Метафоры положительной оценки (мелиоративные метафоры)
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1. Then Jenny had been the projection of his love, a flower, a sweetness, the very breath of spring. (10,143).

2. Embedded in the mud, glistening green and gold and black, was a butterfly, very beautiful, and very dead. (33,78).

3. You’re a young panther, a lion cub. (26,123).

4. His wife is a jewel. (8,13).

5. There was a peach from west Oakland. (26,371).

6. “Marsland’s rather an old duck…” (17,40).

7. All I want is my little bird. (3,78).

8. Best woman in the world. Absolutely – Caesar’s wife! (9,186).

9. She was the flower of the family. (5,98).

10. He is a little treasure, isn’t he? (11,254).

11. She is a pure gold. (5,145).

12. “It was only that I thought you looked really ill, in a state of collapse. The shock … It’s quite amazing. You are quite a frail.” These words gave her courage. She was ready to be seen as a frail. (12,37).

13. She is an angel, is she not? (9,88).

14. Oh, she was a daisy. (2,174).

15. The caravan had been a stroke of luck. (25, 34).

16. … and the dark eyes, which when he was animated took on a fierce, almost manic gleam, in repose were pools of puzzled endurance. (25,60).

17. It was as if all the petty preoccupations of the flesh were washed away and she was a disembodied spirit floating free. (25,141).

18. Her assistant, Shirley Coles, was a newly appointed junior, a pretty 18-year-old who lived in the village… She was a pleasant child, anxious to please and responsive to friendliness. (25,245).

19. He had reached that time of life when he would occasionally indulge in an idealized picture of a wife waiting at home, …a child who would be his stake in the future, someone to work for. (25,273). – Он уже был в том возрасте, когда начинают мечтать о жене, которая бы ждала дома, …о ребенке, на которого возложит все свои надежды, для которого будет работать.

Субстантивный дериват    N мет. of N или N ’ s N

Метафоры нейтральной оценки.

1. He was a bean-pole of 6 feet, 3 inches. (40,158).

2. … watching the great ball of the sun rise out of the sea to stain the horizon and spread over the eastern sky the veins and arteries of the new day. (25,118).


Метафоры отрицательной оценки (пейоративные метафоры).

1. And in my opinion a wild beast is neither more nor less than what that old devil of a husband of hers is. (9,32).

2. When they asked him to have a luncheon with them which was cooked and served by a scarecrow of a woman whom they called Evie. (29,92). 

3. What a white bloodless ghost of a woman! (9,169).

4. I’ve had‘em all – including that pig of a husband of yours. (31,11.) 

5. It had been a fairly commonplace murder, a henpecked husband at the end of his tether who had taken a hatchet to his virago of a wife. (25,34).


Препозитивные и постпозитивные метафоры-приложения

Метафоры нейтральной оценки.

1.And it wasn’t only the absence of Susie, the heavily pregnant ghost in the opposite chair. (25,347). – И дело не только в отсутствии Сьюзи, «глубоко» беременного призрака в соседнем кресле.


Метафоры отрицательной оценки (пейоративные метафоры).

1. I have life in my body, this dead tree. (43,304).

2. In recent weeks he had been visited by the nagging guilt of a duty unfulfilled, almost a spirit unpropitiated. (25,142).

3. I couldn’t make myself touch him. But I didn’t need to. I knew that he was dead. He looked very small, disjointed, a rag doll. (25,270). 

4. And that poor devil, the Norfolk Whistler, he’s not poetic either presumably. (25,270).

Метафоры положительной оценки (мелиоративные метафоры).

1. Wonderful hoe they know weather, these old salts. (9,224).

2. Perhaps Alex Mair should take her as a patron of his power station, a quasi-saint of rationality. (25,88). – Возможно, Алексу Мэару и следовало взять её начальником на свою электростанцию, эту полубогиню рациональности.

3. Charles had visited his father last summer, a golden-bronzed, hefty-legged, sun-bleached giant. (25,138).



 Структурно обособленная метафора широко представлена в речи в форме обращения или номинативного предложения. N мет .

Обращение выполняет ряд функций: призывной (аппелятивной), идентифицирующей и оценочной. Таким образом, метафора в форме обращения выражает не только призыв к адресату и его идентификацию, но и его оценку со стороны субъекта оценки.

Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 195.