The Industrial Revolution in Britain
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. When did …? – Industrial Revolution happened during the second half of the 18th century in Britain.

2. How…? – Work changed with the building of large factories.

3. What…? – The first factories produced iron, steel, and textiles.

4. What…? – New technology encouraged the production of more ships, and railway equipment.

5. What power…? – Factories used steam power.

6. What…? – These factories required lots of coal for the steam engines.

7. Where…? – Manufacturers constructed their factories close to coal mines.

8. Why…? – They decided to do this because it was expensive to transport coal.

9. What else…? – Factories also needed limestone and iron ore for the manufacture of steel.

10. Where…? – Industry in the UK developed near the coal fields of South Wales, the Midlands, north-east England and central Scotland.


Exercise 13. Complete the text with the Past Simple affirmative, negative or question forms of the verbs in brackets.


Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

As a young man, Pasteur (study) at the Ecole Normale in Paris. Then at the age of just 32, he (become) a professor at the University of Lille. In 1856, Pasteur (receive) a visit from a man called Bigo who (own) a factory that (make) alcohol from sugar beet. He (have)   a question for Pasteur: Why the alcohol (turn) to acid? When this (happen) they (can / not) use it and (throw) it away. Bigo (ask) Pasteur to find out the reason for this. At first, Pasteur (not / know), but when he (examine) the alcohol under a microscope, he (find) thousands of tiny micro-organisms. He (believe) that they (cause) the problem. Milk, wine and vinegar (behave) in the same way? Other scientists (disagree) with him, and newspapers (make) fun of him. However, Pasteur (continue) with his work, he (invent) methods of testing his theory and (prove) that he was right. Later he (work) together with two doctors and (develop) vaccines for diseases such as anthrax and rabies.


Exercise 14. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Past Simple form of the verb in brackets.


1. Martha is a personal assistant. Every day she (organize) the schedule for her boss, Mrs. Clarke. For example, yesterday Mrs. Clarke (have) a meeting with the marketing department, (meet) the head of the Japanese delegation at lunch, (write) some e-mails and (read) the department reports. She (not/ have) time for any phone calls, so Martha (answer) the phone all day long. Mrs. Clarke’s schedule (be) usually busy, so Martha (have) a lot to organize. 2. The International School for Languages is doing very well at the moment. About 200 students (take) classes every term. Some of them (need) to learn a new language to improve their job prospects. Alina (be) one of their students last year. She (want) to improve her English and get a better job. She (study) very hard, (take) an international test and (pass) it very well. As a result, she (find) a job with an international company. Now she (earn) much more than before. 3. My husband and I live in the country. We (move) here 3 years ago because both of us (enjoy) fresh air, quiet life and gardening. We (not / have) many problems when we first (come) to the village where we (live) now. We (get) used to village life very quickly. Now we (not / notice) that we (not / have) a million kinds of toothpaste in our local shop, for example. We (have) all we (need)! 


Exercise 15. Translate into English using the Past Simple:


Альфред Нобель

Альфред Нобель родился в Стокгольме, но вырос в Санкт-Петербурге, так как его отец владел несколькими заводами в России. В молодости Альфред интересовался химией и физикой, а также литературой и языками. Кроме шведского, он свободно говорил по-французски, по-немецки, по-английски и по-русски. Он изучал химию и инженерное дело в Петербурге, в Париже и в США. Когда ему было 30 лет, его отец решил вернуться в Швецию. Семья Нобелей стала работать с нитроглицерином (nitroglycerin). Они пытались сделать его более безопасным для использования. В 1864 году один из экспериментов закончился катастрофой. Погибли 5 человек, в том числе брат Альфреда Эмиль. Несмотря на трудности, Альфред продолжал работу, и в 1867 г. он изобрел динамит. Благодаря своему изобретению он заработал состояние. Он был против войны, но владел многими заводами, которые производили динамит для армии. Братья Альфреда также разбогатели. Они работали с нефтью в Каспийском море. Когда один из братьев, Людвиг, умер в 1888 году, несколько газет по ошибке напечатали сообщение о смерти Альфреда. Когда он прочитал эту заметку, ему стало грустно. Он хотел, чтобы после его смерти люди могли сказать о нем что-нибудь хорошее. Альфред жил всю свою жизнь один, у него не было жены или детей. Он решил оставить все свое состояние фонду, который должен был (use ‘to be to’) выплачивать премии за достижения в области химии, физики, медицины и литературы. Он также учредил премию Мира.


Exercise 16. Make sentences with the prompts and ‘used to’ or ‘didn’t use to’ about life in the USA in the past compared to as people live now. NB! You have to decide when you need to use a negative form.


1. One hundred years ago in the USA the average life expectancy was 47. People / die earlier. 2. Only 14% of the homes had a bathtub. Houses / have baths. 3. The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph. Cars / go so fast. 4. The average wage was $0.22 / hour. Workers / earn a lot less. 5. More than 95% of all births happened at home. Women / have babies / in hospital 6. Only six per cent of all Americans were high school graduates. Most teenagers / go / high school 7. Marijuana, heroin and morphine were all available in shops. It / be legal / buy addictive drugs. 8. There were only about 230 reported murders in the entire US. There / be / much less crime.      


Exercise 17. Complete the dialogue with the verbs in the box and ‘used to’ or ‘didn’t use to’.

