Accident investigators (still examine) the wreckage of the high speed train which left the rail and overturned in northwest England last week. According to reports, they (not believe) the accident involved driver error. ‘We (expect) to publish an inquiry into this accident quite soon’, a spokesman announced yesterday. ‘Engineers (work) round the clock to replace the track, and we (hope) to restore a normal service within two weeks. We (realize) that people (depend) on the railway, and we (understand) how much everyone has been shocked by this accident. However, we (check) thousands of sections of track all over the country to make sure that nothing like this can ever happen again.
Exercise 32. Translate into English using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
1. Фрэнк собирает марки, это его хобби. 2. Все больше и больше людей начинают понимать важность защиты окружающей среды. 3. – О чем ты думаешь? – Я думаю об отпуске. 4. – Господин президент, что Вы думаете об экономической ситуации? – Я думаю, ситуация меняется. 5. – Как поживает твоя сестра? – О, она ждет ребенка. 6. Ты прекрасно выглядишь! Мне нравится твоя новая прическа. 7. – Почему ты не ешь отбивную? Она тебе не нравится? – Я вегетарианец, я не ем мяса. 8. Ее дети говорят на двух языках. 9. Мама! Собака нюхает еду в твоей тарелке! 10. Мы сейчас не пользуемся микроволновкой, она не работает. 11. Вообще-то Джон умный. Но сейчас он ведет себя как-то глупо. 12. Мы подумываем о том, чтобы купить новую квартиру. 13. Вечно ты жалуешься! 14. Ужасно пахнет! Что происходит? – Соседи красят стены у себя в квартире. 15. Ничто не происходит без причины. 16. Я коплю деньги, потому что в июле еду в Париж. Мне нужно еще 300 евро. 17. Эти огурцы горькие на вкус. Я не хочу добавлять их в салат. 18. – Где Питер? Поезд отходит через 40 минут, у нас нет времени! – Полагаю, он все еще собирается. 19. – Я считаю, что погода на Земле становится теплее. – Я не совсем с тобой согласен. Климат становится более переменчивым. Поэтому ученые чаще говорят о «глобальных изменениях климата», а не о «глобальном потеплении». 20. Транспорт все дорожает. 21. – Сколько весит ваш багаж? – Я не знаю, мой муж как раз взвешивает наш чемодан.
Present Perfect
Exercise 1. Form Participle II of the following verbs.
Live; want; try; carry; go; forget; begin; need; speak; cancel; listen; hear; understand; play; visit; study; wash, cry; tie; watch; create; pass; care; copy; end; prefer; offer.
Exercise 2. Fill in the correct form of the auxiliary verb ‘to have’. Use contractions where possible.
1. I _______ watched this film twice. 2. He ________ never tried parachuting. 3. We _______ been to the British Museum. 4. Martha _______ not spoken to her husband yet. 5. ______ you ever read “War and Peace”? 6. What ______ happened? 7. My boyfriend ______ just proposed! 8. How long ____ your parents lived in this flat? 9. Oh hi, Jason! I _____ not seen you for ages. Where ____ you been? 10. We ______ known each other since we were kids. 11. Their brother _____ travelled around the world. 12. What _____ the patient eaten?
Exercise 3. Use the prompts to write a sentence in the Present Perfect.
1. The teacher / arrive. 2. The students / leave. 3. The exams / finish. 4. Danny / break / leg. 5. I / sent / you / e-mail. 6. She / see / this film / before. 7. Dave and Joe / win / a scholarship. 8. There / be / accident. 9. I / see/ UFO. 10. Martin / have lunch. 11. Serena / lose / key. 12. We / do / homework. 13. I / hear/ the news. 14. They / visit/ the exhibition. 15. He / start / working.
Now make the sentences negative and interrogative.
Exercise 4. Put questions to all parts of the sentence.
1. He has told us of his good fortune. 2. I have found my son now. 3. I have put my things in the room next to yours. 4. The cat has been asleep most of the day. 5. She has lived in Petersburg for five years. 6. Her husband has never seen this awful letter. 7. I have written a line to your mother to tell her your good news. 8. I have finished my writing for today. 9. The trees have thrown off their yellow leaves.
Exercise 5. Think of questions for which the following might be answers.
1. Mary has cooked a wonderful cake. 2. He has gone home. 3. She hasn’t seen him since the summer. 4. He has given her a beautiful rose. 5. The alarm-clock has just rung. 6. She has put her umbrella into the corner. 7. It has begun snowing today. 8. The boy has broken the icicle. 9. She has changed her name. 10. Mary has brought him home. 11. She has brought home a white kitten. 12. She has always tried to stop him.
Exercise 6. Complete the sentence with a verb from the box in the Present Perfect and any other necessary information.
Do stop rise get lose arrive change leave |
1. Half an hour ago it was raining and now it isn’t. It ____ 2. John is at school. His homework is at home. _____at home. 3. Ten minutes ago you ordered a pizza by phone. The doorbell is now ringing. – Great. My pizza ______ 4. Last year the school had 540 pupils. This year there are 600. The number of pupils_______ by 60. 5. You can’t find your revision notes. _______ notes. 6. You’re doing an experiment. You did the same experiment last week and the week before. This is the third time ______ 7. Philip Jones goes to your school. Last year he went to a different school. Philip ______schools. 8. Last year your school work was easy. Now it’s not. The school work _______ more difficult this year.
Exercise 7. Supply subordinate clauses with the verbs in the Present Perfect.
1. I don’t know why (she / not /come). 2. She asks why (you / not / lay the table). 3. I’d like to know why (he / not / answer my letter). 4. Tell me why (you / quarrel). 5. She doesn’t say why (she / refuse to take this work). 6. I can’t guess why (they / part). 7. She wants to know where (they / go to). 8. I wonder where (they / live all that time). 9. He can’t say where (the dog / appear from). 10. I just ask where (you / be since last Saturday). 11. Please tell me how long (you / live in this town). 12. I wonder how long (she / work at our Institute). 13. I wonder what (she / learn about it). 14. He asks what (you / cook for supper). 15. I’d like to know (what / happen to the cake). 16. She doesn’t say what (she / do to him).
Exercise 8. Reply to the following commands saying that you have already done what is required.
Model: – Switch off the light! – I’ve already switched it off.
1. Get out of bed! 2. Put on your shoes! 3. Wash your face! 4. Turn on the cold water tap! 5. Take a shower! 6. Get dressed quickly! 7. Turn off the hot water tap! 8. Take off your coat! 9. Do your morning exercises! 10. Air your room! 11. Make your bed! 12. Put on your slippers! 13. Do your lessons! 14. Switch on the TV! 15. Put your room in order!
Exercise 9. Respond to the following commands and requests using the Present Perfect tense.
Model: – Will you make some sandwiches, please? – But I’ve already made them.
1. Clean the flat, will you? 2. Will you sweep the floor, please? 3. Please give Peter this dictionary. 4. Could you please send a telegram to Mary? 5. Please write them a letter at once! 6. Go and tell Mother everything. 7. Will you show the children your new slides, please? 8. Could you make some fresh tea? 9. Bring some more bread from the kitchen, could you? 10. Read this article by all means. 11. Do exercise 5, please. 12. Would you wash up the dishes?
Exercise 10. Translate into English using the Present Perfect.
