Teachers need to give students tasks which develop the skills necessary to communicate in the new language. These tasks should be similar to things that native speakersw do with the language. Some examples: a) listening to public announcments (at an airport)
b) drawing a picture from spoken instructions;
c) describing what a person looks like
d) conducting interviews or questionaries
e) reading brochures, menus,or schedules
f) following written instructions;
g) writing a note to a classmate
Used literature:
1. Burt, M,K, and H. C. Dulay (eds.) (1975). New Directions in Second Language Learning, Teaching and Bilingual Education. Washington: TESOL.
2. Chamberlin, A. And A. Wright (1974). What Do You Think? London: Longman
3. Cole,P. (1970). “An adaption of group dynamic techniques to foreign language teaching.”TESOL Quaterly Vol. 4 No. 4, pp. 353 – 360
4. Dobson, J.M. (1974). Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House.
5. Dubin, F and M. Margol (1977). It’s Time To Talk: Communication activities for learning English as a new language. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice – Hall.
6. Green K. (1975). “Values clarification theory in ESL and bilingual education.” TESOL Quaterly Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 155 – 164.
7. Herbert, D. and G. Sturtridge (1979). Simulations. ELT Guide 2. London: The British Council.
8. Heyworth, F. (1978). The Language of Discussion. Role-play exercises for advanced students. London: Hodder & Stoughton.
9. Johnson, K. and K. Morrow (eds.) (1981). Communication in the Classroom. London: Longman.
10. Jones, K. (1982). Simulations in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.
11. Littlewood, W. (1981). Communicative Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.
12. Omaggio, A. (1976). “Real communication: Speaking a living language.” Foreign Language Annals Vol.9. No. 2, pp. 131 – 133.
13. Revell, J. (1979). Teacing Techniques for Communicative English. London: Macmillan.
14. Rogers, J. (1978). Group Activities for Language Learning. SEAMEO Regional Language Centre Occasional Papers, No. 4. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre (MS)
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16. Thomas, I. (1978). Communication Activities for Language Learning. Wellington: Victoria University, English Language Institute (MS).
17. Wright, A. D. Betteridge and M. Buckby (1979). Games for Language Learning. Cambridge University Press (2nd ed. 1984).
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Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 248.