1. Indians occupied North America, Middle America, and South America before the coming of the Europeans. They are so called because of the prevalent belief at the time of Columbus that the Americas were the outer reaches of the Indies (i.e. the East Indies). Most authorities today agree that the Indians came into the Western Hemisphere from Asia via the Bering Strait in a series of migrations. Today the only few of American Indians live on reservations. The material contributions of the Indian to the European include potatoes, corn, beans, tomatoes, pumpkins, cotton, rubber, and tobacco.
2. In the summer of 1787, fifty-five delegates representing each of thirteen colonies came together in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to write a constitution that would serve as a basis for the government of the new nation, already called the United States of America. That the fifty-five delegates met in harmony or with respect for each other's views was hardly the case. There were heated clashes of personalities and beliefs, as well as strongly held opinions about the kind of nation the United States should become. The miracle is that a constitution was written; that it was ratified by each of the states – but, more, that it has lasted for two hundred years and has worked well. In addition to the Bill of Rights, guaranteeing freedom of speech, the press, religion, right of assembly, etc., which form the first ten amendments to the Constitution, this important document has had only seventeen additional amendments or changes.
VIII. ☼ Prepare 10-minute speeches on the following topics:
1. Any of the wars the USA took part in.
2. One of the stages which you consider to be the most interesting and important.
3. The historical events which have any influence on the modern American life.
4. If you had a chance, what epoch would you like to live in. Why?
5. If you had a chance, what historical figure would you like to talk to. Why?
IX. ☼ Develop your critical thinking skills. Explain:
1. Why many nations claimed the New World.
2. Why America was becoming «a melting pot».
3. Why it was difficult to unite the states into one nation.
4. What was the reason for the South to develop differently.
5. Why the times of cold war came in the 1950s.
X. In groups discuss the following points:
1. Do the phrases «Pilgrim Fathers» and «Founding Fathers» mean the same?
2. Can you easily explain the words «Yankee» and the «Puritans»?
3. When Abraham Lincoln died, one of those watching at his bed announced, «Now he belongs to the ages». Can you explain the meaning of this phrase?
4. «Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness» has been described as the American Dream. What do you think this means for the individual?
5. Can you think of the reasons why so many people emigrated to the USA? What do they hope to find there?
· The first known European settlement in the New World was established in Greenland about 985 by Eric the Red, one of the Viking chieftains.
· Russians came to America as early as the 18th century and in 1812 established fort Ross in California.
· During the War of Independence, the British troops were nicknamed «red-coats» or «lobsters» because of their uniforms.
· Three brothers-in-law of President Lincoln fought for the Confederacy (the South).
· The Spanish-American war was provoked by the explosion of battleship «Maine», which had been sent to Havana to protect American citizens. The cause of the explosion has remained a mystery to this day, but the American public has decided that the Spanish authorities were responsible. «Remember the Maine» became the slogan of those who supported the war.
America is the land of the free,
With many symbols for our liberty.
The flag with her stripes,
Bright red, white and blue
Mean courage, honour and justice for you.
Stars from the heavens,
Stripes – rays from the sun
Our flag waves all over
This great land of one.
The eagle so grand
Flies high in the sky –
A symbol of strength
And courage its cry.
In seventy-six
the Liberty Bell
Rang on through the air
Our freedom to tell.
Our great Uncle Sam
Cries out ‘I want you
To stand for freedom
In red, white and blue’.
Miss Liberty stands
In New York so tall –
A symbol of welcome
To all who will call.
The Pledge to our flag,
“America” – our song
Proclaim through the land
A country so strong.
by Phyllis Naegeli
Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 220.