Pliny the Elder in the 4th book of his Natural History for the first time tried to classify Germanic tribes, uniting them into groups according to geography:
“Germanic tribes fall into five groups:
1) Vandilians (Vandili), some of which are Burgundions (Burgodiones), Varins (Varinnae), Harins (Charini) and Hutons (Gutones);
2) theIngweons to whom the Cimbri, the Teutoni, and the Hawkan tribes (Chaucorumgentes) belong;
3) theIstkveoni who are closest to the Rhine and include sycambre;
4) Hermions living domestically, which include the Suebi, Hermunduri (Hermunduri), Chatti (Chatti), and Cheruski (Cherusci);
5) the fifth group consists of Peucini (Peucini) and bastarns (Basternae), which border the above-mentioned Dacians. ”
Istkveoni |
Istevons are localized in the north-west of modern Germany, and later also along both banks of the lower reaches of the Rhine and east of the Netherlands. |
Along with istvonami Tacitus mentions two other tribal groups, ingevonov and hermione, while he himself expresses doubts that this list is complete. |
The ethnonym was introduced by the ancient Roman historian Tacitus in the work “On the Origin of the Germans and the Location of Germany” |
Complete the table about the North Germanic languages, indicate lexical features of them:
# The West Germanic languages Vocabulary Word-formation
Danish alphabet, uses latin font, counts 29 letters (those same most, what and norwegian; см. Датско-norwegian alphabet). Feature danish alphabet are letters ææ, øø, åå. Letters qq, ww, zz meet only in foreign words.
The Swedish alphabet is Latin, with the letters Å, Ä, and Ö (in that order at the end of the alphabet), and also. Until 2006, the letter W was considered not an independent letter, but an analogue of V, and was used only in names of foreign origin and borrowings. In 2006, W was included in the alphabet. With a wide variety of dialects and dialects, written Swedish is uniform and standardized.
The Faroese alphabet is based, like the alphabets of other Germanic languages (except Yiddish and Gothic), in Latin and consists of 29 letters [27]:
Aa, Áá, Bb, Dd, Р , Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jí, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, ó, Pp, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, ú, Vv, Yy, Ýý, Ææ, Øø [28].
Ð, ð never occur at the beginning of a word. The capital letter is found in contexts that require all capital letters, for example, on maps: SUURUROY “Suri” (literally: “South Island”).
Instead Ø, ø can be met ö, for example, Föroyar "Faroe Islands".
Non-alphabetical letters may appear in personal names, for example, Lützen, Müller, Winther, Zacharias.
Complete the table about the East Germanic languages, indicate grammatical features of them:
# The East Germanic languages Grammatical category Word order
Known mainly for written records of the 4th — 6th centuries, the most important of which is the translation of the Bible attributed to the Visigothic Bishop of Wulfill — the alleged creator of the Gothic alphabet. Starting from the 6th century, the Gothic language began to gradually go out of use, being supplanted by the Romanesque languages in Italy and Spain, and also in the Greek language - in the Crimea. The language finally disappeared, probably by the beginning of the 9th century.
2) Phonology and sound-change Edit
The phonological features of Vandalic are similar to the ones of Gothic.
The Proto-Germanic long vowel *ē is often preserved in Vandalic names (Gunthimer, Geilimer), but it could become i when it was unstressed: Geilamir, Vitarit. The Proto-Germanic short vowel *e turned into i in Vandalic when it was not preceded by */r, h or w/, Sigisteun contains -i because g precedes the vowel, but Beremut retains the *e because r precedes the vowel. The Proto-Germanic *z is also preserved in the language but is written as s in the Latin names (Gaisericus).
3) The Burgundians (Latin: Burgundiōnes, Burgundī; Old Norse: Burgundar; Old English: Burgendas; Greek: Βούργουνδοι) were a large East Germanic (possibly Vandal) tribe or group of tribes that lived in the area of what is now Poland in the time of the Roman Empire.
54) Complete the table about the West Germanic languages, indicate grammatical features of them:
# The West Germanic languages Grammatical category Word order
1 English
2 German
3 Afrikaans
A group of articles on the grammatical categories of the English language: time, number, gender, degree, mood, voice.
54) Afrikaans Dutch English
Ek is ik ben I am
Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 283.