NB! You have to decide when you need to use a negative form.


watch get love kiss work like  pay go    help


A: Honey, do you love me?

В: Yes, of course I do.

A: Do you? I think you _________ me, but I’m not sure that you do now.

В: Why not?

A: You  _______ me more attention.

В: I still do.

A: No you don’t. You _________ me and give me presents.

В: Don’t be ridiculous.

A: You  _______ so much football. You  ________ out with me.

В: What are you talking about? 1 haven’t changed.

A: Yes, you have. You never  _______ angry like you are  now.

В: I’m not angry. In any case, you  __________ football.

A: No, I didn’t really. I just pretended I did.

В: Did you?

A: Yes, I did.

В: Things are different now. We didn’t have the children and I  _________ so hard.

A: That’s another thing. You ______ more with the housework. Nowadays you don’t do anything.


Exercise 18. Complete the sentence with ‘used to’ + a verb from the list.


Write spend work hold help act teach set tell do


1. Charles Dickens, the novelist, ________, until early in the morning, and then go for long walks across London. 2. William Shakespeare___________in some of his own plays. 3. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant _________exactly the same things at the same time every day, so that people __________their watches by his actions. 4. The author Agatha Christie __________ her second husband with his archaeological excavations. 5. The novelist James Joyce _________ English in the Italian city of Trieste, and some people say that he ________his students the wrong meanings of words as a joke. 6. The novelist Marcel Proust _______in a special     soundproof room. 7. The ancient Greek philosophers ________ their classes outside in the open air. 8. The Russian novelist Vladimir Nabokov ________ his free time studying and catching moths and butterflies.


Exercise 19. Complete the text with ‘used to’ + the verb in brackets in positive, negative or question form. NB! You have to decide when you need to use a negative form.


What things (be) different in the past? For a start, all the continents (form) one large land mass. Obviously, there (be) cities and buildings, and forest covered a third of the Earth. The climate was different, and animals such as the hippopotamus and rhinoceros (exist) in northern Europe. Many mountains in Europe (be) active volcanoes. Early people (live) in complex societies, but in small groups in places where they could find food. What (eat)? They (eat) whatever they could find. Early people (stay) in the same place, but (travel) long distances, following the animals they needed for food.


Exercise 20. Rewrite the following sentences using ‘used to’ where possible.


1. I often met her when I was in Madrid. 2. I went to Tokyo last year. 3. I went swimming twice a day when we lived on the coast. 4. She wrote to me twice a week for 4 years, and then stopped. 5. Richard proposed to Laura 3 times.  6. He proposed to every girl he met. 7. In the past, young men asked the girl’s father for permission if they wanted to marry her. 8. Each time I gave him a problem, he solved it for me. 9. We left our dog with the neighbours when we were going on holiday. 10. We usually left our dog with the neighbours when we went on holiday. 11. He had a moustache when he was younger. 12. We worked in the same office and often had coffee together.


Exercise 21. Complete the sentences in each pair with the Present Perfect or the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets. Change the position of adverbs if necessary.


1. a) I _______ this book when I was a child. b) I _______this book; it is rather interesting. (read) 2. a) I _______ him in the summer. b) I _________ him since the summer. (not / see) 3. a) The building of the new theatre ________ last spring. b) The building of the new theatre______ already. (begin) 4. a) I _________ the letter yesterday b) I just ________the letter. (post) 5 a) She ______ everything in the evening. b) At last she ______everything; now she can go to bed. (do) 6. a) My watch was all right at 9, but at 10 it _______ . b) My watch was all right at 9, but now it _______ . (stop) 7.  a) Last year he ________ in the very centre of the city. b) He never _________ in the very centre of the city. (live) 8. a) He ________ the Hermitage two days ago. b) I already ________ the Hermitage, now I want to go to the Russian Museum. (visit) 9. a) He ________ a moment ago. b) He just _________ . (leave) 10. a) I ______ to the Dean during the break. b) I _______ to the Dean as yet. (not / speak) 11. a) They _______ on Sunday. b) Ring them up, they________. (return) 12.       a) Yesterday the weather __________. b) Put on your coat, the weather ________ . (change)


Exercise 22. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or the Past Simple form of the verb in brackets. NB! Sometimes you will need to change the position of the adverb.


1. I just (tell) you the answer. 2. I (tell) you the answer a month ago. 3. John and Richard already (go) away. 4. Carl (go) away right after lunch. 4. She (not/ answer) the letter yet. 5. She (answer) the letter on Tuesday. 6. I (read) this book in my summer holidays. 7. That’s funny, I (meet) three old friends from school this morning. 8. You (see) the moon last night? It (be) unusually big. 9. I (leave) the house at 8 o’clock and (arrive) at work half an hour later. 10. The film just (begin). 11. I (not / see) any of my former classmates since we (leave) school. 12. You ever (fly) in a helicopter? – As a matter of fact, yes, but I don’t remember it. My whole family (fly) in a rescue helicopter when I (be) 3 years old. There (be) a flood in my town. 13. Where is Harry? – He’s at home. He (break) his leg. – Oh dear. How it (happen)? 14. What (happen)? Why are you crying? – The big boys on the playground (break) my new toy car! 15. You (see) this play before? – Yes, I (see) it last year in Moscow. – You (like) it? – Yes, the acting (be) wonderful.


