refused to make another tour around the city. – Так как мы очень устали,
мы отказались от ещё одной экскурсии по городу.
Обратите внимание!
Причастие “being” может использоваться только для выражения причины.
Когда речь идёт о времени, оно не употребляется. Поэтому:
1) когда? (время) 2) почему? (причина)
When / while being
When in London, we visited the Tower. Being in London, he couldn’t sign the contract.
Будучи / Когда мы были в Лондоне, Будучи / Так как он был в Лондоне, он
мы посетили Тауэр. не смог подписать контракт.
When a child, she liked bananas. Being a child, she couldn’t understand it.
Будучи / Когда она была ребёнком, Будучи / Так как она была ребёнком,
она любила бананы. она не могла этого понять.
Exercise 10. Paraphrase the sentences making them more formal. Use Ving.
1. I first met her when I was travelling in Latin America.
2. He couldn’t miss the gig because he’s a devoted fan of the band.
3. He got a degree in cinematography. Then he started filming documentaries.
4. As they didn’t have enough money, they decided to put off the project.
5. She was a stranger in the town, that’s why she got lost.
6. As soon as he moved to Hollywood he applied for a job.
7. Domestic music tourists spend, on average, £400 while they are attending festivals.
Перфектные формы страдательного залога употребляются в тех же случаях, что и перфектные формы действительного залога.
Настоящее время: He has been asked to come.
He has not / hasn’t been asked to come.
Why has he been asked to come?
Прошедшее время: The plan had been fulfilled by the end of the week.
The plan had not / hadn’t been fulfilled by the end of the week.
Had the plan been fulfilled by the end of the week?
Будущее время: The film will have been shot by May.
(употребляется редко) The film will not / won’t have been shot by May.
Will the film have been shot by May?
Exercise 16. a) Skim through the article about The Moscow International Film Festival and
count the number of its sections and their titles.
b) Scan the article to find information on the following aspects:
o the head of the first Jury;
o the year the festival became a regular event;
o the aim of the festival;
o the regular deadline month for entries;
o the languages of the dialogue list.
c) Open the brackets and use Participles I, II and Passive structures.
I. The role ... (to play) by a very famous actor.
The role is played by a very famous actor.
II. The actor ... (playing/played) this role is very famous.
The actor playing this role is very famous.
The Moscow International Film Festival
The Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF) is one of the oldest in the world. For the first time it (1) ___________ (to hold) in 1935 and the Jury (2) ____________ (to head) by great Sergei Eisenstein himself. But the chronology of the festival began in 1959 when it became a regular event. Over the past decades the influence of the Moscow Festival on the world (3) _____________ (filmmaking / filmmade) process has grown significantly. Since 1963 prizes (4) _______ (to award) to outstanding masters of world cinema – Akira Kurosawa and Stanley Kramer, Federico Fellini and Ettore Scola, Andrzej Wajda and Francesco Rosi, Krzysztof Zanussi and Damiano Damiani, Gleb Panfilov and Sergei Gerasimov, Bernard Blier and Alexander Rogozhkin.
The festival has always mirrored the socio-political changes (5) ________ (taking / taken) place in Russia, Russian modern history has always aroused the interest of numerous guests from all over the world. MIFF (6) ___________ (to intend) not merely for professionals and journalists, but also for the wide audience. Today (7) ____________ (leading / led) foreign film corporations aim at staging premier screenings of movies in Moscow, (8) ________ (admitting / admitted) that Russia offers one of the most (9) _________ (promising / promised) viewing potentials in the world. The film market, which (10) __________ (to organize) as part of the MIFF, strengthens its positions and attracts a lot of interest on the part of the distributors.
Rules and Regulations
MIFF (11) _________ (to hold) annually in June and (12) __________ (to support) by the Russian Ministry of Culture.
The aim of the festival is to promote cultural exchange and mutual understanding among nations and to develop further cooperation among filmmakers of the world. In 1973 the Moscow International Film Festival (13) ____________ (to recognize) by the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF).
Main Competition, Documentary Competition, Short films Competition, Non-competitive screening, Retrospective screening, Programme of Russian films (14) _____________ (to include) in the official programme. The films for the Festival programme (15) ___________ (to select) by the Festival Selection Committee. Entry applications should (16) ______________ (to do) via on-line system Withoutabox ( The regular deadline month for entries is April. Official notification date is the day of Official Press Conference of the Festival.
The Festival programme includes films which (17) _____________ (not to screen, publicly) on the territory of the Russian Federation, (18) _______________ (excluding / excluded) Retrospectives and the Programme of Russian films. The film screening schedule (19) __________ (to determine) by the General Management of the MIFF. Each film may (20) ______________ (not to show) more than five times during the Festival, (21) _____________ (including / included) press screenings.
