Cooperating in sphere of transport and communications
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Cooperating in sphere of transport and communications one of the most perspective regions of a development of two-sided ratios between Kazakhstan and Russia. Both states in a context of a development of transport cooperating have the friend for the friend a strategic value, as, apart from a wide national transport web, occupy defining a geographical position.

Kazakhstan and Russia are closely coupled by the transport communications. In this connection of Kazakhstan is sensitive reacts to any variations under the tariffs for freight traffic on region of Russia.

One of key here of questions - transportation of oil and gas through region of Russia. In aggregate transportation of the Caspian oil and in the whole oil is one of the major sides of the Russia -Kazakhstan cooperating. First of all this magnifying of a channel capacity of an oil pipeline Atyrau – Samara up to 15 millions tons of oil per one year. The intimation into service CPC ensures export of the Kazakhstan oil on a long-term perspective.

In a period with 1995 and till 1999 Russia gave Kazakhstan such quota, which did not allow the Kazakhstan exporters to involve the algorithm manifold Atyrau – Samara on an apparent watts its annual channel capacity in 10,5 mln of tons of oil. And only in 1999 the algorithm manifold was loaded almost on 100 %. The agreement on magnifying of a quota at transit of oil in long-distance foreign countries at first up to 5 mln of tons (December 23, 1998) was signed, and then (February 25, 1999) up to 7,5 mln of tons (the quota in short-range foreign countries has remained former - 3,5 mln of tons). This decision initiated occurrence of the project of reconstruction and modernizing of the algorithm manifold Atyrau – Samara for magnifying of a channel capacity at first up to 12 mln of tons, then - up to 15 mln of tons.

This project, designed transport companies of both countries - Russian “Transoil” and Kazakhstan “Kazakhoil”, is favorable to both sides. For “Transoil” the transportation of the Kazakhstan oil on the algorithm manifolds that for complete use of their powers does not suffice 20 mln tons, brings additional profit.

The first stage of reconstruction of the algorithm manifold Atyrau - Samara- its channel capacity now is realized is lifted up to 12 mln of tons. Due to this the arrangement with Russia about magnifying of a transit quota in 2000 also was reached.

For Kazakhstan the magnifying of a channel capacity of the algorithm manifold Atyrau – Samara and export of oil through Russia opens the perspective market of selling, what Europe is. On a system of oil pipelines "«Friendship" the Kazakhstan oil can act in Germanium, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Czechia and Slovakia, where there is a stable demand for oil. Under the forecasts of the experts, by 2010 Central and East Europe will import about 80 mln of tons of oil to one year. Now more than half of volumes of imported oil in this region make delivering of the countries of CIS, primarily - from Russia (51 %). Having expanded outbound opportunities in this direction, Kazakhstan can become one of the largest suppliers of raw material in the European countries.

By share efforts of Kazakhstan and Russia is put into operation Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC). The common extent of the algorithm manifold makes 1 580 km, primal channel capacity 28 mln ton / year. Thus for reaching a maximum channel capacity 67 mln of tons of oil per one year (from them 45 mln ton - for Kazakhstan oil supplier) it is necessary only to augment opportunities of pump stations, that is recognized schedule to carry out in four stages. There is a construction of the algorithm manifold up to Atyrau, which will connect Karachiganak with CPC and will allow originally pumping up to 7 mln of tons of oil, and in future - up to 11 mln of tons.

During nearest of forty years CPC will be a stable source of the incomes for the shareholders, and also Russia and Kazakhstan. According to accounts, for a period of maintenance of the algorithm manifold in federal and regional budgets of Russia will arrive approximately 23,3 billion of US dollars as deductions and profit, of Kazakhstan will receive approximately 8,2 billion of dollars.

The development of transport cooperating with Russian Federation is most actual for Kazakhstan’s for today within the framework of architecture of regional and transcontinental transit.

Regional transit. Russian Federation is one of the basic countries of shaping and assignment of transit weights; on its share it is necessary about 26 % of shaping and 20 % of assignment of weights from total amount of all transit transportations.

Transcontinental transit. In the whole transit streams in directions Southeast and East Asia Europe are evaluated approximately in 330 - 400 billion of dollars. Thus up to 20 % of these streams can pass through region of Russia and Kazakhstan.

Taking into account in the whole size commodity circulation, iron roads of the Eurasian continent and primarily Kazakhstan and Russia have real potential for partial stylus orientations transcontinental good traffic with sea on railway routes.

For Kazakhstan in this direction of activity has a primary value a development of transportations on Northern corridor Trans Asian of a railway turnpike on a route “China - Kazakhstan - Russia – Byelorussia Poland - Germany. Now Kazakhstan together with Russia Europe - Asia and back carries on active operation on shaping this terrestrial transport corridor by the message.

As a whole in transport-communication sphere before Kazakhstan the following tasks stand:

• Saving conditions for transit of the Kazakhstan power resources through region of Russia, maintenance at a necessary level of quotas on transit of oil for Kazakhstan.

• Scheduled magnifying of a channel capacity CPC.

• Decision of accumulating questions between the Ministry of means of communication of Russian Federation and CJSC of “Kazakhstan Temir Joli” on railroad rates and other questions.

• Creation of the share enterprises in transport branch.

• Realization share transport - communication of the projects on active use of transit potential of Kazakhstan and Russia.

Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 233.