Exercise 23. A journalist is interviewing a politician on a radio programme. Underline the correct form (Present Perfect or Past Simple).


INTERVIEWER: Mrs Blake, you want people to vote for you again. Our listeners want to know why.

POLITICIAN: I think our achievements are very clear.

I: Well, not always. For example, under your government unemployment has risen / rose by ten per cent.

P: Yes, but you have to look at the international context. The price of oil has increased / increased to over forty euros last year and there has been / was a world recession this year.

I: But now the price of oil has fallen / fell again.

P: Yes, the future looks very good. Since we came to power we have cut / cut taxes three times. The last government has increased / increased them.

I: The opposition says that services have suffered / suffered. What about the health system? Several hospitals have closed / closed recently.

P: Yes, but people can see now that we have introduced / introduced big improvements. Those hospitals have been / were old. We have invested / invested in new and better hospitals.

I: But people are waiting longer for their operations.

P: No, that’s not correct. Patients waited longer before we came to power. The latest statistics show that we have reduced / reduced the number of people waiting for operations.

I: What about your record on education?

P: Standards were terrible under the last government. When we have introduced / introduced the new education law, the results improved very quickly.

I: Thank you Mr. Blake. Now the news.


Exercise 24. Finish up the sentences choosing appropriate adverbial modifiers from the brackets.


1. My cousin did not ring me up (at 10 o’clock / since 10 o’clock). 2. I have not seen him at home (at dinner time / since dinner time). 3. He did not say a word about it (at the beginning of supper / since the beginning of supper). 4. I have been here (yesterday / since yesterday). 5. It snowed heavily (on Sunday / since Sunday). 6. They have travelled in the Caucasus (in September / since September). 7. My little child has been ill (in summer / since summer). 8. My children have studied English (last year / since last year). 9. He wrote his last book (in 1970 / since 1970). 10. They did not know anything about each other (when they met / since they met). 11. The child was frightened (when he saw the doctor / since he saw the doctor). 12. My elder sister has lived in the country (when she graduated from the Institute / since she graduated from the Institute).


Exercise 25. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Present Simple, Past Simple or Present Perfect).


The world famous author of the Harry Potter books, JK Rowling, was born in 1965 in England. She (study) French at Exeter University and then (work) as a bilingual secretary. When she was 26, she (move) to Portugal where she (teach) English and (work) on a story about a wizard. She (return) to the UK and (live) in Scotland since then. For a while she (teach) French but since the first Harry Potter book was published she (make) her living from writing, in fact, she is at the top of the best sellers lists and (be) for several years. JK Rowling says she (enjoy) writing stories since she was a child and it is only now, after many years of hard work, that she (achieve) success.


Exercise 26. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple instead of the infinitives in brackets. NB! Sometimes you will need to change the position of the adverb.


 1. You (to behave) like this ever since I first (to come) here. 2. It (to happen) when I (to be out). 3. She just (to remind) me that we (to be) at school together. 4. I never (to have) the slightest desire to be an actress. 5. I (to meet) Tom at the station this morning. 6. I’m very sorry, Doctor, but Doctor Griffiths (to go) to Swansea on important business. 7. She (to finish) cleaning the bathroom, then she (to begin) peeling potatoes. 8. I (to see) her name in the papers rather often of late. 9. They (to leave) just a week ago today. 10. Most of the children here (to have) measles already. 11. They (to talk) much that evening. 12. “I (to do) something,” he (to think). “Oh, I (to do) something real at last.” 13. The bell (to ring) repeatedly, but they (not to answer) it, and presently it (to stop). 14. You can’t see Jimmy. He (to go out). — No, I (to watch) him go in with his dad, and he (not to come out) yet. 15. She (to lift) her bag from the sideboard and (to take out) a two-shilling piece. 16. “Good morning, Mrs Watt," she said. “Eric (to tell) you what to do?” 17. I (to love) you since I (to see) you walk into that classroom. 18. I don’t think I (to be out) more than a couple of minutes. 19. The thing is that I (to come) to have a talk. 20. I’m her sister, and we (to have) only each other since Dad (to die).


Exercise 27. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or the Past Simple form of the verb in brackets.


1. – Where you (be) since you (come) to England? – I (be) to London, Oxford and Brighton. – When you (go) to Brighton? – Yesterday. 2. – How long you (know) Jeremy? – I (know) him for two years. – Where you (meet) him first? – At my sister’s wedding. 3. Oh, I just adore this movie! I (see) it, like, 10 times! Well, just last month I (watch) it twice. 4. – I just (have) my first French lesson. – How it (go)? You (enjoy) it? 5. – I’m looking for my cell phone. You (see) it anywhere lately? – Yes, I ….., actually. It’s in the living room. 6. – I (not see) your brother for some time. – Yes, he (be) away for a while. 7. – Mary (come back) yet? – Yes, she (come back) just a couple of minutes ago and (go) straight to her room. 8. – I never (try) Thai food before. – Try this dish. Do you like it? – Well, it sure is the spiciest dish I ever (try) in all my life. 9. Peter the Great never (meet) M.V. Lomonosov. 10. – Are you sure we never (meet)? – I’m certain; I’d have remembered you.