1. Вы когда-нибудь были в Лондоне? 2. Он когда-нибудь рассказывал вам о своей жене? 3. Они когда-нибудь ссорились? 4. Вы когда-нибудь болели гриппом? 5. Он когда-нибудь дарил вам цветы? 6. Вы когда-нибудь летали на Дальний Восток? 7. Вы когда-нибудь видели такую красивую девушку? 8. Вы когда-нибудь учили французский? 9. Вы когда-нибудь пробовали спаржу (asparagus)? 10. Вы были влюблены когда-нибудь?
Exercise 11. Translate into English using the Present Perfect.
1. Что случилось? 2. Куда он ушел? 3. Я уже прочитала эту книгу. 4. Начался дождь. 5. Я его еще не видела. 6. Мать уже испекла булочки. 7. Ты когда-нибудь каталась на коньках по замерзшей реке? 8. Сегодня я не была в библиотеке. 9. Реки и пруды уже замерзли. 10. В этом году я часто видела их в кино. 11. Я не встречала его с весны. 12. Сколько лет ты живешь на этой улице? 13. Я проработала здесь уже пять лет. 14. Будильник уже прозвенел. 15. Дети уже приняли душ. 16. Ты еще не погасил свет? 17. Ты взяла с собой зонтик? 18. Зима уже наступила. 19. Мэри надела плащ?
Exercise 12. Explain the use of the Present Perfect in the following sentences.
1. Quick! Put up your umbrella! It has started raining! 2. I’ve just spoken to Masha. 3. The government has announced another tax increase. 4. Mr. Stilton has crossed the Atlantic in a yacht twice. 5. Have you received my e-mail? 6. We’ve known each other since we were children. 7. I haven’t seen any improvement in your work so far. 8. He has always made wonderful cakes for my birthday. 9. You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. 10. Tony has never been to Paris before. 11. Have you seen Melissa today? 12. John is not here. He’s gone to the dentist. 13. Oh no! My car has disappeared! 14. Here’s your book. I’ve read it. 15. London has been his home for over 20 years now.
Exercise 13. Complete the text with the Present Perfect form of the verb in brackets.
About 15% of protein eaten by humans (always / come) from fish. Recently, however, the number of fish (fall). Several things (cause) this problem. Most scientists agree that governments (not do) enough to stop overfishing. This means that fish populations (grow) smaller. Many fish (not / reproduce) fast enough to replace their numbers. The population of North Sea cod, for example, (reach) a dangerous level. EU laws (reduce) the numbers of fishing boats. As a result, many fishermen in traditional fishing ports (lose) their jobs. In recent years, fish in the UK (become) expensive, and many people (stop) eating it.
Exercise 14. Complete the sentences with ‘for’ or ‘since’.
1. Kathy has been off school _____last Thursday. 2. Graham has had his own car _____ a few months now. 3. We haven’t had a holiday_____ Easter. 4. The school has had that old microscope ____ years. 5. They have been friends _____ they were at primary school. 6. I haven’t seen you ____ a while. How are things going?
Exercise 15. Which time expressions go with “for” and which go with “since”? Use the expressions in sentences of your own.
1. ____you got married; 2. _____a long time; 3. ____several months; 4. ____2002; 5. ____we last met; 6. ____a year; 7. _____a fortnight; 8. _____early morning; 9. _____April; 10. ____ages; 11. ______last summer; 12. ______years; 13. ______Easter; 14. _____yesterday; 15. _____a few seconds; 16. ______a quarter of an hour; 17. ______this accident; 18. _____as long as I can remember.
Exercise 16. Complete each sentence with one of the time words in the list. You will need to use some words more than once.
Yet for already since |
In the laboratory
Peter: ‘Haven’t you left ____?’
Alison: ‘No. I’ve been here____ 8.00 this morning.’
P: ‘Have you checked the results of the experiment _______?’
A: ‘Yes, I’ve_____ done that.’
P: ‘We’ve worked on this project _____ three weeks. Unfortunately we haven’t discovered anything interesting ______’
A: ‘No, nothing has happened ______last Tuesday.’
P: ‘Yes, I know. I’ve ____seen your report.’
A: ‘So I’m going to do the experiment again. But I haven’t started it’
P: ‘Don’t bother. I’ve started it. I haven’t checked ______, but I think we’re going to get the same results.’
Exercise 17. Answer the questions in the negative using the Present Perfect and the words in brackets
Model: When did you see her last? (since autumn) – I haven’t seen her since autumn.
1. When did it rain last? (since September) 2. When did you receive a postcard last? (for ages) 3. When did you play chess last? (for a long time) 4. When did he last write to you? (since last summer) 5. When did you last go to Madrid? (never) 6. When did you last ride a horse? (for two months) 7. When did you last visit her? (since last month) 8. When did your boyfriend give you a present last? (since my birthday) 9. When did you buy fruit last? (for two days) 10. When did you speak to your German friends on the telephone last? (since New Year)
Exercise 18. Complete the sentences with have been or have gone.
1. Two scientists from a laboratory in Oxford _______ to Antarctica, and will stay there for three months. They _______ there to investigate the effects of global warming on the polar ice. Colleagues in Oxford, who ______ to Antarctica on earlier expeditions, will keep in touch with them by radio.
2. A team from London has arrived in China. They _____there to join a project which is searching for the fossil remains of dinosaur eggs. ‘We (not)______to China before,’ said team leader Mark Jones, ‘though two of us ______ to the USA where there is a similar project.’
3. A dangerous spider is missing from a private zoo in Manchester. ‘Herbie is a Brazilian wandering spider, and we’re not sure where he ______’ said spokesperson Anne Graham. ‘He only arrived in the zoo last month, so he (not) ______ here long. A lot of children ______ to the zoo in the past few days, and we are worried that someone has taken Herbie, or that he _____ out in somebody’s pocket, and they don’t know about it.’
Exercise 19. Grammar in Communication. Divide into pairs (Person A and Person B).
Part I.
Interview each other about things you have or haven’t done using the prompts below and your own ideas. Keep record of your answers.
Model: A: – Have you ever lost your way in a new city? – B: No, I haven’t. / Yes, I have. / – A: Neither have I! / So have I! / But I have. / Well, I haven’t.
Prompts for Person A
- meet a famous person
- sing in a choir
- learn a musical instrument
- win a prize / a competition/ the lottery
- go to see the ballet / the opera / a classical concert
- climb a high mountain / a high building
- go parachuting / sailing, etc.
Prompts for Person B
- play in a group
- stay up all night
- drive a bus / a sports car/ a lorry/
- ride a horse / a camel / a motorbike
- break your arm / leg/ something valuable
- lose a lot of money / your passport / your mobile phone
- see a famous singer or group perform live
Part II. Report your findings to the class using the reporting prompts.
Reporting prompts: Both of us have …. / Neither of us has…/ Person A has… but I haven’t. / I have … but Person A hasn’t.
Exercise 20. Grammar in Communication. Make up mini-dialogues according to the Model using the prompts below and your own ideas.
Model: 1) A: Oh, I’m sorry, I’m afraid I’ve broken a cup.
B: Never mind. I didn’t like the set, anyway.
2) B: I’m afraid you’ve dialed the wrong number.
A: Oh, sorry. Isn’t it 233-3536?
