A.: Are there any lowlands and mountains in the USA?
B.: Sure. Look at the map, you will see that there are lowlands and mountains in the USA.
A.: I've heard so much about the Rocky Mountains, are they in the east?
B.: No, they are in the west. The Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada are also in the west.
A.: Are they the highest mountains in the country?
B.: They are, yes. And do you happen to know where the Appalachian Mountains are?
A.: They are in the east, if I'm not mistaken.
B.: Right. And where do you think the prairies are?
A.: They are in the middle of the country, as far as I know.
B.: And where are the five Great Lakes?
A.: They are in the north-eastern part of the country.
B.: Can you name the five Great Lakes without looking at the map?
A.: I'm afraid I can't. And you?
B.: I'll try. Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
TEACHER: Do you know anything about the rivers of the USA?
STUDENT: No, I don't think I know much about them.
TEACHER: Well, what are the largest rivers in the USA?
STUDENT: Everyone knows that, I'm sure! They are the Mississippi River, the Missouri and the Ohio.
TEACHER: Did you know that the Mississippi and the Missouri form the largest river in the world?
STUDENT: No, I didn't. What about the largest rivers in the west?
TEACHER: The largest rivers in the west are the Columbia River and the Colorado River.
STUDENT: Do they run into the Pacific Ocean?
TEACHER: They do. And where are the St.Lawrence River and the Hudson River?
STUDENT: I think those two rivers are in the east.
TEACHER: Yes, those two rivers are in the east. And what is the name of the longest river in Alaska?
STUDENT: In Alaska? Just a moment. It's on the tip of my tongue.
TEACHER: Let me help you. It's the Yukon!
A.: As far as I know, the climate is different in each part of the USA. Am I not right?
B.: You are quite right. The coldest climate is in the north, of course.
A.: Do they have much snow in the north?
B.: They do. They have quite a lot of snow in winter, and the temperature is very low at times.
A.: Very low, you say? How low can it be?
B.: It can be as low as -45°C.
A.: Terrible. What about Alaska? It must be extremely cold up there.
B.: Right. In the district of the Yukon the climate is arctic.
A.: But the climate is hot and dry in the south-east of the USA, isn't it?
B.: Yes, in the south-east it is hot and dry. In the central part of the country it is continental, though.
A.: What about the climate in the region of the Great Lakes?
B.: There the climate is very changeable, you know.
XI. Prepare a report on one of the American National Parks using the official website www.nps.gov Present your report in a form of an advertisement.
XII. Give the idea of the following text in Russian:
The Western Mountain System has a harsh, continental type of climate, cold winters with snowfalls and hot, dry summers. Certain areas, especially in the southern parts, are dry all the year round; the high plateaus of Arizona and New Mexico and southern parts of Nevada are arid.
The Pacific coast has a milder climate than the Atlantic coast, owing to winds blowing eastwards from the Pacific Ocean. The coastal currents being cool, extreme summer heat is rare except in the interior valleys. Along the coast of San Francisco the weather resembles that of western Europe.
I. Name:
- 5 Great Lakes - mountain ranges and peaks
- 7 geographical regions - the biggest rivers
- 4 time zones - famous waterfalls
- some cities - the southernmost point
- some states - some national parks
II. Give the English equivalent for the following:
1. Территория США составляет почти 10 миллионов квадратных километров. 2. США – страна контрастов, страна разнообразного рельефа. Там вы найдете пустыни и прерии, тропические леса и горы. 3. Гавайские острова стали штатом США в 1959 году. 4. Полуостров Флорида выступает в море как большой палец руки. Земля там болотистая, чуть выше уровня моря. 5. Из скольких штатов состоят США? 6. В какой части США самый холодный климат? 7. Что Вы можете сказать о климате в юго-восточной части США? 8. В какой части страны климат континентальный? 9. Климат в районе Великих озёр очень неустойчивый, не так ли? 10. Какая самая длинная река США?
Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 222.