Exercise 28. Translate the sentences into English using the verbs in italics either in the Present Perfect or the Past Simple Tense.


1. В этом семестре мы прочитали пять рассказов А. Кристи. – А что вы читали в прошлом семестре? – "Волшебник из страны Оз." 2. Могу я видеть Джона? – Боюсь, что нет. Он уехал в Москву. – Когда он уехал? – Два дня назад. 3. Вы уже сделали это упражнение? – Нет, я перевела только 10 предложений. 4. Вы уже сдали все экзамены? – Нет, мы сдали только два. – Сколько экзаменов вы сдавали в прошлом году? – Пять. 5. Почему Аня такая грустная? – Она поссорилась с Ником. – Боже, сколько раз они ссорились в этом месяце? – Думаю, много раз. 6. Как вы провели майские каникулы? – Очень хорошо. 1 мая у нас была вечеринка, мы танцевали, слушали новые записи, а вечером пошли гулять. 2 мая ездили за город.


Exercise 29. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect or Past Simple.


1. Using standard components, Ellis (put) together his first computer in the early1980s. 2. What time you (finish) the meeting? – 5 o’clock. 3. There’s no milk left. Peter (drink) all of it? 4. George (live) in Tokyo for five years, but he left in 1999. 5. The Titanic (sink) in 1912. 6. Somebody (steal) my bicycle! Now I’ll have to walk home. 7. Gerry (fall) off his bike three times this month. 8. Martin (graduate) from university last July. 9. When he (be) born? 10. I almost (finish) that quiz. 11. Lucky Susan! She (visit) so many countries! 12. He just (arrive) from Tokyo. 13. You (be) together for a long time. How long exactly? 14. We (meet) at the graduation dance. 15. He (slow) down a lot since the birth of his son last year. 16. When I was a girl I (walk) five miles to school every day. 17. Alice (sleep) through the entire class. Will she wake up when the bell goes, I wonder? 18. She already (do) her Christmas shopping. 19. Who (spill) wine on my carpet? There’s a big red stain behind the sofa. 20. The boss is angry with Eric. He (arrive) late several times this week.


Exercise 30. Translate into English using the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.


1. Игра только что началась. 2. В прошлый раз они останавливались в этом отеле. 3. Американцы начали запуски космических кораблей «Шаттл» (to launch the Space Shuttle) в начале 1980–х гг. 4. После окончания забастовки рабочие вернулись к работе. 5. Авария произошла в 7 часов местного времени. 6. Кто оставил эту надпись на стене? Ее же покрасили на прошлой неделе. 7. Когда вы его видели в последний раз? 8. Художник только что закончил эту картину. 9. В конце концов, героям удалось избавиться от опасного подарка. 10. В забеге на 100 метров Хилл пересек финишную прямую первым, а Джонс оказался только вторым. 11. С тех пор как он уехал, дела на фирме пошли на лад. 12. Сначала рыцарь отправился в заколдованный замок. 13. Том, почтальон принес тебе письмо. 14. Он хороший ученик, он еще никогда не пропускал занятий без уважительных причин. 15. Шекспир написал 154 сонета.


Exercise 31. Underline the correct form (Past Simple, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous).


The nature of intelligence

For many years scientists tried / have been trying to define the nature of human intelligence. However, they were/ have been unable to agree on whether there is one kind of intelligence, or several kinds. In the early 20th century, psychologist Charles Spearman came up/ has come up with the concept of ‘g’ or ‘general intelligence’. He gave/ has given subjects a variety of different tests and found/ has found that the people who performed / have performed well in the tests used /have been using one part of the brain, which he called/has called ‘g’, for all the tests. More recently, research found/ has found that this idea may well be true, as one part of the brain (the lateral prefrontal cortex) shows increased blood flow during testing. However, some scientists believe that intelligence is а matter of how much people learned / have learned rather than some ability they are born with. They believe that environment also matters.


Exercise 32. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Past Simple, Present Simple, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous).


I’ve been learning to play the guitar since Christmas because my parents (buy) me one as a present. I (always / want) to be in a band but I can’t sing. My teacher (be) very patient. I (start)with a few simple chords and now I can play one song. My fingers (hurt) when I practise too long. Today I (practise) since lunch and I think I’ll have to stop soon. My parents (listen) to me and I think they want me to stop as well!


Exercise 33. Translate into English using the Past Simple, Present Simple, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous:


1. Мы познакомились месяц назад, но я с тех пор ничего о нем не слышала. 2. Я не смотрела этот фильм с тех пор, как я окончила школу. 3. Я еще не говорил с ним об этом. Я не видел его с утра. 4. – Вы когда-нибудь были в Австралии? – Нет, но я всегда мечтала там побывать. 5. – Сколько Ваш племянник уже пробыл в Англии? – Два года. 6. – Сколько они женаты? – Лет 8 или 9, не помню точно. 7. – Лекция уже началась? – Да, минут 5 назад. 8. Всегда трудно расставаться с людьми, с которыми только что познакомился. 9. – Он мертв, доктор? – Да, он мертв уже 10 или 11 часов. – Как он умер? – Его отравили. 10. Я знаю его почти 18 лет, и он почти не изменился. А я – изменилась.11. Она учит японский уже 5 лет. 12. Надеюсь, Ваши друзья хорошо за Вами ухаживали все это время. 13. Она сидит на скамейке уже несколько часов. С самого утра она сидит на скамейке и ждет кого–то. 14. Они спорят с тех пор, как учитель вышел из класса. 15. Он пишет статью уже три часа. За это время он выпил 5 чашек кофе. Давно он не работал так усердно. 16. Сколько времени ты пытаешься до него дозвониться? – С 10 часов. 17. Я пытаюсь найти тебя целое утро. Где ты был? Чем ты занимался? 18. Вчера я пыталась тебя найти. Я звонила тебе в 10 вечера, но тебя не было. Где ты был? 18. Сколько времени ты здесь подслушиваешь? И что ты успел (тебе удалось) услышать? 19. Он посмотрел на нее. Ее глаза были красными. «Ты плакала?» – спросил он.