Forget/ lock the door; eat / the last piece of cake; lose/ key; forget/ bring/the money; miss/the train; throw/ it/ away; quarrel/ with Andy; forget / name; spill / coffee; tear/ the page; send / to the wrong address; step / on my toe.
Exercise 21. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Present Perfect tense with “for” or “since”.
Model: I last read the newspaper on June 2. – I haven’t read a newspaper since June.
1. The last time he saw his sister was 2 years ago. 2. It’s 2 months since he earned any money. 3. I last drank champagne at my brother’s wedding. 4. It’s 2 years since I was in Rome. 5. I last ate raw fish when I was in Japan. 6. It’s years since Mary spoke French. 7. He last paid taxes 10 years ago. 8. The last time I sang in the shower was when I was 20. 9. I last watched TV on New Year’s Day. 10. It’s 2 weeks since I heard from him. 11. It’s ten years since I last was in Paris. 12. I last smoked three years ago. 13. It’s years since I wrote any poetry. 14. He last drank wine at his wife’s birthday. 15. He last ate caviar when he was in Russia. 16. It’s years since Tony last spoke Chinese. 17. It’s ages since I last had a good night’s sleep. 18. They last paid me six months ago. 19. I was last abroad in winter 2003. 20. My father last took photographs in summer. 21. It’s a year since I had my last holiday. 22. We had a family reunion five years ago.
Exercise 22. Translate the sentences into English using the Present Simple and the Present Perfect.
1. Я знаю его очень хорошо, мы знакомы всю жизнь. 2. Жаль, что ты не видела этот фильм. Он очень смешной. 3. Мы не можем поехать за город, мы еще не сдали последний экзамен. 4. Последнее время они виделись очень редко. 5. Я никогда не слышала такой лжи. 6. На этой неделе он часто встречал ее по дороге на работу. 7. Она на пенсии уже три года. 8. Сколько лет замужем твоя сестра? 9. Вы когда-нибудь видели восход солнца в горах? 10. Туристы уже осмотрели многие достопримечательности нашего города. 11. Сегодня я испекла твой любимый пирог. 12. Моя дочь уже окончила институт и осенью начинает работать. 13. Мария купила новую квартиру. Ты ее видел? – Еще нет. 14. Ты показал друзьям свою работу? – Нет, она еще не готова. 15. Я посмотрел этот фильм. А ты? – Да. Это интересный фильм. 16. Ты был в этом парке? – Да. 17. Она только что вернулась. 18. Возьмите эти журналы. Я уже прочитал их. 19. Вы были когда-нибудь в Италии? – Да, это очень красивая страна. 20. Мы еще не сделали упражнение №5. 21. Она никогда не переводила такие трудные статьи.
Exercise 23. Rewrite each sentence using the word in brackets in the form given so that the meaning stays the same.
Model: You have missed the beginning of the film (has) – The film has already started.
1. Paul is different from what he used to be (has). 2. This has been my home for thirty years (have). 3. Eating Chinese food is new to me (before). 4. Is there any news? (happened) 5. I bought my car in 2005 and I am still driving it (had). 6. I don’t know where my keys are (have). 7. Sue doesn’t have her dictionary with her; it’s at home (has). 8. Tony was in Paris in 2010 and 2011 (so far). 9. Today is Liz and John’s thirtieth wedding anniversary (for).
Exercise 24. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that the meaning stays the same.
Model: It’s a long time since I last went on a football match. (I haven’t…) – I haven’t been to a football match for a long time.
1. This is my second visit to Hungary (This is the second time…). 2. I paid the bill earlier actually. (Actually, I’ve…). 3. It’s ages since we last went swimming (We haven’t …). 4. Mary started learning French 5 years ago (Mary has…). 5. I’m on the tenth page of the letter I’m writing (So far…). 6. After I arrived here, I started feeling better (Since arriving here…). 7. It’s over 20 years since we got married (We’ve…). 8 The last time I saw Robert was on Christmas Day (I haven’t…). 9. There is a definite improvement in your work (Lately your work…) 10. I’ve never heard such a silly story (It’s the…). 11. How long ago did he move into this house? (How long…). 12. I’m still working (I still haven’t….).
Exercise 25. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present Perfect)
1. Herbalists (use) plants to cure common illnesses. 2. Nowadays many people feel that foreign dishes (replace) traditional British food because fewer and fewer people can cook British dishes. 3. What’s that noise? – It’s the garbage truck. It (collect) the garbage. 4. Governments all over the world (spend) billions of dollars on weapons nowadays. 5. People (grow) rice for hundreds of years in this area. 6. Americans (have) Independence Day Parades to celebrate the holiday. 7. The rainforests are disappearing because people (cut) down a lot of trees every year. 8. Most European airlines (increase) their fares by about 20% because of the rise in fuel prices. 9. Inspectors (check) tickets regularly. 10. According to the statistics, almost a quarter of people in Britain (be) victims of a burglary. 11. He (not see) his wife since he got divorced. 12. What you (learn) since you came here? How many friends you (make)? I hope you (already / meet) lots of interesting people. 13. Traditionally, women in many countries were not supposed to have college education. The situation (change) now. In Iran, for example, about 65 % of those who (study) at universities at present are women. 14. Mary Sullivan is a reporter. Today she (work) undercover. She (go) to a plastic surgery clinic with a hidden camera to see what (happen) there. She often (do) such investigative work. She (make) special reports on drugs, corruption and other crimes in her city. Many people (think) it’s dangerous. Mary (receive) threats several times, but she (want) to continue her work. 15. I (love) it when it (snow) outside. Imagine, thousands of fluffy snowflakes (fall) slowly on the ground! How beautiful! 16. You (want) some more coffee? – No, thanks. It (taste) rather bitter. 17. Joey, what on earth you (do)?! Stop that immediately! 18. The weather (get) colder and colder! – Yes, it normally (get) quite cold here by the end of October. 19. Where are your parents? – They (have) a holiday in Spain. They (be) there since Tuesday. 20. What’s the matter? Why you (not / start) yet?
Exercise 26. Complete the sentences using the Present Simple or the Present Perfect.
1. My child, what brings you here before I __ ? (to breakfast) (Ch. Bronte) 2. I’ll go there directly after I _ my breakfast, (to finish) (Dickens) 3. "My dear Bertha," said Miss Ley, "the doctor will have an apoplectic fit, if you __ such things." (to say) (Maugham) 4. When you __ your fortune, you must come back and assert yourself in London, (to make) (Wilde) 5. "Yes, dear, but till she __ you herself, I can’t say more." (to tell) (Galsworthy) 6. I must go to him, Martin, now, literally tonight, as soon as I _ some things, (to pack) (Murdoch and Priestley) 7. As soon as Harry __ his letters, we’re going for a walk, (to finish) (Maugham) 8. "Are you ill, darling?" "I shall know that when Dr. Cornish __ me." (to examine) (Maugham) 9. My dearest Edith will be her natural and constant guardian when you __. (to return) (Dickens) 10. "If you __," Scotty said, "I can give you something to eat." (to get up) (Aldridge) 11. When I meet with real poetry, I cannot rest till I __ it by heart, (to learn) (Ch. Bronte) 12. Signor Rivarez, you must take something before you __ (to go) (Voynich) 13. I dare not approach the subject of the moonstone again until time __ something to quiet her. (to do) (Collins) 14. If you __ to speak to us, wait till my brother __ (to want, to come) (Hardy) 15. If you __, shall we set off for Hunterbury? (to finish) (Christie) 16. But perhaps we can continue this chat when my dear brother __ (to go) (Murdoch)
Exercise 27. Translate the sentences into English using the Present Simple, the Present Continuous and the Present Perfect.
