VII. Choose a dialogue of half a page size and render it in reported speech. The list of verbs below will help you vary your presentation.
To wonder, to be dying to know; to learn; to discover; to agree; to refuse; to accept; to intend; to pretend; to advise; to insist; to justify; to make conclusion; to call smb's attention to; to distract smb's attention from; to point out; to exclaim; to add; to keep silent; to ignore; to make smb do smth; to reproach smb for smth; to be pleased with smb; to be surprised, shocked by smth/at hearing smth; to accuse smb of smth; to misunderstand.
VIII. Explain the paradoxes.
1. "Don't use big words. They mean so little." (Mrs. Cheveley,p.252)
2. "In married life affection comes when people thoroughly dislike each other." (Lord Goring, p. 240)
IX. What syntactical peculiarities mark the speech of Mrs.Cheveley? (pp. 238-239) How can you account for them?
X. Describe the psychological and emotional state of Sir Robert,expressed by the metaphor "I am a ship without a rudder in a night without a star." (p. 242)
XI. Discuss the conversation between Lord Goring and Mrs.Cheveley. Concentrate on the motives of their behaviour and methods of attaining their goals. Use the functional phrases(pair work). (Ref. Act I, Ex. II and XVI)
XII. Read the following fragments of criticism.
1. Oscar Wilde is a controversial figure. On the Continent of Europe his reputation stands as high as ever it did, and his name is probably, after Shakespeare's, the best known in English letters.
Englishmen are inclined to think this estimate exaggerated, and some of them have gone so far as to suggest that Wilde would now have been forgotten if it were not for "the scandal". "His verse will not bear a moment's critical attention. It is a series of echoes, relying upon a technical manipulation of phrase. Only in his comedies we reach the form wherein a theatrical intelligence displayed its proper quality." (James Laver)
2. "In a certain sense Mr. Wilde is to me our only thorough playwright. He plays with everything: with wit, with philosophy, with drama, with actors and audiences, with the whole theatre and hisaphorisms are worth to rank with those of la Rochefoucauld."(Bernard Shaw)
3. "The man or woman who does not chuckle with delight at the good things which abound in "Lady Windermere's Fan" should consult a physician at once". Thus wrote one of the leading critics of the day. He was an exception. Though the hostile reviews didn't stop the public from flocking to the St. James's Theatre. A year later"An Ideal Husband" was also very well received by the public.
Both plays were "comedies of manners" with their traditional conflict between intellect and emotion; the question of sex roles and their effect on the individual; and the individual's position in a utilitarian and hypocritical society. "Husband" is unquestionably a social comedy." (Rodney Shewan)
a) Translate the text into Russian.
b) Express your opinion on these fragments of criticism.
c) Put a few questions to the text and ask the class.
d) Retell the text.
XIII. Make a brief exchange of impressions of Act HI. Use the functional phrases. (Ref. Act I, Ex. II and XVI)
XIV. Give a summary of Act III.
Fourth Act
I. a) Find the English equivalents of the following phrases:
досада, неприятность, неудобство (р. 255); терять время (p. 256); нарушить договоренность (р. 258); мешать, быть помехой (р. 259); взять себе за правило, заиметь, завести привычку (р. 260); зависеть от кого-либо (р. 262); отплатить, возместить (р. 267); уйти в отставку (р. 268); помешать что-то сделать (р. 268); пожертвовать ради кого-то (р. 270); испытывать любовь к кому-то (р. 275).
b) Recall the situtations in which the phrases are used.
c) Make sentences upon Act IV with the above phrases.
II. Translate into English.
1. Род завел себе привычку скрывать от жены все неприятности на работе. 2. Она предупредила, что, если он не придет, как они договорились, она не будет больше с ним знаться. 3. Жена советовала ему уйти в отставку, чтобы они могли уединиться где-нибудь за границей, подальше от людей. 4. Если я не мешаю, я останусь и подожду, пока вы раскладываете розы в вазы. 5. Молодой человек, боюсь, что вы напрасно тратите время. Господина Брауна не будет до вечера. 6. Никто и ничто не помешает мне увидеть юную воспитанницу Джека. 7. Мне так не хочется (такая тоска) читать эту длинную статью! 8. Она не ждет благодарности за то, что делает для него каждый день. Она просто выполняет свой долг. 9. Роберт так сильно любил свою жену, что пожертвовал ради нее своей карьерой и славой. 10. Никто не мог представить, что эта молодая симпатичная особа только что украла у матери дорогую брошь. 11. Его любовь к сыну безгранична.
III. Explain in English.
The whole course of one's existence; turning point of one's life; to denounce a scheme; to have some influence on; detestable people; to reduce; to fall to a temptation; to conceal; a nuisance; to deliever a speech.
Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 317.