Exercise 34. Translate into English using the Past Simple, Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

( A) 1. Сколько времени вы меня ждете? 2. Я знаю ее уже два года. 3. Я всегда предпочитала трагедию комедии. 4. Они пишут изложение уже два часа. 5. Сколько времени Вы занимаетесь музыкой? 6. Мне уже давно хочется прочесть эту книгу. 7. Я не получал от него писем с августа. 8. Я не видела словаря с тех пор, как вы его взяли из шкафа. 9. Я чувствую себя очень одиноким с тех пор, как брат уехал. 10. Я очень устала. Я готовилась к экзамену по экономике. 11. Он весь вечер рассказывает мне ужасные истории.12. Почему вы все так смотрите на меня? Нина вам говорила что-нибудь обо мне? 13. Я жил в Лондоне 5 лет и очень скучаю по этому городу. 14. Ты слышал гром прошлой ночью? 15. Ночи становятся холоднее.

(В) 1. Я ищу тебя весь вечер. (Чаковский) 2. Я не ел с утра... (Тендряков) 3. Вы действительно знаете меня шесть лет. (Котов) 4. Я прожила с ним [Ващенковым] много лет и хорошо его знаю. (Тендряков) 5. Я не видел ее уже два месяца. (Чаковский) 6. Я тебя ждала три дня. (Достоевский) 7. Катерину Федоровну я знал еще с прошлого года. (Достоевский) 8. Они живут поблизости, на улице Жак Колло, около тридцати лет, с тех пор, как приехали в Париж. (Сухомлин )




Exercise 35. Study the table on tenses in ‘WHO’- questions


Past Simple Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous
Who wrote on the wall? Who framed Roger Rabbit? (a film title) Who has eaten all the apples? Who has spent all our money? Who has been eating my chocolates? There are only two left.
The past cause of a present situation: “who is responsible for it/ who is to blame for it?” Focus: the past action itself The present result of a past completed action: “there’s nothing left” Focus: the present situation The present evidence of a past unfinished action: the result is not achieved/ irrelevant. Focus: changes in quality / quantity


Translate into English using the Past Simple, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous:


1. (Discussing a detective story) Кто украл деньги? 2. Кто потратил все деньги? Не на что хлеба купить. 3.  (After lunch) Кто приготовил этот суп? 4. Кто съел весь суп? Мне ничего не осталось. 5. (Accusingly) Кто тебе это сказал? 6. Все игрушки разбросаны по комнате. Кто с ними играл? 7. Кто выпил весь сок? 8. Кто взял мой калькулятор? Я не могу его найти. 9. Кто ел из моей тарелки? Кто пил из моей чашки? Кто спал в моей постели? 10. Кто впустил кошку? 11. Кто съел все пирожные? 12. (At the museum) Кто нарисовал эту картину? 13. Кто работал на моем компьютере? Пропали несколько файлов. 14. Кто курил в комнате? Вы же знаете, что у меня аллергия.


Exercise 36. Find and correct the mistakes in the use of tenses in the sentences if there are any.


1. I write in connection with the article which has appeared on December 3. 2. I have tried to find a permanent job for a long time. 3. In my previous job I am responsible for marketing. 4. In the first scene of the film we are seeing him getting up, then he is going out and meeting a mysterious woman. 5. We still didn’t discover intelligent life on other planets. 6. When I have turned the ignition key, the car started. 7. Who has taken my umbrella? It’s all wet. 8. Bob is a friend of mine. I know him for a long time. 9. She was unemployed since she has left university.  10. Graham is working in a shop for the last few months.


Exercise 37. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect or Past Simple.