1. –Джон говорит по-русски? – Да, он изучает русский уже 5 лет. 2. Кристи любит балет. Она посмотрела все спектакли в этом театре. 3. Я только что видела Сергея. Он уже вернулся из Москвы. 4. – Ой, я забыл, как зовут преподавателя. – Мне кажется, ты пропустил слишком много занятий по этому предмету. Ты помнишь, как он называется? 5. – Ты видел Веронику на этой неделе? – Нет, она в отпуске. Она сейчас лежит на пляже и загорает, а мы работаем! 6. Он не играл в хоккей более 10 лет. 7. – Ты уже сделал домашнее задание? – Еще нет. 8. Я всегда мечтала побывать в Париже. Я знаю, что это очень красивый город. 9. – Ты уже позавтракал? – Еще нет. Я обычно завтракаю поздно. – А что ты сейчас делаешь? – Я просматриваю новости на телефоне. Я всегда делаю это рано утром. 10. О, привет! Сто лет тебя не видел! Как у тебя дела? 11. – Джим, ты уже приготовил ужин? – Нет, я все еще чищу картошку. 12. – Мы решили пожениться! – Поздравляю! 13.Сейчас в этой лаборатории ученые проводят эксперимент, и они уже получили интересные результаты. 14. Я недавно продал свою машину, а новую еще не купил, поэтому езжу на работу на автобусе. 15. – Ты все еще читаешь этот детектив? – Да, я его еще не дочитал.
Exercise 28. Find and correct the mistakes in the use of tenses in the following sentences. Some sentences are correct.
1. Look! That man tries to open the door of your car! 2. I know him for 5 years. 3. Does your English get better? 4. Have you got a job for the summer? – Yes, I’m working at a café in the city. 5. Why aren’t you sitting down and having a coffee with me? – Thank you, with pleasure. 6. Sandra wants to find work in Italy, so she studies Italian. 7. Oh, I’ve forgotten to take the keys again! – Typical! You forget something all the time! 8. Are you having lunch yet? 9. I love this author. She has just published a new novel. 10. He is at work since early in the morning. 11. The story is taking place in Victorian London. 12. It’s the second time I visit Italy this year, and I’m looking forward to travelling there again. 13. I don’t understand why you are being so difficult. 14. I always wonder why you dislike him so much. 15. Where are you coming from? Are you British or Australian?
Exercise 29. Translate the sentences into English using the Present Simple, the Present Continuous and the Present Perfect.
1. Где живет твой брат? – Он сейчас временно живет в деревне с родителями. 2. Что за шум? Флаффи, глупый кот, что ты наделал? Ты снова разбил цветочный горшок? Почему ты так любишь прыгать на подоконник? 3. Становится все холоднее. Температура не поднималась выше нуля с прошлого воскресенья. 4. Я всегда добавляю морковь в этот салат. 5. Как мне это надоело! Ты всегда оставляешь грязную посуду в раковине! 6. Я всегда хотела поплавать с дельфинами. А ты? – Да, это интересно. Некоторые дельфинарии предлагают такую услугу. Но это очень дорого стоит. 7. На этой неделе мы пишем контрольные работы. Мы уже написали контрольные по 3 предметам. Когда у нас контрольные или экзамены, я всегда нервничаю. 8. Я очень благодарна тебе за все, что ты для меня сделала. 9. В США еще не было женщины-президента, не так ли? 10. Где Джон? Это он говорит по телефону? – Нет, это Джим. Джон ушел в кино. 11. – Извините, мы раньше нигде не встречались? – Сомневаюсь. Я только что переехала в этот город. – Я тоже! 12. – Есть какие-нибудь новости? – Да, Том сдал экзамен! Он только что звонил. 13. Что ты делаешь с дрелью? – Я хочу повесить эту полку. – Но я уже позвонила в мебельную фирму и попросила прислать рабочих. 14. Твой телефон звонил раз десять. Кто-то очень хочет с тобой поговорить. 15. Когда приносят почту? – Обычно утром. Почтальон всегда звонит дважды. 16. – Какая-то кошка сидит у крыльца и громко мяукает. – Да, я знаю. Я ее уже покормила. 17. Какие у вас планы на первый день в Лондоне? – Утром мы едем на автобусную экскурсию по городу, а затем едем на кораблике по Темзе. Я всегда предпочитаю сначала осмотреть город в целом. 18. – Хочешь бутерброд? – Нет, спасибо, я уже поела. 19. Я восхищаюсь моими бабушкой и дедушкой. Они женаты уже 50 лет, и ни разу не ссорились! 20. За последние 20 лет ученые сделали много важных открытий в медицине.
Present Perfect Continuous
Exercise 1. Use the prompts to write Present Perfect Continuous sentences.
1. James / write e-mails / since this morning. 2. She / teach / for ten years. 3. We / not tell / lies to you! 4. My parents / shop / for furniture. 5. Juan / not do / his homework. 6. It / not rain / for long. 7. Mariella / buy new clothes. 8. I/ read this book / for weeks! 9. They / talk / for hours. 10. You / not clean / your room! 11. I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I hope / you / not wait/ long. 12. There you are! We /look for you / all morning! 13. I feel really tired. I /study / hard lately. 14. Anna has got a really good suntan. She / go / to the beach a lot. 15. Tom needs cheering up. He / have / a lot of problems lately. 16. I / work here / for the past three years, and I really like it. 17. Sam and Chris / paint / their room, and their clothes are covered in paint!
Exercise 2. Use the prompts to write Present Perfect Continuous questions. Then write short answers.
1. You / study for the exam? – Yes. 2. How long / they / live in Hong Kong? – Three years 3. She / wait / long? – No. 4. They / practise / the piano? – Yes. 5. How long / he / playing that game? – Two hours. 6. You / sit / there all day? – No. 7. How long / it / snow? – Half an hour. 8. He / eat / chocolate? – Yes.
Exercise 3. Make up sentences of your own beginning them with No wonder... using the Present Perfect Continuous tense.
Model: Mary looks tired. No wonder, she has been working very hard lately.
1. He is quite an expert in growing roses. (grow them for many years) 2. They hardly speak to each other. (quarrel much lately) 3. She looks bored to death. (listen to Mr. Black for half an hour) 4. She is a very good dressmaker. (make dresses for ten years) 5. The roads are practically impassable. (snow for a few days) 6. I can hardly stand on my legs. (dance the whole night through) 7. He is the author of more than ten novels, many stories and essays. (write books all his life) 8. Her eyes are red and swollen again. (cry the whole night through) 9. She is a very efficient secretary. (do this job for seven years) 10. The streets are slippery. (freeze for the last two hours)
Exercise 4. Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Present Perfect Continuous tense.
1. My brother has been staying with us for three weeks. 2. It has been raining since morning. 3. He’s been working here since 2010. 4. She has been telling me how good you are since you left the room. 5. Since when have you been sitting here? Have you been waiting here long? 6. How long have you been looking for her? – For three hours. 7. The sun is shining, but the ground is wet because it has been raining. 8. Who has been playing with the remote control? It doesn’t work! 9. Why are you so tired? What have you been doing? –I’ve been working in the garden since morning. 10. She has been playing chess since she was nine. 11. She looks fit and tanned. She has been working outdoors a lot recently. 12. He hasn’t been feeling very well recently.