Only full-length feature films, (22) ____________ (producing / produced) the year prior to the festival or the current year, (23) ____________ (to accept) for the Competition programmes, except Short Films Competition. Preference in the Competition programmes (24) ___________ (to give) to the World and International premieres. Not less than 12 films (25) _____________ (to accept) for the Main Competition of the MIFF. To participate in the Main Competition programme of the Festival films must (26) ______________ (to submit) in standard 35 mm or DCP.
Not less than 7 films (27) ____________ (to allow) to participate in the Documentary Competition. Documentary Competition Films should (28) _________ (to exhibit) in format DCP or HDCam.
Short films, (29) __________ (producing / produced) the year prior to the festival or the current year with the duration of not more than 35 minutes, may (30) ____________ (to accept) for the Short Films Competition. Films of Short Films Competition (31) ___________ (to exhibit) in format DCP or HDCam.
Screening prints of the films (32) __________ (accepting / accepted) for the Festival Competition programmes should be in their original language and (33) __________________ (providing / provided) with English subtitles, if the original language is not English.
All conditions and (34) ___________ (suggesting / suggested) dates are obligatory, otherwise the Management of the MIFF has the right to exclude the film from the Festival programme.
Properly (35) ______________ (filling in / filled in) and (36) __________ (signing / signed) Entry-form for each film, (37) _____________ (confirming / confirmed) the participation in the MIFF, should arrive before Deadline.
Entry-form must (38) ___________ (to accompany) by the following documentation:
§ The dialogue list in the original language and in one of the (39) ________ (following / followed) languages: Russian, English;
§ The list of subtitles in English;
§ Synopsis, press and promotional materials;
§ Excerpts from the film and trailers on BETACAM SP or DVD;
§ Materials for the festival catalogue, (40) ___________ (including / included) a detailed biography and filmography of the director, the director’s photo as well as slides from the film.
The Grand Jury will award the following prizes – Statuettes of St George:
– Main prize (45) _____________ (awarding / awarded) for the Best Film (goes to the producer);
– Special Jury prize (46) _____________ (awarding / awarded) in accordance with the Jury’s decision;
– Prize (47) _______________ (giving / given) to the Best Director;
– Prize (48) _______________ (giving / given) to the Best Actor;
– Prize (49) _______________(giving / given) to the Best Actress.
The Grand Jury will also award the Prize for the best Short Film.
The Jury of the Documentary Competition will award the Prize for the best film.
The (50) ___________(Organizing / Organized) Committee and Festival General Management of the MIFF award the (51) ____________ (following / followed) prizes:
– Special Prize for an (52) __________ (outstanding / outstood) contribution to the world cinema;
– Special prize «I Believe. K.Stanislavsky» for the (53) ______________ (outstanding / outstood) achievement in the (54) _______________ (acting / acted) career, and devotion to the principles of K. Stanislavsky’s school.
The following prizes (55) ____________ (to give) by the Festival:
– Prize of the International film critics’ jury (FIPRESCI Jury) (56) _________(awarding/awarded) for the best film in the Main Competition (goes to the director);
– Prize of the Russian film critics’ jury for the best film in the Main Competition (goes to director);
– The Audience Award for the best film in the Main Competition (57) _______________ (following / followed) the audience polls results (goes to the director);
– Prize of the Russian Film Clubs Federation for the best film in the Main Competition (goes to the director).
It (58) __________ (to expect) that the winners will personally attend the Award Ceremonies.
(59) ______________ (Shipping / Shipped) and (60) _____________ (Mailing / Mailed) Address of the Moscow International Film Festival General Management: 72, building 2, Sadovnicheskaya St., Moscow, Russia, 115035.
Official site:
Exercise 30. a) Read the description of a typical shooting day. Each sentence is an
elaborate answer to a question you are asked. Write the questions
starting with a question word given in brackets.
1. A typical day’s shooting begins with the crew arriving on the set / location by their call time. [When?]
2. The grip, electric and production design crews are typically a step ahead of the camera and sound departments: for efficiency’s sake, while a scene is being filmed, they are already preparing the next one. [Why?]
3. While the crew prepare their equipment, the actors are wardrobed in their costumes and rehearse with the director, the camera and sound crews. [When?]
4. At the end of the day, the director approves the next day’s shooting schedule and a daily progress report is sent to the production office. [What?]