1. You __ never __ me why you’re called Tony when your name is James. (to tell) (Galsworthy) 2. 1 __ her name in the papers rather often of late. (to see) (Maugham) 3. "The rain __, carino," Montanelli said after sunset. "Come out; I want to have a talk with you." (to stop) (Voynich) 4. "__ you __ a job?" "There are none." (to find) (Galsworthy) 5. " __ you __ all the necessary preparations incident to Miss Sedley’s departure, Miss Jemima?" asked Miss Pinkerton. (to complete) (Thackeray) 6. His father __ just a week ago to-day. (to die) (Galsworthy) 7. I know where you _____the morning. (to spend) (Austen) 8. You __ someone with you. Introduce me. (to bring) (Shaw) 9. Barbara! You __ the education of a lady. Please, let your father see that and don’t talk like a street girl. (to have) (Shaw) 10. "Let’s go," said Abraniovici; "I __ my appetite." (to lose) (Heym) 11. "Oh — oh —you are Mary Gerrard? You __ ! I – I wouldn’t have recognized you." (to change) (Christie) 12. "Where’s the paper?" asked Edward. “I __ the leading article yet." (not to read) (Maugham) 13. Montanelli __ awake the whole night through. (to lie) (Voynich) 14. Mr. Worthing, I suppose, __ from London yet? (not to return) (Wilde) 15. It’s the most tasteless, repulsive idea I __ ever __ of (to hear). (Murdoch and Priestley) 16. Mother, I __ just __ to him. (to write) (Wilde) 17. My hands are all wet with these roses. Aren’t they lovely? They __ up from Selley this morning. (to come) (Wilde) 18. Young Mako __ a match, __ his pipe, and __ them slowly. (to strike, to light, to approach) (Abrahams) 19. In fact I __ just __ a telegram to say that my poor friend Bunbury is very ill again. (to have) (Wilde) 20. You __ even __ at that book I got you on the war in the Pacific. (not to look). (Murdoch) 21. When __ you first __ the co-respondent? (to see) (Galsworthy) 22. We __ in silence for a few minutes. He __ at last. (to sit, to speak) (Dickens) 23. "I __ so little experience yet," she said. "I only __ school yesterday, you see." (to have, to leave) (Beresford) 24. "I __ surely __ very long," returned Florence. "When __ I __ here? Yesterday?" (to sleep, to come) (Dickens) 25. I __ Ann at her father’s house twenty odd years ago and __ her ever since. (to meet, to know) (Stone)


Exercise 38. Translate into English using the Present Perfect or Past Simple..

( A) 1. Вы написали контрольную работу? Покажите мне ее. 2. Она написала последнюю контрольную работу без ошибок. 3. Я давно видела эту пьесу. Я уже забыла ее. 4. Я давно с ней познакомилась. 5. Я давно ее не видела. 6. Я давно пришла сюда. Я здесь с девяти часов. 7. Я только что видела Петра. Он недавно приехал из Москвы. 8. Я не слышала вашего вопроса. 9. Что вы сказали? 10. Я не слышала, что вы сказали. 11. Хотелось бы знать, куда она положила мои книги. 12. Вчера у нас была интересная лекция. Все студенты присутствовали на ней. 13. Когда вы начали читать эту книгу? — Мы начали читать ее на прошлой неделе.

( B) 1. Читали вы Обермана, Лизавета Михайловна? (Тургенев) 2. Месяца три спустя... он [Печорин] уехал в Грузию. С тех пор мы не встречались. (Лермонтов) 3. «Разве гости уехали?» — спросил Лаврецкий. (Тургенев) 4. «Письмо из Москвы пришло?» — спросила Машурина погодя немного. — «Пришло... третьего дня». (Тургенев) 5. «Я давно не играла»,—возразила Варвара Павловна, немедленно садясь за фортепьяно. (Тургенев) 6. «Когда вы получили этот журнал?» — промолвила Лиза. (Тургенев) 7. Кстати, кончил ты свой барельеф? (Тургенев) 8. Вчера у колодца в первый раз явилась Вера. (Лермонтов) 9. «Когда он занемог?» — спросила Елена. «Третьего дня; со вчерашнего дня я здесь». (Тургенев) 10. У тебя с тех пор немного потемнели волосы. (Пермяк) 11. Я рад, если вы это поняли. (Кожевников) 12. «Давно вы приехали? Видели вы его?»... — «Я вчера приехала... Я видела Федора Ивановича и говорила с ним». (Тургенев)


Exercise 39. Translate into English, using the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Past Simple or the Present Perfect Tense.


1. В понедельник на прошлой неделе шел сильный дождь. 2. Мой отец обычно завтракает в половине восьмого. 3. Сергей уже сделал домашнее задание? – Нет, он все еще делает его. 4. Почему вы идете так быстро? – Я иду быстро, потому что я замерз. Я никогда не хожу быстро летом. 5. Мой брат никогда не носит шляпу летом. 6. В тот вечер я смотрел телевизор. 7. Почтальон обычно приходит в восемь часов вечера. Сейчас уже половина девятого, а он все еще не пришел. 8. Каждый вечер я смотрю телевизор. 9. Служащие заканчивают работу в шесть часов вечера. 10. Моему соседу около семидесяти лет, но он все еще работает. 11. Боюсь, я проиграл эту партию в шахматы (this game of chess). Я играл очень плохо. Обычно я играю намного лучше. 12. Она еще не брала своего маленького сына в театр, но уже водила его в кино в первый раз несколько дней назад. 13. В школе он играл в футбол. 14. Я не играл в футбол с 2008 года. 15. Маленькая девочка часто помогает своей матери. 16. Автор еще молодой человек. Он написал свою первую книгу в 2009 году. 17. Сейчас 7 часов утра. Ребенок уже проснулся. Вчера утром он проснулся гораздо раньше. 18. Мария обычно очень внимательно слушает учителя, но сейчас она не слушает, у нее болит голова.


Exercise 40. Complete the sentences with the correct tense form of the verb in brackets (one of the present tenses or the Past Simple).