Exercise 5. Say what each person has been doing using the prompts given.
Model: His clothes are dirty (work / the garden). – He has been working in the garden.
1. James’s clothes are wet (give / dog/ a bath). 2. Anne’s feet hurt (walk / 4 hours). 3. Kate looks tired (work / early morning). 4. The boys are dirty (play football). 5. Nick has a black eye, and Bob has a cut lip (fight). 6. Don is cold (swim). 7. Sandra is short of breath and her T-shirt is wet (run). 8. Adam has black grease on his hands (repair / car). 9. Tom is covered in paint (paint / fence). 10. Helen is crying (peel / onions).
Exercise 6. Say how long something has been happening using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
Model: It is snowing. It began snowing two hours ago. – It has been snowing for two hours.
1. Jane is reading. She began reading an hour ago. 2. My sister is knitting a new sweater. She started knitting it a month ago. 3. Sam is studying German. He started studying it two years ago. 4. My friend is working at his report. He began working in the morning. 5. They are building a new tube station. They started it in June. 6. We are taking music lessons. We began taking music lessons in September. 7. Mary is looking for a job. She began looking for it in December. 8. George smokes much. He started smoking ten years ago.
Exercise 7. Fill in the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1. She (walk) in the park since morning. It’s time to have dinner, but she (not / come) back yet. 2. She (read) the book for 3 days and (read) 300 pages already. 3. – I’m not through with this test yet. – How long you (write) it? 4. Harry (clean) his room since 8 a.m. and he (not finish) yet. 5. I (wash) the dishes after yesterday’s party in the kitchen since we had breakfast. 6. Why are you out of breath? You (run)? 7. James Gordon started acting in Hollywood in 2011. He (act) for 4 years, and he (appear) in 3 films. 8. Why is there blood on your hand? You (cut) it? 9. I (live) in this city for 15 years, and I always (want) to buy a new flat closer to the centre. 10. – Why, isn’t it you, Masha? I (not / see) you for ages. – Yes, right. How’s life? – I’m getting married next month! – Really? Who are you going to marry? Sergey? – Yes. – How long you two (date)? – Since we were at school, about 10 years already.
Exercise 8. Underline the correct form (Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous). Sometimes two forms are possible.
A. Scientists 1) have recently identified / have been identifying a new species of animal in the rainforest of Borneo. They 2) have been searching / are searching for this creature for several years, after reports from local villagers, and say it is a type of lemur.
В. Archaeologists in Guatemala 3) have found / have been finding a Mayan wall painting which they think is more than 2,000 years old. Archaeologist William Saturno 4) explores / has been exploring the site since 2002.
C. Scientists using the Hubble Space Telescope think they 5) are finding / have found two new moons circling the planet Pluto. Astronomers 6) have been looking / have looked closely at Pluto since 1978 when they spotted its first moon.
The telescope 7) has worked / has been working for fifteen years, and 8) has been producing / has produced more than 700,000 images of the universe.
D. Australian scientists 9) have been discovering / have discovered a new coral reef over 60 km long in the Gulf of Carpentaria by using satellites to spot the reefs in deep water. Recently divers 10) have managed / have been managing to reach the reefs and take photographs.
Exercise 9. Describe the following situations using the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous
Model: He’s still asleep – He hasn’t woken up yet.
1. The lift isn’t working. 2. He promised to come at 12. It’s 1 o’clock now, and we’re still waiting. 3. She left the room a few moments ago. 4. They last saw each other in April. 5. John is riding a horse for the first time in his life. 6. I didn’t believe in Santa Claus when I was a child, and I still don’t believe in him. 7. It started raining at 2 o’clock. It’s still raining. 8. I moved to Italy in 2004, and I still live in Italy. 9. A freshly cooked dinner is on the table in Martha’s kitchen. 10. In Martha’s kitchen there are some dirty dishes in the sink and a saucepan and a frying-pan on the stove.
Exercise 10. Translate into English using the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous (sometimes both are possible).
1. Я работаю здесь уже 25 лет. 2. О, ты что-то готовил! Столько грязной посуды! – Да, я приготовил мясо по очень сложному рецепту из Интернета, но еще не успел вымыть посуду. 3. Мэри читает текст уже 20 минут, но еще не выполнила задания. 4. Он ищет работу уже 2 месяца, но еще ничего не нашел. 5. Представляешь, он никогда не видел снега! – Неудивительно, он всю жизнь живет в теплых странах. 6. Твой французский стал гораздо лучше! Ты занимался дополнительно? 7. Он пишет для этого журнала уже 2 года и опубликовал там много статей. 8. Снег идет уже 4 часа. 9. Этой зимой снега еще не было. 10. Я пишу сочинение уже 2 часа, но еще не закончила. 11. Ты снова бегал по лужам босиком? 12. Я знаю его с детства, и с самого детства мы спорим по пустякам.
Exercise 11. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verbs from the list.
Depend; extend; feel; fit; rely; look for; hunt; install; see (x2) |
1. Up to now, our company ______ the discount only to children under ten. From next month, we’re planning to extend it to children under sixteen. 2. I’m planning to run a marathon next month. I ______ (never) fitter in my life! 3. She _________ a lot of Mark lately. Do you think there’s anything between them? 4. Since I broke my leg, I ______ on my daughter to see to the shopping and housework. 5. He _______ for jobs without success for months now. 6. As you ______ the film already, can you tell me if it’s suitable for classroom use? 7. Sorry about the mess! The workmen _______ a new boiler in the bathroom all morning. 8. The success of the agricultural fair _____ very much on the weather in recent years. 9. Oh there’s “The Times”! I ______ it everywhere! 10. All the shirts you’ve sent your father _______ him perfectly so far.
Exercise 12. Complete the sentences using either the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous form of the verb given. Sometimes both are possible.
1. Alice (compete) in the London Marathon twice before, but hopes to achieve her best time this year. 2. Income from manufacturing exports still provides the largest proportion of the country’s export earnings, but the proportion (drop) for many years. 3. The house (belong) to the Beecham family for over 250 years, but the present owner, Donald Beecham, is selling it. 4. Campbell (serve) a life sentence for murder since 2000, but his lawyers are arguing for an early release. 5. So far, attempts to rescue the climbers from the ledge where they camped during the storm (fail). 6. A: I’d like a career where I can travel and meet people. B: You (consider) becoming a tour guide? 7. A: You (swim)? You look really exhausted. В: I am. I did fifty lengths of the pool. 8. A: Did you manage to get in touch with Tony? B: No, I (try) three times in the last hour, but he’s always engaged. 9. A: Hello, Stannard’s Plumbers. How may I help you? B: My hot water tank (burst) and my sitting room is flooded!
Exercise 13. Use the words in bold to complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Do not change the word given.
I. When did you last decorate your living room?
How long is it _________________your living room?
2. Mark started playing the guitar four years ago.
Mark _______________for four years.
3. I have never seen such a terrible film before.
This is the ______________ seen.
4. We started cleaning the house at 3 o’clock. It’s 6 o’clock now.
We ______________ three hours now.
