III. Find the false sentences using the information from the text. Correct them
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. Burj Khalifa, known as Burj Dubai prior to its inauguration, is a skyscraper in Dubai, USA.

2. The building officially opened on 4 January 2010.

3. Excavation work for the tower began soon after the announcement of its launch, with more than 100 contractors and consultants joining forces on a project of unprecedented scale and ambition.

4. In total, Burj Dubai took 22 million man hours to build.

5. The double-buttressed shape of Burj Dubai allows it to manage the effect of wind vortices generated around the tower, as well as changes in atmospheric pressure between its base and spire.

6. Nearly 400 skilled engineers were assigned to the project.

7. Burj Dubai has set a new world record for the lowest installation of an aluminium and glass façade, at 512 metres (1,679.8 ft).

8. With a total built up area of around 6 million square feet, Burj Dubai is set to become a living, vibrant community in the heart of Dubai.

9. Countless artworks by prominent Russian and international artists, including sculptures and various contemporary installations, adorn the interiors of Burj Dubai and line Emaar Boulevard throughout Downtown Burj Dubai.

10. Burj Dubai has five swimming pools, a cigar lounge, residents’ lounge, the fine dining restaurant ‘Atmosphere’, and a variety of health and fitness facilities.


IV. Match the words and their definitions.

1) contractor; 2) record-breaking; 3) reinforced concrete; 4) luxury; 5) annex.

a) concrete with metal and/or mesh added to provide extra support against stresses;

b) someone (a person or firm) who contracts to build things;

c) wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living;

d) an addition that extends a main building;

e) surpassing any previously established record.


V. Translate into Englis:

· объявление

· объединить усилия

· значительный

· фундамент из армированной стали

· противостоять неустойчивому давлению

· определить для проекта

· орошение ландшафта

· знаменитый


VI . Translate into Russia n:

· crowning glory

· unprecedented scale and ambition

· captivate audiences

· triple-buttressed shape

· effect of wind vortices

· reinforced concrete

· exterior cladding

· curtain wall area

· minimise heat transmission

· cigar lounge


VII. What are these names connected with in the text:

Adrian Smith, Bill Baker.


VIII. Tell which records Burj Halifa holds.

IX. Work in pairs. Ask 10 questions to the text.

X. Retell the text.




1. What are the most important structures of the Moscow Kremlin?

2. What is the official name of Saint Basil's Cathedral?

3. How many major phases did Versailles evolve in?

4. How did the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles look inside?

5. What appointment did Christopher Wren get in 1669?

6. What does the tympanum of St. Paul's Cathedral depict?

7. What did Rastrelli do for architectural image of Peterhof?

8. What was the Peter and Paul Fortress converted to?

9. What do you know about a bell tower of the Kizhi pogost?

10. What are the shells of the Sydney Opera House covered with?

11. Who was the architect of the Sydney Opera House?

12. What is the Louvre Pyramid made of?

13. What does the Louvre Pyramid serve as?

14. What was the reason for building the Petronas Towers on the world's deepest foundations?

15. What do the Petronas Towers look like in plan?

16. What are the exterior walls of the Guggenheim Museum covered with?

17. In what word did The New York Times describe the Guggenheim Museum?

18. How many people can the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour accommodate?

19. What site was 30 St Mary Axe built at?

20. Which records does Burj Halifa hold?


1. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Sydney+Opera+House

2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_Kremlin

3.http://moscow.ru/en/guide/entertainment/attractions/monasteries_cathedrals_and_c hurches/index.php?id4=194

4.http://rbth.com/articles/2011/01/28/the_churches_of_kizhi_russias_sacred_island_1 2318.html

5. http://skyscraper.org/TALLEST_TOWERS/t_petronas.htm

6. http://www.aviewoncities.com/london/gherkin.htm

7. http://www.aviewoncities.com/london/stpaulscathedral.htm

8. http://www.destination360.com/europe/france/paris/louvre-pyramid

9. http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Versailles.aspx

10. http://www.famous-historic-buildings.org.uk/russia_7.html

11. http://www.moscow.info/red-square/st-basils-cathedral.aspx

12. http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=534013&page=1288



Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 238.