1. My brother is an actor. He (appear) in several films. 2. The weather (get) hotter and hotter. 3. I (mean) to call Daphne last night but I (forget). 4. Long ago people (build) most houses of wood. 5. I (use) John’s mobile because I (leave) mine at home. 6. Our hero (go off) in search of the treasure, which he eventually (find) after many adventures. 7. You (have) time to do any sightseeing yet? – Yes, I (take) a stroll round the Old Town. 8. We (build) 20 schools this year. 9. These potatoes (boil) for an hour. Take them off the stove! 10. In 1999 he (give up) teaching and since then he (work) as a business consultant. 11. She (appear) to be very upset. What (happen)? 12. He (do) a lot in his short life. 13. What on earth you (do)? You are all wet. 16. They (think) of buying a cheaper car. They (think) this one is too expensive. 17. I hear Jane is away on holiday. Where she (go)? 18. Sorry, I’m late. – That’s OK. I (not / wait) long.19. I (read) the book you lent me but I (not / finish) it yet. 20. I did German at school but I (forget) most of it.  

Past Continuous




Exercise 1. Fill in the correct form of the verb ‘to be’.


1. Alice _____ sleeping when I got home. 2. Martha and Dave ____ talking angrily. 3. I _____ just thinking about you. 4. Lily, you ______ drinking coffee when he entered, ______ you? 5. We _____ taking a test at 2 o’clock yesterday. 6. He ______ doing exercises at 7 o’clock. 7. It was a nice day. The sun ______ shining and the birds ______ singing. 8. The football fans ______ screaming and shouting. 9. ______ it snowing when you ______ going home? 10. They ______ kissing on the porch when her husband saw them.


Exercise 2. Use the information to complete the sentences about Fit Sid and Fat Jack in the past continuous.


Time Fit Sid Fat Jack
08:00 do / exercises lie / bed
08:30 have / breakfast have / breakfast
09:00 walk / school go / school / car
11:00 play / football eat / crisps
13:00 prepare / salad / lunch buy/ hamburger/ lunch
17:00 do /10 km run have / rest
19:00   play / computer games play / computer games
22:00 go / bed sleep / sofa


A. Yesterday, at...

1. 08:00, Sid…, and Jack…..  2. 08:30, both Sid and Jack 3. 09:00      4. 11:00 5. 13:00 6. 17:00 7. 19:00 8. 22:00                                                                                                            


B. Use the prompts to make a question. Then write a short answer.


1. Sid / lie / bed / 08:00? 2. they / have / breakfast / 08:30? 3. Jack / go / school / 09:00 ? 4. Jack / play / football / 11:00 ? 5. Sid / prepare / salad / 13:00 ? 6. Sid / run / 17:00 ? 7. they / watch / TV / 19:00?                             


Exercise 3. Use the prompts and a verb from the box to write negative sentences.


Rain clean buy drive study work play drink go  listen


1. They / for the test. 2. She / home for the weekend. 3. I / tea. It was coffee. 4. It / yesterday. It was sunny. 5. You / to me! 6. Michelle / more shoes 7. We / computer games. 8. His brothers / their bedroom. 9. Pierre / the car. 10. The computer / because it was broken.




Exercise 4. Put the verb in brackets into the past simple or past continuous.


William Tell

This is the Legend of William Tell, the national hero of Switzerland. There was a very cruel ruler, Hermann Gessler. One day his soldiers arrested William Tell and his son. Gessler (know) that Tell was an expert with a crossbow. He took Tell’s son and put an apple on his head. He (order) Tell to shoot the apple. Tell took two arrows and (put) one in his crossbow. He aimed carefully and hit the apple without touching the boy. While the people (cheer) Gessler asked Tell about the second arrow. Tell said, "It’s for you." Gessler was very angry and decided to take Tell to his castle on the other side of Lake Lucerne. While they (cross) the lake a storm started and Tell was able to escape. Later, when Gessler and his soldiers arrived at the castle, Tell (wait) for them there. As they (walk) along the path to the castle, Tell (jump) out. With his crossbow and the second arrow, Tell (kill) Gessler. Tell’s example encouraged his people to fight for their freedom.


Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple or the Past Continuous form of the verb in brackets.


1. He (write) a composition when I saw him. 2. George (fall off) the ladder while he (change) the light bulb. 3. He often (go) to the library when he (study) at the University. 4. The sun (rise) when I (wake up) this morning. 5. When I (go out) in the morning, the sun (shine) brightly and the birds (sing). 6. I (not drive) very fast when the accident (happen). 7. We (listen) to the radio yesterday when the bell (ring). 8. Yesterday I (hear) that the doorbell (ring). I (come up) to the door and (open) it, but (see) nobody there. When I (look out of) the window, I (see) a boy who (run away). 9. My hat (fly off) while I (cross) the bridge. 10.– I (see) you talking to Jim. What he (want)? – He (want) an explanation. – Oh I see. And how you (explain) it to him? 11. There (be) nobody in the hall. Everyone (sit) in the lounge and (listen) to Joan’s story. No one (seem) to pay attention to Robert’s arrival. 12. Alan (enjoy) himself. At last, everything (be) as he (want). 13. Someone (sing) next door while I (try) to get some sleep. 14. I just (phrase) a tactful inquiry when we (approach) the station and my companion (take) his bag and (say) it (be) time to go. I (not manage) to ask him anything. At that moment I (notice) that on the platform Mom (stand) and (look for) me. That sight (drive) all other thoughts from my head. 15. – When I (walk) home, I (think) I (see) a man who (follow) me. – Nobody (follow) you. You (imagine) things, like last time.