5. I got this book for my last birthday in January.
I have _____________ in January.
6. They bought a car two months ago. They’re using it at present.
They _____________ for two months now.
7. You can talk to Richard about France. He was there for a month and came back yesterday.
You can talk to Richard about France. He _____________ there.
8. I first met Joshua ages ago. I know him now.
I _______________for ages,
9. I started waiting for the train forty minutes ago. I’m still waiting for it.
I __________for forty minutes now.
10. When did you start learning German?
How long ______________ German?
Exercise 14. Choose the correct form, А, В, С or D, to complete the sentence.
1. I _______ this computer for more than ten years, so I’m thinking of getting a new one. 2. You’re half an hour late! I _____here for ages! 3. I ______these black trousers better than those blue ones. 4. Can I borrow a pen? I ______ mine. 5. I’d like to dance with you, but I______for my friend. 6. Kate ________ in Poland since last October. She’s really enjoying it. 7. Carol’s great, isn’t she? _______ her long? 8. Paul ______ in all day today, so now he feels like going out. 9. You’d better borrow this umbrella. It __________ really hard. 10. I _______ on my project all morning, and I need a break.
1. A have had В have been having С have D am having
2. A have waited В have been waiting С wait D am waiting
3. A have liked В have been liking С like D am liking
4. A have lost В have been losing С lose D am losing
5. A have waited В have been waiting С wait D am waiting
6. A has taught В has been teaching С teaches D is teaching
7. A Have you known В Have you been knowing С Do you know D Are you knowing
8. A has stayed В has been staying С stays D is staying
9. A has rained В has been raining С rains D is raining
10. A have worked В have been working С work D am working
Exercise 15. Complete the dialogue using the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
Sara is on holiday in Cornwall. One day she meets Alice, a friend from school whom she hasn’t seen for five years.
Sara: Alice! What a surprise seeing you here!
Alice: Sara! I (not / see) you for ages! You (not / change) a bit!
S: You haven’t either. What you (do) here?
A: Oh, just a holiday. I (tour) Devon and Cornwall by car.
S: Really? That’s nice. I (visit) my mother. She (live) here in Penzance and I (stay) with her for a few days. What about you? Where you (stay)?
A: Oh, I (find) a nice little hotel on the seafront. But I (leave) tomorrow. Anyway, tell me all the news. What you (do) over the last few years?
S: It’s not very interesting. I (work) in computer industry for the last three years. I (earn) quite a lot, but I (not / like) it very much. I (want) some change.
A: Well, my life never (change). I still (live) in Birmingham and still (work) for the same old company.
S: I (move) away from Birmingham. I (buy) a house near Stratford recently.
A: Have you really? How long you (live) there?
S: Oh, I (live) there for about two months. Listen, where you (go) now? You (do) anything special?
A: No, I just (look) around the town. Why don’t we go somewhere and have a drink?
S: Good idea!
Exercise 16. Comment on the use of the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous.
1. Women are constantly trying to commit suicide for love, but generally they take care not to succeed. (Maugham) 2. You probably haven’t seen her since those summer holidays when Mum and Dad were abroad. (Christie) 3. Gerald, if you are going away with Lord Illingworth, go at once. Go before it kills me: but don’t ask me to meet him. (Wilde) 4. There’s the car. Arnold’s come back. I must go and bathe my eyes. I don’t want them to see I’ve been crying. (Maugham) 5. I am seeing the other nurse, Nurse O’Brien, today. (Christie) 6. As she turns to go, she finds that Bella has entered and is staring at her and her father with impassive hatred. (Gow and D’Usseau) 7, Bella is a Negro woman of fifty who has been in the Langdon home for twenty-four years and thus occupies a favoured position. (Gow and D’Usseau) 8. "You are being very absurd, Laura," she said coldly. (Mansfield) 9. When I’ve taken off my things we shall go into the next room and have tea. (Mansfield) 10. I’m always doing things on the spur of the moment to ray own inconvenience and other people’s. (Maugham) 11. He has all the virtues. Dr. Ramsay, Miss Glover, even Mrs. Branderton have been drumming his praise into my ears. (Maugham) 12. Fatty came over to Lanny’s table. A fat, cheerful Greek with laughing wrinkles at the sides of his eyes. "You’re alone today," Fatty said. Lanny nodded and lit a cigarette. "I’m leaving tonight." "Leaving?" "Yes, Fatty. I’m going home to the Karroo." (Abrahams) 13. This will be the death of her when she hears it. (Dreiser) 14. You have told my learned friend that you have known Mr. Pickwick a long time. (Dickens) 15. He is always breaking the law. (Shaw) 16. "It is Mrs. Sedley’s coach, sister," said Miss Jemima. "Sambo, the black servant, has just rung the bell." (Thackeray) 17. She doesn’t like me... She’s always saying sharp things to me. (Christie) 18. "I think you are being very wise. A complete holiday, a complete rest, that is what you need. Have you decided where you are going?" "I’ve changed my mind," I said. "I don’t think I’m going away after all." (Murdoch) 19. Ah, Miss Marple. Good morning. Glad you’ve come. My wife’s been ringing you up like a lunatic. (Christie) 20. A woman never acknowledges such a nondescript age as forty-eight unless she is going to marry a widower with seventeen children. (Maugham) 21. "By the way, you’ve been talking about me. I see it written in your faces. Your silence tells me all. I could even guess what you’ve been saying..." "You’ve been listening," Gladys cried, making a face at him. (Priestley) 22. You are being far too romantic about it. (Hilton) 23. "Do you like me at all, Bertha?" he asked. "I’ve been wanting to ask you ever since you came home." (Maugham) 24. Years have passed since we began this life. (Dickens) 25. I’ve been making some sandwiches. Won’t you come up and have some? (Christie) 26. I cannot imagine why I’ve lived thirty years with a man I dislike so much. (Maugham) 27. "Antonia has been telling me about your flat," said Rosemary. "It sounds ideal. And there’s a heavenly view over to Westminster Cathedral." (Murdoch) 28. We’ve been going to pictures about twice a week ever since. (Maugham) 29. I’ve flown a kite every Saturday afternoon ever since I was a kid and I’m going to fly a kite as long as ever I want to. (Maugham) 30. I know this is an old story, I don’t understand it myself and if I set it down in black and white it is only with a faint hope that when I have written it I may get a clearer view of it. (Maugham) 31. Who is coming to tea? (Wilde) 32. "I don’t know what’s been the matter with me. I’ve been so miserable, Eddie..." "You’ve been crying." (Maugham)
Exercise 17. Complete the sentences using the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, or Present Perfect Continuous
