1. The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, the largest of the Russian Orthodox Church, can accommodate up to 5,000 people.
2. The building`s total height is 103 meters, while the dome and the cross alone make up 35 meters.
3. The cathedral was conceived as a monument to the incredible cowardice the Russian people showed in their struggle against Napoleon`s army in 1812.
4. The final architectural design (picked after the second competition) was authored by Vladimir Ton.
5. Professor Mikhail Spassky of Moscow University designed a special system of electrical torches.
6. The pool measured over 130 meters in diameter, with a maximum depth of 6 meters.
7. The cathedral was consecrated in the run-up to Christmas in 2000, and the first service was held on December 31, 1999.
8. An observation platform was also installed at foundation level.
IV. Match the words and their definitions:
1) dome; 2) gilding; 3) replica; 4) donation; 5) fruition.
a) to cover a surface with a thin layer of gold or a substance that looks like gold;
b) a plan or an idea really begins to happen, exist, or be successful;
c) money or goods are given to help a person or organization;
d) a curved, round roof of a building;
e) something that is made to look almost exactly the same as something else.
V . Translate into English:
· пожертвования общественности
· бассейн под открытым небом
· невероятная храбрость
· народное значение
· мраморные плиты
· смотровая площадка
· громоотвод
· Преображенский собор
VI . Translate into Russian:
· Orthodox Church
· to cover
· to erect
· to demolish
· to conceive
· incredible bravery
· struggle
· to consecrate
· the coronation of Alexander III
· competition
· the trophy banners and keys
· conquered cities
· choir loft
· electrical torches
· the ceremony of laying the foundation
VII. What are these names connected with in the text:
Alexander III, Vasily Surikov, Viktor Vasnetsov, Ivan Kramskoi, Vasily Vereshchagin, Mikhail Spassky.
VIII. Formulate the main idea of each paragraph of the text briefly.
IX. Work in pairs. Ask 10 questions to the text.
X. Retell the text.
The Gherkin
30 St Mary Axe, better known by its nickname Gherkin, is one of the most eye-catching buildings in London and it stands out prominently in the city's skyline. The Gherkin is one of several modern buildings that have been built over the years in a historic area of London.
Construction of the Gherkin was commissioned by Swiss Re, a reinsurance company. The 41-storey skyscraper was built in 2004 after a modern glass and steel design by the architectural firm of Foster and Partners. Originally known as the Swiss Re Building, it was later renamed to its street address 30 St. Mary Axe after Swiss Re sold the building in 2007. Even before its construction was complete Londoners dubbed the building the 'Gherkin' for its distinctive shape, and it is still known by that name.
The tower was built in the heart of London's financial centre at the site of the 1903 Baltic Exchange Building which had been damaged by a terrorist attack in 1992. The construction of a glittering high-tech building in the middle of a relatively low-rise area with plenty of historic buildings and narrow medieval streets set off a new debate about the need for tall buildings in the City of London. But even as many new skyscrapers are now built in Canary Wharf - well outside the city's historic centre - the Gherkin has acted as a catalyst for the growing cluster of high-rises in the City.
The cigar-shaped structure has a steel frame with circular floor plans and a glass facade with diamond-shaped panels. The swirling striped pattern visible on the exterior is the result of the building's energy-saving system which allows the air to flow up through spiraling wells.
On the street level, the Gherkin's base is well integrated with an open public plaza. Huge white X braces create a dramatic entrance. The top of the tower, where visitors find an open hall covered by a glass conical dome is even more spectacular. From here you have great views over the city. Unfortunately the building is not open to the public.
Its unique, bold and energy efficient design has won the Gherkin many awards including the Stirling Prize (2004), the London Region Award (2004), and the Emporis Skyscraper Award (2003).
Active vocabulary :
eye - catching - привлекающий внимание
reinsurance company - перестраховочная компания
skyscraper - небоскрёб
to dub - давать прозвище
gherkin - корнишон
glittering - блестящий, сверкающий
medieval - средневековый
catalyst - катализатор
steel frame - стальной каркас
swirling - закручивающийся
well - вентиляционная шахта
plaza - открытая площадка
brace – перекладина
I. Answer the following questions:
1. Who was the commissioner of the Gherkin?
2. How many storeys are there in the skyscraper?
3. When was the Gherkin built?
4. Who built the skyscraper?
5. What was the original name of the building?
6. What site was 30 St Mary Axe built at?
7. What is the skyscraper built of?
8. What was the reason for creating swirling striped pattern of the exterior?
9. What is at the top of the Gherkin?
II. Find in the text the synonyms for the following words:
noticeable, to order, floor, centre, discussion, group, unparalleled.
III. Fill the gaps in the following sentences:
1. 30 St Mary Axe, better known by its ... Gherkin, is one of the most eye-catching buildings in London and it stands out ... in the city's ...
2. ... of the Gherkin was ... by Swiss Re, a ... company.
3. Originally known as the Swiss Re Building, it was later ... to its street ... 30 St. Mary Axe after Swiss Re ... the building in 2007.
4. Even before its ... was complete Londoners ... the building the 'Gherkin' for its ... shape, and it is still known by that name.
5. The tower was built in the ... of London's financial centre at the ... of the 1903 Baltic Exchange Building which had been ... by a terrorist attack in 1992.
6. The cigar-shaped ... has a steel frame with ... floor plans and a glass ... with diamond-shaped panels.
7. On the street ..., the Gherkin's ... is well integrated with an open ... plaza.
8. The top of the ..., where visitors find an open hall ... by a glass conical ... is even more spectacular.
Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 292.