Exercise 6. Translate into English.


1. Вчера в 9 вечера я смотрела телевизор. 2. Когда мы вышли на улицу, шел снег. 3. Когда я впервые встретил мою невесту, она работала в школе. 4. С кем ты разговаривала, когда я позвонил тебе? 5. Вчера мы весь день гуляли в парке. 6. Где вы останавливались, когда жили в Лондоне? 7. Я вовсе не пытался Вам угрожать. Я лишь описал положение, в котором мы находимся. 8. – Что вы делали 25 сентября с 10 до 12 вечера? – Я смотрел какой-то фильм. – Что именно вы смотрели? Я не помню. – А во сколько начался фильм? – Не знаю, где-то около 10, а потом я заснул перед телевизором. 9. Внезапно он понял, что они разговаривают о нем. 10. Он нашел этот снимок, когда искал какую-то старую книгу. 11. Я как раз открывала Ваше письмо, когда зазвонил телефон. Я подняла трубку. Это был мой старый приятель, и мы провели весь вечер за разговором. 12. Когда Пол открыл дверь, его жена сидела в кресле. У нее на коленях лежала открытая книга, но она не читала. 13. Я думала об этом весь вечер. 14. Дочь профессора сидела на крыльце. Маленькая собачка лежала у ее ног. 15. – Простите, что опоздал. Это все твой щенок, Хелен. Он пытался сожрать мою рукопись. – Ему это удалось? – Нет. – Какая жалость! 16. Когда я его видел в последний раз, он сидел в гостиной и притворялся, что читает. 17. Когда я вышел на перрон, я увидел Маргарет. На ней было новое платье, которое было ей очень к лицу. 18. Мэри все еще ждала его ответа, когда он закрыл перед ней дверь. 19. Учительница объясняла новый материал, когда один из учеников прервал ее. 20. Энн подслушивала ваш разговор, когда я вошел в комнату. 21.– Почему ты не разбудил меня? - Ты так крепко спала, когда я зашел. Я не хотел тебя беспокоить. 22. Вчера я мыла посуду и разбила чашку. 23. Она сильно обожглась, когда готовила. 24. По шуму, который мы слышали, было ясно, что наш маленький сосед упражняется в игре на фортепиано. 25. Когда он заходил в автобус, вор украл его бумажник. 26. Становилось прохладно, поэтому они ушли с веранды.27. Когда стало темно, он надел плащ, взял фонарик и вышел из дома. 28. Она постоянно ссорилась со своей сестрой. Неудивительно, что ты их слышала.


Exercise 7. Underline the correct form.


1. While he took / was taking a bath, Archimedes discovered / was discovering the principles of density and buoyancy. 2. When Edouard Benedictus, a French scientist, worked / was working in his laboratory, he dropped / was dropping a glass bottle which had some plastic inside — and invented / was inventing safety glass. 3. Columbus arrived / was arriving in America while he tried / was trying to reach the Far East. 4. Alexander Fleming discovered / was discovering penicillin by accident while he looked / was looking at some old experiments. 5. While Hiram Bingham climbed / was climbing in the mountains of Peru in 1911, he discovered / was discovering the lost city of Machu Picchu. 6. While Isaac Newton sat / was sitting under an apple tree, an apple fell / was falling on his head, and he understood / was understanding gravity. 7. While Dr Harry Coover tried / was trying to invent a new kind of plastic, he made / was making a very soft substance which stuck / was sticking things together. It was Superglue. 8.  While he observed / was observing the Moon through his telescope, Galileo realized / was realizing that it had mountains and craters.


Exercise 8. Complete the text with the Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verb in brackets.


Alexander the Great

While he (grow up) up, the philosopher Aristotle was his teacher. Alexander (become) interested in science, medicine, philosophy and literature. While his father Philip (attend) his daughter’s wedding, a young nobleman (murder) him. Alexander was king of Macedonia at the age of 20. While he (fight) his enemies in the north, the Greeks in the south (start) a rebellion. He (destroy) all their cities. He (lead) his army against the Persian Empire through what is now Turkey. While he (stay) in the ancient city of Gordium, he (undo) the Gordian knot. A legend said that only a future king of Asia could do this. While his army (march) through Persia, it (defeat) Darius, the king of Persia. He (found) the city of Alexandria at the mouth of the Nile while he (visit) Egypt. While he (travel) with his army, he (give) his name to many other towns. He (kill) his friend Clitus in a quarrel while they (have) dinner. While he (attack) the city of Mali in India, he (receive) a serious wound from an arrow. While he (attend) a banquet in Babylon in 323 BC, he (fall) ill and (die).


Exercise 9. Complete the text with the Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.


The Vikings in America

According to Viking records, around the year 1000, while some Viking sailors (look for) the coast of Greenland, they (reach) the eastern     coast of America. While they (live) there, they (try) to trade with the local Native Americans, known by the Vikings as Skraelings, but in the end the Native Americans (fight) them and (drive) them out. After several attempts to return, the Vikings (give up). In 1968, while some archaeologists (work) in Newfoundland, they (discover) the remains of one of the Viking settlements, and (prove) that this story was true.


Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 345.