1. I __ the bell for the last quarter of an hour (to ring) (Maugham) 2. I want to see how much he __ since I saw him last (to change) (Voynich) 3. __ you __ any word from her since she left here? (to have) (Dickens) 4. I don’t want to take a cure at all. I am perfectly happy. All my life I __ perfectly happy. (to be) (Hemingway) 5. Signora Grassini greeted Gemma affectionately, exclaiming in a loud whisper: "How charming you __ tonight!" (to look) (Voynich) 6. Here’s my keys. I __ (to leave) (Gow and D’Usseau) 7. I __ to Mr. Boldwood since the autumn. I want to explain. I __ to do it ever since I returned (not to speak, to long) (Hardy) 8. I request them to suspend their decision until they __ my narrative (to read) (Collins) 9. Wait till you __ Moose and __ with him. (to see, to talk) (Aldridge) 10. "But what __ we __ ?" she asked. "I __ about it a lot. I __ about it all week. But 1 __ what to do." (to do, to think, to think, not to know) (Caldwell) 11. I must not let my eyes get all red and swollen, or Henry will know I __ (to cry) (Maugham) 12. The sun __ with different degrees of heating power in different parts of the world (to shine) 13. "Look," I said, "I __ Francis very well. I __ him since we were very young men." (to know, to know) (Snow) 14. "Well, I __ that Iris isn’t going to be married," I said after a while. (to hear) (Maugham) 15. He says he __ to the same tunes for fifteen years. (to listen) (Maugham) 16. Cesare, you and I __ friends for all these years, and I __ never __ you what really happened about Arthur (to be, to tell) (Voynich) 17. What are we going to say to the king when he __ ? (to come in) (Shaw 18. "Dear little Hans," cried the Miller, "I am in great trouble. My little boy __ off a ladder and __ himself." (to fall, to hurt) (Wilde) 19. "As I __ you for the past six months," he said, "business is bad." (to tell) (Shaw) 20. "This other gentleman," cried Mr. Pickwick, "is, as you will see when you __ the letter... a very near relative, or I should rather say a very particular friend of your son’s." (to read) (Dickens) 21. Maude: You __ both __ forward to this moment ever since you met one another. Caroline: And now it __ (to look, to come) (Maugham) 22. But you ought to have been telling your tale. Now you begin and when you __, we’ll go back and see what __ really __ (to finish, to happen) (Priestley) 23. What __ you. __ with yourself since I’ve been away? (to do) (Christie) 24. You __ here two weeks. __ you __ your opinion of the South? (to be, to change) (Gow and D’Usseau) 25. "I am very hungry and tired," replied Oliver. "I __ a long way. I __ these seven days." (to walk, to walk) (Dickens) 26. My good man, Signora Bolla __ head nurse in general to all of us. She __ after sick people ever since she was in short frocks, and __ it better than any sister of mercy. I __ I needn’t leave any directions if she __ (to be, to look, to do, to know, to come) (Voynich) 27. As Arthur mounted the stone steps leading to the street, a girl in a cotton dress and straw hat ran up to him with outstretched hands. "Arthur! Oh, I am so glad!.. I __ here for half an hour... Arthur, why __ you __ at me like that? Something __ Arthur, what __ to you? Stop!" (to wait, to look, to happen, to come) (Voynich) 28. "Mr. Bithem here yet?" asked Miss Mass. "Oh, yes, dear," cried the chorus. "He __ here for ages. We all __ here for more than an hour." (to be, to wait) (Mansfield) 29. "Are we alone now?" "The waiter __ and the door is locked." (to go) (Caldwell) 30. I __ happy. I __ always __ happy, (to be, to be) (Hemingway)
Exercise 18. Translate the sentences into English using the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.
1. Ты понимаешь, что ты наделал? — Ничего особенного. Все так поступают в подобных случаях. 2. Всегда она со всеми ссорится! Я уверена, что по соседству нет ни одного человека, с кем бы она хоть раз не поссорилась. 3. Где же ты был все это время? Мы искали тебя повсюду. 4. О чем ты думаешь, Изабелла? — Так, ни о чем. 5. Я рад сообщить вам, доктор Мэнсон, что большинством голосов комитет решил остановить свой выбор на вас. 6. А где они сейчас? Ты с ними переписываешься? — Да, конечно. Но что-то давно от них не было писем. 7. Ты весь день на ногах! Пора и отдохнуть. 8. Мы работаем вместе уже пятнадцать лет и привыкли понимать друг друга. 9. Я слышал, вы многого добились в жизни. 10. Тони, она плачет. – Ну, успокой ее, скажи ей что-нибудь. 11. Я давно собиралась зайти к вам, да все как-то не было времени. 12. Что вы здесь делаете? Разве вы не знаете, что здесь опасно оставаться во время работы реактора? 13. Вы даете мне понять, что все эти долгие месяцы я напрасно тратил время? 14. Ты не слушаешь, что я говорю. Что с тобой случилось? 15. Я думаю, люди уже устали от плохого качества телепередач. Поэтому все меньше и меньше людей смотрят телевизор. Согласно новым опросам общественного мнения, только 50 % населения смотрели развлекательные программы в текущую неделю, и лишь 30% молодежи регулярно смотрят новости по телевизору. 16. Масло и вода не смешиваются. Масло плавает (to float) на поверхности воды. 17. – На каком языке они говорят? – Я не слышу. 18. Ой! Я разбила чашку! – Опять? Ты все время что-нибудь роняешь! 19. Он говорит уже почти час, но еще не сказал ничего важного. 20. Джон и Джим съели всю еду в холодильнике, нам ничего не осталось. – Подростки всегда много едят, неудивительно, они ведь растут.
Past Simple
Exercise 1. Form the Past Simple of the following verbs. Mind the spelling rules. Read the verbs aloud paying attention to the way the forms are pronounced.
Plan; stay; wash; prefer; copy; examine; stop; study; go; cross; be; watch; want; stare; read; write; occur; try; play; join; visit; expel; cry; suffer; admire; vote.
Exercise 2. Mr. Brown is an accountant. He lives a very boring life. All his days are exactly the same.
Part I. Read the text about his usual day and say what he did yesterday.
Mr . Brown usually wakes up at 6:30 and gets up straight away. He takes a shower, shaves, gets dressed and goes to the kitchen. He cooks breakfast for himself. He always has 2 eggs and a cup of tea. He reads some news at breakfast. After breakfast he brushes his teeth. At 7:30 he leaves the house. He goes to the parking lot and starts his car. He always drives to work. It takes him about an hour to get there. He always listens to some music while driving. When he arrives at work, he switches on his computer. At work he does the accounting for his clients. He works until 12:30. Then he has a lunch break. He goes out for lunch. He normally has a sandwich and a cup of coffee. Then he comes back to work and continues working until 5 p.m. Then he drives home. At home he watches TV for a while and cooks dinner. After dinner he watches some more TV and reads a book on accounting. It makes him very sleepy. At 11 p.m. he goes to bed and falls asleep right away.
Part II. Now imagine that Mr. Brown had a very unusual day last Thursday. Write what he did that day according to the model using your own ideas.
Model: Last Thursday Mr. Brown didn’t wake up at 6:30. He woke up at….
Exercise 3. Use the prompts and a verb from the box to write Past Simple questions.
read walk pay give eat buy win go study play |
1. you / swimming yesterday? 2. she / pizza last night? 3. they / tennis? 4.your teacher / you a test? 5. you / for the exam? 6. we / the bill? 7. your sister / you a present? 8. you / that book? 9. they / the game? 10. he / to the library?
Exercise 4. Look at the diary of Joanna, a student who went on a school trip to London. Complete the gaps with the Past Simple form of the verbs in the box. You will need to use some verbs more than once.
Meet; go; have; see; visit; leave; arrive; stop; do |
1. _______at school. 2. ________for London in bus. 3. ________packed lunch on journey. 4.________ the Science Museum. 5. ________at youth hostel. 6. After dinner, _____to cinema. 7. _________ new James Bond film.