5. This includes the report sheets from continuity, sound, and camera teams. [What?]
6. Call sheets are distributed to the cast and crew to tell them when and where to come the next shooting day. [What?]
7. Later on, the director, producer, other department heads, and, sometimes, the cast, may gather to watch that day or yesterday’s footage, called dailies, and review their work. [Who?]
b) In pairs. Interview your partner to get information on a typical
shooting day using the questions you’ve written.
Exercise 42. Familiarize yourself with e-mail clichés given below.
Many people enjoy sending and receiving e-mails, especially if they share a common interest.
E-mails are usually written in a less formal style than letters. It is common to start an e-mail with the name of the person you are writing to, without starting with the word “Dear”. The following are examples of some appropriate ways to start and end an e-mail:
(1) Writing to your partner / husband / wife
Start: Dear + use the person’s first name
Ending: “Take care”, or “Love”, or “Thinking of you”
Signature: Your first name, or nickname
(2) Writing to a friend
Start: Use the person’s first name or nickname
Ending: “Best wishes”, or “Yours”, or “Take care”
Signature: Your first name
(3) Writing to someone in your own company
Start: Use the person’s first name (in a few companies you might need to be more formal, but this is rare in the UK)
Ending: “Regards”, or “Best wishes”
Signature: Your first name and last name, and below this your job title and department, and phone number (or extension)
(4) Writing to someone in another organization or someone in a formal position of responsibility
Start: Dear + use the person’s title (eg: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr) and surname (eg: Dr Smith), or just “Sir/Madam” if you don’t know the name
Ending: “Regards”
Signature: Your first name and last name (you might add your title after this in brackets if you want to make it clear if you are a man or woman). Below this your job title (if appropriate) and contact details (you may want to include your telephone number or address).
CC (Copy to)
BCC (Blind copy to )
SUBJECT Meeting in Berlin
Dear James,
You may remember we met at the Learntech fair in Kuala Lumpur last fall. You were interested in our company’s automation equipment. I am visiting Berlin at the end of next month and would like to visit you if you are around. I’ll be there from 27 to 31 March.
Let me know if you have time.
Alison McDemont
Product Manager
Has Bro Equipment Inc.
Box 28
CC (Copy to)
BCC (Blind copy to )
SUBJECT Meeting in Berlin
Hi James,
I’m over in Berlin from 27-31 March. Could we meet up some time? It would be great to see you!
Let me know if you’re free.
Best wishes,
Email Etiquette
With almost 300 billion emails sent every day, business email etiquette must be adhered to in order to promote the efficient use of this technology in the business environment. Unfortunately, many people have abused this technology and missed the true benefit that it can bring to your business. The following business email etiquette rules can help your employees get back on track using your company’s email system properly.
Reply Conservatively
Don’t instinctively click the “Reply All” button for every email that you reply to. Consider the subject at hand and decide who needs to read your reply. Always responding to everyone will quickly earn you a reputation as a “business spammer” and people will not read any of your emails.
Don’t Attach Massive Files
You never know how or where your recipient will be accessing their email. Mobile devices may start downloading the file before asking the user to confirm the download. This may take a long time and consume bandwidth that the recipient is paying for. Therefore, do not send massive files (i.e. a single file or several files that have a combined size larger than 50MB). If you need to send a large file, contact the person first and ask them how they would like to receive the file.
ПРИЧАСТИЯ (The Participle)
Причастие I ( Participle I ) – что делающий?
активно по значению и может соответствовать русскому действительному причастию с суффиксом -ущ /-ющ, ащ /-ящ.
Инфинитив | Причастие I | перевод |
to live to work to write | living working writing | живущий работающий пишущий |
Причастие II (Participle II) – что сделанный?
пассивно по значению и может соответствовать русскому страдательному причастию.
broken glass – разбитое стекло
a frightened boy – напуганный мальчик
Причастие II неправильных глаголов является третьей основной формой глагола (см. таблицу неправильных глаголов Unit 4), а причастие II правильных глаголов образуется по правилам Past Simple правильных глаголов, т.е. путем прибавления окончания -ed к глагольной основе: to ask – asked, to provide – provided.
Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.
1. Do you see yourself working regular hours?
2. The maid showed us to the room reserved for us.
3. You’ll find attached a draft contract.
4. The price mentioned is not subject to any discount.
5. On average, Oscar-winning directors live about two years longer than those who were just nominated.
6. There are currently no confirmed plans for the musical to take place.
7. Ad breaks in a good film are really infuriating.
8. Established in 1936, the Carnegie medal comes with no money but much prestige.
9. Traditionally dressed women are commonplace throughout Guatemala.
10. Updated ratings figures will be available on Tuesday.
11. The sets, designed by Ms. Chaplin, are among the show’s best features.
12. Stephenson described the casting process as “hair raising”.
Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 262.