Involvement in international organizations, kazakhstan and russia
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For anybody not a secret, that creation and the operation of regional systems of safety in Central Asia was called by the following basic reasons:

First, inability of the states becoming in plants of aggressive plans of the international terrorist architectures, appearing under Islamic by the slogans and using financial support international extremism of architectures to give them effective defense;

Secondly, double standards of the conducting countries of West, including USA, Great Britain, in a ratio of operations of a series of terrorist architectures considered by them as battle groups national fight for freedom of driving. By characteristic development of double standards was, for example, the refusal of the American authorities to satisfy the request Ministry of Foreign Affairs Peoples Republic Of China about output gripped in captivities in Afghanistan of hits - citizens of Peoples Republic of China Uygur of a nationality. A motivation: the Washington does not consider Driving for independence East Turkestan as terrorist architecture;

Thirdly, the anti Soviet moods, cultivated in West by decades, in a defined measure were transformed in anti Russian, especially to first half 90 years. Therefore warnings of Russia, states of Central Asia, closely face with operations of the international terrorist gangs in Chechnya, in Batken, about real consequences of their activity were not heard.

It would be possible to explain creation of military-aerial basses of USA in Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan still by war against a condition taliban. But there is a question, why these basses began to be established as a matter of fact after completion of an active military phase of rout taliban of a condition. Moreover, arranging of basses air force of USA not only in Afghanistan, but also in Kyrgyzstan, and also Tajikistan bordering with China, on defined reflections. In particular, involuntarily there is an idea: whether can these basses hypothetically and in a defined situation to be used as basis of a dual purpose - not only against hits in Afghanistan, but also against China or even against Russia.

After September 11 and especially after an overthrow reactionary taliban of a condition in Afghanistan and ascertaining of the American military presence in Central Asia basic; in essence there is a consideration of an opportunity of cooperating of these architectures from USA, for, without the account of policy of Russia, China and USA and understanding of principles of a guard by these states of the national interests, it is impossible to explain a situation in sphere of a safety in region.

Whether such script of a development of events in next China is necessary to Kazakhstan and other countries of region.

Uniquely - is not present. The consequences of disorder USSR, as is known, have done without in tens thousand life and millions refugees.

The important element of regional cooperating is the effective military-engineering cooperating between the countries by the members DKNB. Today any country of Central Asia is not capable in the nearest perspective to refuse from former Soviet, so, present Russian weapon and military engineering. Hence, the key role of Russia in this direction will be saved.

The important element of regional cooperating is the effective military-engineering cooperating between the countries - members DKNB Today any country of Central Asia is not capable in the nearest perspective to refuse from former Soviet, so, presents Russian weapon and military engineering. Hence, the key role of Russia in this direction will be saved. Though other points of view take place also:

a) In opinion of the Uzbek experts, principal reason of an exit of Tashkent from DKNB was ostensibly refusal of the Russian side to sell to Uzbekistan necessary arms and military engineering, when the country has exposed to attacks of gangs of the international terrorists.

In these conditions of Uzbekistan forced to convert to active cooperating from USA;

b) In mass - media the hearings, on the one hand, are persistently spreader that Russia ostensibly is not interested in maintenance vehicle launching of Baikonur, recognizing schedule to transfer all rocket start-ups on vehicle launching or to realize start-ups from tropics, and with another - that vehicle launching of Baikonur to Kazakhstan anything, except for harm, does not bring.

Tragedy of September 11 and military action, which has followed behind it, of USA in Afghanistan by a radical image, have changed a situation in our region. In this connection experts of Kazakhstan Contract, being the member, of collective safety, expected, that the states the members DKNB will consult among themselves on all questions of the international safety, including regional, but, unfortunately, such has not taken place also it once again speaks that one of the reasons of an inefficiency DKNB is an existing level of ratios between Russia and other sides of the Contract. On my sight, on the one hand, Russia till now is not ready to equal in rights partner to ratios with the new independent states, and, with another - in the countries FSU of space the suspiciousness and uncertainty is still saved in what policy Russia will realize further.

Therefore, on my sight, the special urgency is acquired now by necessity of amplification of mutual confidence, openness, knowledge, first of all, between Kazakhstan and Russia having on FSU space the special level of ratios and the best premises for creation of allied ratios.

Thus, at folding geopolitical the structure of regional systems of safety is necessary different level. In particular, Kazakhstan and Russia should not wait of operations on the part of other countries of region, by a phantom of the dollar help, and actively be shaded slide on a path not only economic integration in frameworks EAEU (Euro-Asian Economic Union), but also development of systems of safety in frameworks DKNB.

Similar situation in a ratio of cooperating with China within the framework of the Shanghai architecture of cooperating in a direction of struggle with terrorism, extremism and separatism

Appearing on January 25 this year at the extended meeting of the principals of the executive authority Republic Of Kazakhstan, the President N.Nazarbayev has formulated seven tasks facing to government, including in the field of exterior policy.

January 25, 2002 in Almaty the third session Integration of committee EAEU (Euro-Asian Economic Union) has passed, on which 28 questions were considered, from which on 27 the decision is accepted. The totals of operation of this session, unfortunately, have appeared unfavorable:

a) The participants still were not defined, in what direction it is necessary to explicate cooperating;

b) Each participant wants first of all to defend the interests, instead of interests of the partners. Therefore, in particular, customs duties till now are not strip-chart unified to establish a condition of preference for mutual trade;

c) The countries EAEU (Euro-Asian Economic Union) tend in WTO, supposing already others, and very rigid, condition, not having matched the positions.

Nevertheless of Kazakhstan appears for a development EAEU (Euro-Asian Economic Union), and also others (organization structures with participation of Russia, as such policy in finished the score answers interests without dangerous of our country.

Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 214.