8. ________ breakfast. 9. ________to Madame Tussaud’s and the Planetarium. 10.______on Thames River Cruise. Lunch on boat. 11._______St Paul’s Cathedral. 12. After dinner _____to a theatre. 13. ______ the Lion King.
14. After breakfast, _________ HMS Belfast. 15. _________ some shopping. 16. After lunch, __________London. 17. ____________home in evening.
Now correct these statements about Joanna’s trip.
On Tuesday ....
1. They went to London by train. 2. Joanna visited a zoo. 3. They went to the theatre.
On Wednesday ....
4. They had lunch at the Planetarium. 5. Joanna saw the new James Bond film. 6. They visited HMS Belfast.
On Thursday …
7. They did an exam. 8. They arrived in London.
Exercise 5. Complete the text with the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.
Sir Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton was born on December 25, 1642 in Woolsthorpe, near Grantham in Lincolnshire, England. He was born in the same year that Galileo (die). Newton is probably the most important scientist in history. His work on mathematics and physics (provide) a basis for modern science, and his ideas (change) the world. Newton (publish) his work in two books, “Optics” and “Principia”. These contain his laws of motion and gravity. He (use) these laws to predict the movements of the stars and the planets around the Sun. He also (design) and (build) the world’s first reflecting telescope. Newton (study) at Trinity College, Cambridge, from 1661 to 1696. In this period, he (produce) most of his important work. Then, in 1696, he (move) to London, where he (live) until his death on March 20, 1727.
Exercise 6. Complete the text with the Past Simple form of the verbs in the box.
get spend play conclude stimulate compare look find |
Video games
Ten years ago, studies ____________ that players of video games were very intelligent and motivated people. They _________ good results at school and at work. In those days, video games were quite simple, so what about the more complex games of today? Many children start to play video games at seven. For most of them this is not a problem, but some of them become addicts. A recent study of children aged 13 and 14 _______ that almost a third played video games daily. Seven percent ________ at least 30 hours playing every week. Addiction to games can lead to other problems such as stealing money to buy new games, failing to do homework or not going to school. In another study, scientists at Japan’s Tohoku University ______ at the brain activity of hundreds of students as they ________ a Nintendo game. They ______ this with the brain activity of other students doing maths. The results were surprising. The computer game only _____ those parts of the brain related to vision and movement, but not parts of the brain which are important for behaviour, memory, and learning.
Exercise 7. Complete the dialogue using the affirmative, negative and question Past Simple forms of the verbs in the box.
buy download pass not/have play spend have finish get fail do |
A: I’m doing a survey about video games. Do you play them? Can I ask some questions?
B: Yeah, I play them. Go on then.
A: ______you ____ any time playing video games last week?
B: Yeah, I did. I ____ a new game last Saturday. It’s called Need for Speed Underground.
A: Oh yes, I know it. Is it good?
B: Yes, it’s great.
A: _____you _____ it?
B: No, I ______ it from the Internet.
A: ______you _____ with it yesterday?
B: No, not yesterday. I had football training.
A: Okay, so____ you ____ time for your homework?
B: Yeah, we _____ much. I ____it on the bus on the way home.
A: Do you think playing games affects your school work?
B: No, I don’t think so.
A: How _____ you_____ in the last exams?
B: Okay.
A: So you ____all of them?
B: No, not all of them. I ______ Maths.
Exercise 8. Complete the text with the Past Simple form of the verb in brackets.
The Aztecs
Aztec civilization (develop) in the Valley of Mexico, 7,500 feet above sea level. The Aztecs (leave) their own land of Aztlan at some time during the 12th or 13th century. They (believe) that their god of war (want) them to search for a new land. They (arrive) in the Valley of Mexico during the 12th or 13th century AD. They (build) their capital city, Tenochtitlan, on an island in Lake Texcoco. They (plant) trees on the island to make the land better, (work) hard and (improve) the land. When the Spanish (arrive) in 1519, Montezuma, the Aztec ruler, (think) that Cortez was a returning god. When the Spanish (see) the Aztecs’ gold, they (decide) to conquer the city. Later they (kill) Montezuma, (defeat) the Aztecs and (destroy) Aztec religion and culture.
Exercise 9. Translate into English using the Past Simple:
1. Вчера мы ходили в кино. Мы посмотрели очень интересный фильм. 2. Когда Джерри был маленьким, его семья всегда проводила отпуск у моря. 3. Кто научил тебя плавать? – Мой отец, когда мне было лет 6. 4. Какой университет вы закончили? – Кембриджский. 5. Я не увидел Кейти, когда вошел в комнату. 6. Он встал, взял свои вещи, надел куртку и вышел из дома. 7. Вы посетили много музеев, когда были в Лондоне? – Не очень. Мы сходили в Британский музей и Национальную галерею, но на другие музеи у нас не было времени. 8. Она сказала ему правду, но он ей не поверил. 9. Где вы жили, когда были маленькой? – В моем детстве родители часто переезжали. Каждые 2 года мы приезжали в новый город. 10. Альфред Нобель свободно говорил на 5 языках. 11. Никто не встретил Джона на станции, а он не знал, где расположена гостиница. Он решил взять такси. 12. Вы вернулись из Бостона на прошлой неделе, не так ли? – Да. – Вы останавливались в гостинице или у друзей? 13. Он не слышал моего вопроса, и я его повторила. 14. Мы очень хорошо провели лето в деревне. Мы купались, загорали, ходили в лес. 15. Он написал этот роман в 1990 году.
Exercise 10. Explain the use of the Past Simple tense in the following sentences.
1. He got up, came up to the window and looked outside. 2. He came to visit us last year. 3. My grandmother loved this song. 4. In summer we always went for a swim in the river, although the water was never warm. 5. Charlotte Bronte published “Jane Eyre” under the penname Currer Bell to avoid negative comments about women authors. 6. The car swerved around the corner and stopped. 7. He lived in London from 2005 till 2010. 8. He read all “Harry Potter” books at least twice when he was a kid. 9. Thomas Edison made a lot of inventions.
Exercise 11. Rewrite each statement about the playwright William Shakespeare as a yes / no Past Simple question to make a dialogue.
1) He came from a very poor family. Q: Did he….?
A: No, not really. His father was a glove maker and later held important positions in their town.
2) He grew up in London. Q:
A: No, in Stratford upon Avon, a small town about 160 km from London.
3) He went to school. Q:
A: Mmm, we think so.
4) He knew Latin. Q:
A: Yes, he learnt Latin at school, and some Greek as well.
5) He got married. Q:
A: Yes, he was only 18 when he married Anne Hathaway, aged 26.
6. They had children. Q:
A: Yes, a daughter Susanna, and twins, a boy Hamnet and a girl Judith.
7. He began writing plays in Stratford. Q:
A: We don’t really know. We only know that after 1592 he was an actor and writer in London.
8. He wrote 37 plays all by himself. Q:
A: Well, we know he wrote two plays together with John Fletcher. Some people think that all his plays were really written by somebody else.
9. He made up all the characters and plots of his plays. Q:
A: Actually no. He borrowed lots of ideas from other writers. This was quite usual in his time.
10. He became rich and famous. Q:
A: He certainly became quite rich, and his plays were popular. But he only became really famous in the 18th century and later.
Exercise 12. Complete the question for each answer using the Past Simple.
Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 571.