Between 1849 and 1865, the United States, which had drastically expanded its borders, experienced a period of aggravation of relations between the regions of the country, which eventually led to a mutiny of the southern states and a bloody civil war. In this era, industrialization and a revolution in transport have taken place in the United States, changing the economy of the North and the West. Mass immigration, also directed mainly to the North, also caused serious changes in the culture of America. The beginning of the California gold rush and the massive settlement of the western territories put the old question of the admission or prohibition of slavery in the West on the agenda.
The problem of slavery between the north and the west became the main one in the 1850s. Before that, the North and the South had been arguing about how to allocate free land, which was much larger than the territory of the United States itself. And especially the dispute over the distribution of free land during the war between the United States of America and Mexico was aggravated. This war was in 1846-48. A prolonged political struggle led in 1850 to a compromise solution partially satisfying the interests of both the northern and southern states: California became a state free from slavery, but in Texas and other territories joined to the United States following the results of the American-Mexican war, slavery The majority of the local population could vote for it. In 1854, according to the principle of the sovereignty of the population, the law of Kansas-Nebraska was adopted, effectively repealing the previously adopted Missouri compromise, which limited the spread of slavery in the West. In Kansas, armed clashes began between supporters and opponents of slavery, which polarized the whole country. The victory of the opponents of slavery in Kansas and the creation of a new republican party with a clearly abolitionist program and based on the voters of the North have shifted the balance of political forces and created fears for their future in the South. In 1860, the Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln, with the support of the voters of the North and contrary to the will of the voters of the South, became president of the United States. Then the southern states announced their withdrawal from the union and the creation of a new confederal state. Taking control of the armed forces of the South, the Confederation seized the military bases remaining in the South loyal to the government in Washington by force. These were the first battles of the Civil War, lasting four years. It killed about 600-700 thousand Americans, most of the southern states were devastated by the war and the seizure of seaports, which caused a massive famine in the South. In the end, the North won, the territorial integrity of the United States was restored, and slavery was abolished throughout their territory.
19. Explain how the election of Abraham Lincoln to take outbreak of the Civil war.
Abraham Lincoln in 1809-1865was the sixteenth president of the United States during one of the most dun-dun-dun periods in American history, the Civil War.
Before being elected president, Lincoln served in the Illinois legislature and lost an election for the U.S. Senate to Stephen A. Douglas. Nevertheless, his fierce campaign earned him a nomination for the presidency. The first Republican president ever, Lincoln led the Union to victory in the Civil War and ended slavery in America.
Despite being remembered today as "The Great Emancipator," Lincoln maintained a moderate stance on the emancipation of slaves, never vowing in his campaigns to abolish slavery, as it was vital to the Southern economy.
He even stated in his presidential inaugural address that he would not use his executive power to interfere with the institution in any state where it existed. Still, Lincoln vehemently opposed the expansion of slavery into new western territories and served as one of the most influential advocates of "free soil." For this reason, the president posed a significant threat to the economic and political interests of the slaveholding South.
So, in response to his 1860 election victory, seven southern states seceded from the Union. Lincoln was determined to prevent disunion by any means necessary, but his attempts at negotiation failed. In the first months of his presidency, the nation was at war with each other.
Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 250.